6-week Kettlebell Challenge (7/1/10 to 8/12/10)



  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    Morning all!

    I know the challenge hasn't officially begun, but I had already done my Danskin Kettle Bell Dvd on Monday... My back felt really sore yesterday but not my legs. I did the elliptical instead yesterday cause I didn't want to hurt anything.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this expected for the first few times? I have pretty strong legs so not feeling much soreness there. I looked in the mirror as I did my workout and thought I was doing it correctly. Am I supposed to keep a flat back while doing the squat, thrust move?

    Any advice appreciated :flowerforyou:

    Yes, I actually hurt myself with my 10lb KB doing the Danskin DVD once and was out of KB work for about a week. I think I pulled a muscle in my lower back when that happened. Be careful. I had to go down to an 8lb (5lb felt too light) and now it's much, much better. I still get a little sore, but doesn't feel as intense as before, like I ripped something. Go down in weight if you have to. The Danskin kettlebells are reasonably priced and, I think, more comfortable than the ones with the iron handles.
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Today the challenge begins... Even though I worked out with KBs yesterday, I did the Danskin with 10lb today for 24 minutes (First 2 workouts) this morning to kick off the challenge. I thought that it was too easy though. May be because yesterday, I graduated from 8KG to 12KG KB for my swings and pass arounds, I feel like 10lb is no big deal. I still need that for windmills and lying figure 8's though.
    Good luck everybody and I hope we are all transformed by the end of 6 weeks... like they say in the KettleWorx infomercial.

  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    BTW, 8KG is about 18 lb and 12KG is about 26.5 to 27lb.

  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    I did the my kettlebell dvd this morning again. My legs and butt were still sore, but usually working out helps that for me. I feel great after getting done. According to my HRM I burned 460 calories in the 55 minutes. Anyone with a HRM burn about that much with kettlebells? Just curious :)
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning all!

    I know the challenge hasn't officially begun, but I had already done my Danskin Kettle Bell Dvd on Monday... My back felt really sore yesterday but not my legs. I did the elliptical instead yesterday cause I didn't want to hurt anything.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this expected for the first few times? I have pretty strong legs so not feeling much soreness there. I looked in the mirror as I did my workout and thought I was doing it correctly. Am I supposed to keep a flat back while doing the squat, thrust move?

    Any advice appreciated :flowerforyou:

    The first time I did the workout I occasionally felt it in my back, but never got sore there. What I did specifically to make sure I wasn't putting stress on my back, especially on the swings...was too keep my core tight and when you swing up your arms and thrust your hips forward don't curve your back. Sometimes when I would bring my arms up above my head when doing the swing I would go too far and end up curving my back and that's when I could feel the stress.

    I no longer have had any issues with my back or feeling it there. That's all I got for advice haha hopefully it helps :)


    I need to remember to keep my core tight :) I actually don't arch my back when the Bell is raised above my head. But when I'm raising up from the swing my back is kinda round. I will pay better attention. Great info. :flowerforyou:

    I actually wear my HRM and for the whole danskin workout , completed in about 38 minutes I burned 340 calories (not including the warm up or cool down).
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning all!

    I know the challenge hasn't officially begun, but I had already done my Danskin Kettle Bell Dvd on Monday... My back felt really sore yesterday but not my legs. I did the elliptical instead yesterday cause I didn't want to hurt anything.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this expected for the first few times? I have pretty strong legs so not feeling much soreness there. I looked in the mirror as I did my workout and thought I was doing it correctly. Am I supposed to keep a flat back while doing the squat, thrust move?

    Any advice appreciated :flowerforyou:

    Yes, I actually hurt myself with my 10lb KB doing the Danskin DVD once and was out of KB work for about a week. I think I pulled a muscle in my lower back when that happened. Be careful. I had to go down to an 8lb (5lb felt too light) and now it's much, much better. I still get a little sore, but doesn't feel as intense as before, like I ripped something. Go down in weight if you have to. The Danskin kettlebells are reasonably priced and, I think, more comfortable than the ones with the iron handles.

    So sorry that happened to you :flowerforyou:

    It doesn't feel like the 10 lbs is too much. I can complete all the workouts comfortably. Thank God it doesn't feel like I ripped something... it just feels sore. Thanks for the info. :flowerforyou: Hopefully i will need to buy a heavier weight in the near future. :)
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Today the challenge begins... Even though I worked out with KBs yesterday, I did the Danskin with 10lb today for 24 minutes (First 2 workouts) this morning to kick off the challenge. I thought that it was too easy though. May be because yesterday, I graduated from 8KG to 12KG KB for my swings and pass arounds, I feel like 10lb is no big deal. I still need that for windmills and lying figure 8's though.
    Good luck everybody and I hope we are all transformed by the end of 6 weeks... like they say in the KettleWorx infomercial.


    Wow, you are really strong. Way to go!

    Padma. What does it mean actually? I know, I ask alot of questions :laugh:
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Spicy618, I did not get your question. Are you asking me to explain the exercises?

    I can be dense sometimes...

  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    I would LOVE to join! I've never used a kettelbell though so I have no idea what I'm supposed to do! Could you help me with that??:flowerforyou:
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    *bump* :smile:

    I did 45 minutes of kettlebell last night, followed by a half hour of boxing drills and abwork. MAN I'm tired today! I ordered a new DVD on Amazon last night (Angie Miller) to go with the 2 I have - always nice to have options - and a manual on constructing your own KB routine.

    Aabelein, a lot of starter kettlebells come with a DVD. The Danskin one that you can get at Walmart is a 10 lb KB and a nice intro-workout DVD for $20. If you've never used them though, and/or havent been training with hand weights, you might want to think of getting a lighter bell to start off with (5 or 8 lb?). Better to start lighter and move up quickly than hurt yourself with one that was too heavy :wink: I got another DVD from Amazon by the Firm that has a 5 lb.er (also about $20).

    Hope you can join in!
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    CVS has 5lb KB for 7.99 and I picked up a couple. Also Walgreens has KBs and they will be on sale (20%) off starting this Sunday. 5lb KB from CVS is very very cute.

  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    CVS has 5lb KB for 7.99 and I picked up a couple. Also Walgreens has KBs and they will be on sale (20%) off starting this Sunday. 5lb KB from CVS is very very cute.


    Thx for this info - would never think of looking there :)

    The other dvd-s that you guys order etc- are they any longer than 20-25 min ? Is that the only " recommended " duration for this type of workouts ? Are the other dvd's any better/different or is it all kind of the same thing ?

    I'm off to do my first workout for this month - looking forward for a great time with all of you guys :)
  • flwyland
    flwyland Posts: 142
    Well, I'm out this challenge. Had some stitches put in my side (at the bra line) and was told to limit my arm movements (no lifting, no high reaching, no repetetive movements) until the wound is completely healed. (Not just stitches out, completely healed :mad: ) That could take 4-6 weeks. I'll join in the next challenge that starts after I'm healed.
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Day 2: I have done the circuit with KBs and I am drenched in sweat and I am so proud of myself today. Total workout time with out counting the rest periods is 42 minutes.

    bosanka, the Gin Miller's DVD I have has 3 workouts and together they are about 40 minutes. If you have 5lb KB, it's a breeze. If you have a 10lb, it's bit hard. 15lb is not recommended at the beginner level. I like the instructor and the pace but after a couple of times, you will progress and will not like the DVD as it gets boring. I also have Amy Bento's Kettlebell Dynamics but I have yet to watch it. I do my own routine and I posted it in this thread. I will workout with this routine for another week or so and I will come up with a different one.

    As far as my research goes, there are 5 or 6 core moves like swings, cleans, presses, jerks, dead lifts, plie squats and snatches. You can build a routine using these exercises and frankly, I do not like to workout with a KB in front of a TV as there is always a chance that with all that momentum, if the bell slips your hand, you can break the TV or something. I do it only when I have no choice to go to the gym.

    flwyland, I am sorry that you are out of challenge but health is more important. Once this 6 weeks are out, I am planning to have another 4 week challenge and you can participate in that.

    Have a great day everybody and keep working out...
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    Got in one circuit of KB yesterday. Was only about 15-20 minutes, but Gin totally owned me. Tomorrow should be my rest day, but I really want to get in more KB work. We'll see. But throughout the month I plan on doing 15 KB workouts. LOVE this challenge!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Ok - today i have finished the " danskin" dvd - that came with the kettlebell - 1, 2, 3 - did them all with the 10 lbs- was really sweating- more than ever !
    I'm proud of finishing it. It was fun- and something new. And it does concentrate a lot on the legs- which i really need.

    Question- how do you add the " kettle bell " workout here to the exercise list on mfp ? I tried searching for it but no results came out. I don't have a HRM what should i put there ? How can i enter it into my daily workouts ?
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Bosanka, I have added kettlebell circuit to the exercise list. Can you check?
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I just tried any possible spelling for the workout and no matching results in the exercise search .. ?
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Where's everyone ? Girls please .. keep posting I need motivation - have it for now but don't want to risk of ' losing it " :)

    I 'd like to see more action here .. :)
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    I did my Kettlebell routine again this morning. I'm thinking about moving from a 8 pound to a 10 pound kettlebell...so I may do that this week I'm not sure yet. I've been doing it every other day for about a month now. This week i'm doing it Monday (today), Wednesday, and Friday. I love the feeling of finishing the dvd I use (PowerBody Kettlebell Bootcamp with Angie Miller).

    Hope everyone's weekend went great :)