6-week Kettlebell Challenge (7/1/10 to 8/12/10)



  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    So Sunday I did my Danskin video again including warm-up, workout 1 & 2, and cool-down/stretch. I was using a 10lb, but now I've gone down to an 8lb, but my back still hurt on Monday. It was horrible, I couldn't bend over without being in pain. Still today I'm sore. Not sure what I did because I've done this workout before with no serious injury and I was really focusing on my form. Maybe I need to stretch more afterwords or walk a little. Any suggestions?
    Will get in at least one more circuit by the end of the week, if not 2 more.
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Sorry Bosaka, I am here. Long weekend is a mess and could not get to do the KBs but I still got walk in my shape-ups. I did not want to do it today as it will upset my MWF schedule. Tomorrow, I am meeting with my trainer at 1pm for 45 minute session to get the correct form with the KBs. I will post the details.

  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Gerkenstein, do not continue for a couple of days with KBs. Try stretching your back and may be some yoga and other cardio. If you workout while your back hurts, you are going to aggrevate it further. Nothing is worth more than being in good health.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Hi gang! How's everyone doing?

    I got my (Angie Miller) Kettlebell Bootcamp DVD yesterday and ran through 5 of 8 circuits (about 45 mins). I used my baby 5 pounder just because it was a new routine - and it STILL really worked me. I was sweating like crazy. :happy: Strong moves with added cardio - I recommend it for anyone looking to step up the basic Gin workout.

    Keep rockin' it ~
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks, Padma. I walked yesterday and my back felt so much better. I really think I need twice the warm-up/cool-down than what's on the DVD. Not doing KBs until Friday and am going to walk a little before and after. Hopefully that works.

    Bosanka, hang in there! Sounds like you're making great strides! As far as logging it on my exercise log, I use "Calisthenics, home, light/moderate effort." I would use the vigorous effort, but I think it says I burn way too many calories. I don't have an HRM yet (am ordering Polar FT7 by the end of the week!) but once I have it, that will really help me track better.

    I'm starting a fitness bootcamp tonight w/ a group of my friends and a friend who is a personal trainer (will be every Wednesday in July). It's been difficult trying to plan my KBs around that. Doesn't look like I'm going to get in the 15 KB workouts I wanted, but I'm shooting for 10.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hi Girls!

    I will have to join the next challenge. I'm having surgery on the 16th and can't strain myself for 4 - 6 weeks after. I didn't do another Danskin Workout after my back was so sore... I did my normal cardio routines instead. My back feels way better now. :bigsmile:

    Gerkenstein - I agree you should give your back a break. it worked for me. :flowerforyou:

    Best to All :flowerforyou:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I just wanted to say that doing kettlebell exercises without proper instruction on technique can be an injury waiting to happen. My husband & I love kettlebells, but what we did was got a dvd workout led by an RKC (Russian Kettlebell Certified) instructor that has tutorials on proper form. (I do LOVE the ANgie Miller Bootcamp one, but her form is not the best). Anyway, just thought I'd throw out there that Lauren Brooks Ultimate Body Sculpt & COnditioning Vol 1 is a great dvd to both learn from & workout to (she has a Vol 2 as well). As is Art of Strength Clinic & Providence (Artofstrength.com is a great kbell resource- info on how to pick a kbell weight, etc.). Also maybe check out dragondoor.com for kbell resources as well (books, dvds, etc). Some RKC instructors post great "how to" videos on youtube as well. Of course if you can go get instruction live from an RKC (like I think someone posted above) then that would be fantastic. AOS & dragondoor I think also have a search feature for RKC folks in your area?

    Kbells can transform your body, no doubt about it. Personally I get a great butt, core & inner thigh workout.
    It's great to see people getting into kettlebells!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I just wanted to say that doing kettlebell exercises without proper instruction on technique can be an injury waiting to happen. My husband & I love kettlebells, but what we did was got a dvd workout led by an RKC (Russian Kettlebell Certified) instructor that has tutorials on proper form. (I do LOVE the ANgie Miller Bootcamp one, but her form is not the best). Anyway, just thought I'd throw out there that Lauren Brooks Ultimate Body Sculpt & COnditioning Vol 1 is a great dvd to both learn from & workout to (she has a Vol 2 as well). As is Art of Strength Clinic & Providence (Artofstrength.com is a great kbell resource- info on how to pick a kbell weight, etc.). Also maybe check out dragondoor.com for kbell resources as well (books, dvds, etc). Some RKC instructors post great "how to" videos on youtube as well. Of course if you can go get instruction live from an RKC (like I think someone posted above) then that would be fantastic. AOS & dragondoor I think also have a search feature for RKC folks in your area?

    Kbells can transform your body, no doubt about it. Personally I get a great butt, core & inner thigh workout.
    It's great to see people getting into kettlebells!!

    Hey Biloxi Thanks Bunches for all the resources :flowerforyou:

    Although my Dvd has some instruction on form there is nothing like actually seeing someone doing it properly - Live :bigsmile: I will take more time to research those sites you posted and I will hopefully get it together.
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Of course I did my kettlebell routine again this morning and i'm loving it. I think I need to move up to a 10 pound kettlebell, but may stick with the 8 pound one until I want to spend the money on the 10 pound one. I'm just really focusing on concentrating on the muscles i'm working and doing every move with good intensity.

    One question for all of you....do you use any gloves while using kettlebells? I can keep a grip on the kettlebell when I start sweating, but my hands start to hurt sometimes from gripping it hard to keep ahold of it. If you do use gloves, can you point me to some that aren't too expensive?

    Thanks :)
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    I just did my 40 minute Kettlebell workout with a trainer. There were lot of form mistakes he pointed out. I am glad I signed up for the sessions. My trainer is not certified in KB area but I trained with him on and off for last 3 years and he knows when to push me and when to back off and he knows about my bad knee so I try to stick to him. Now I know I can do one Turkishgetup on each side with very bad form (I could not even do that last week so that is an improvemenet).

    mdpeck , I wear gloves now. My first workout, I did not and I had blisters so I will not do that again.

    spicy618 , Good luck with your surgery!!

    BiloxiBelle! I ordered kettlenetics 4 DVD set and I have Gin Miller DVD to show the beginner moves. I am also working out with a trainer to get the basic form correct. Thanks for the tips.

    So for week #1, I had 3 KB workouts and I lost .6 lbs. Let's see what happens in week #2.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    You're kicking butt, Padma!

    I would love to find a KB trainer to perfect my form. I always watch the tutorials on my workouts and I guess bellydancing has helped train me to squinch my core and lock my lower back and pelvis correctly (enough) that I haven't strained my back. But you can never be over-prepared for working with weights of any kind. Thank you BiloxiBelle for the RKC search site :flowerforyou:
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Checking in ...

    I took last night off for recovery but am excited to hit the bootcamp again tonight. Especially since I got my new HRM today and I'm *dying* to find out how many cals I'm *really* burning! :happy:
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Alright! I am just done with my workout with kettlebells and I am drenched in sweat and feeling very very good for finishing strong. It took me 32 minutes (Rest and warm up not counting) to get the workout done and I do not think I have anything left in me.

    I received Kettlenetics DVDs yesterday so I started off with KB Elements this morning. 4lb KB is silly but I am going to use it for the second DVD Flow Motion Basics for first time and then I want to go to 10lb KB.

    I also got my 15 and 20lb KBs this week but I am not going to use them for a while since I have my gym workouts with KBs 3 days a week and I do not want to over train.

    Have a nice weekend, keep working out.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    *bump* :wink:

    Had an active weekend at the lake (swimming, etc.) so I didn't KB. Did a good boxing workout this morning but only 30 minutes - hope to get a few quick KB drills in tonight. I'm leaving or vacay on Friday and really want to clean my house thoroughly before we go - so my workouts may be more housework related this week ;)

    I was thrilled to learn via my new HRM that I'm burning WAY more calories than I thought doing KB. YAY!
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    I confess! I've been a slacker. With bootcamp torture on Wednesday and was sore Thursday and Friday I figured better safe than sorry. So I'm picking up my KBs again today for at least 2 workouts w/ Gin and will again on Friday. Hoping to get one of these great form videos everyone keeps talking about this weekend with my paycheck. :bigsmile:

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi All,
    I had the danskin kettlebell 8lb but when I did the w/o my back was really bothering me the next day. I also ordered the FIRM kettlebell w/o with 5lb kettlebell and it should be here when I get home. I plan on giving it a shot to see if the lighter bell makes a difference.
    looking forward to seeing what a KB w/o will do to and for my body!

    Will check back later,
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    I have just finished a PT session with KBs and my trainer showed me some combo moves that left me panting. I am heavy footed so when I jog on treadmill, the whole gym knows that I am jogging. I can't keep my feet light. Plus I am very challenged in coordination department. If you give me a single move, I would master it. But if you make me do a combo, I am like a fish out of water. That is exactly what happened today to me. It took me 6 or 7 minutes to learn to swing with both hands, do a 180 degree turn and do a swing again and turn again. Regular swings, no sweat. But this move is a killer. my heart rate was at 180 and I was about to faint. Then he made me do the clean, press, and reverse lunge in one move. I am not kidding that I almost fell backwards with the damn KB. Anyways, I survived and feeling a bit better now. I will be on my own until 26th so he also gave me a little routine to workout every other day. I will post it next time(Wednesday). Keep working out everybody!!! ...

  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    HI girls

    I did only 3 workouts so far , was a little busy - went away with kids to swimming etc - but i will try to get back to my normal rutine

    I'm trying to put my " meals " back together- so out of track - to the point - that even my husband noticed and said " you really should go back to WW " . grrr.. i mean i would be mad at him for saying this, but at least he is honest and see's me not being happy - he noticed how happy i was while i was " under control " with ww - so for 2 years i have stopped and - gained all 25lbs back - not happy - no clothes fit me :( i feel huge - and i am huge ..

    so i'm getting back to basics - no point in any workout if i'm just going to ruin it without a food plan ..

    And i need - any motivation and support i can get ..
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everyone-
    Completed w/os 1 and 2 of the Danskin KB w/o w/ Gin - using 8lb bell - I really tried to focus on my form and keep my core tight and a neutral spine - i guess i'll find out tomorrow if i was more successful than the 1st time. I added FIRMS Cardio Overdrive Express (25min) + 5 lb weights and I was wringing w/ sweat. My HRM was all over the place.
    165 cals for kettlebell w/o 1 and 2
    225 cals for the cardio overdirve exp
    I can't beleive how out of shape i've gotten. Totally my fault. I used to be able to jump aroud w/ weights no problem - challenging but not like this. I really wanted to quit like halfway through. But I didn't :drinker: Woo Hoo!!! It's the little victories.
    and my KB from FIRM was on the doorstep when I finished!! w/ a 5lb bell. I might try that tomorrow.
    The first days seem to be the hardset and boy has my diet been ridiculous and self indulgent - no more!!

    Bosanka, my DH noticed too!! Was a reality check for me - yes, he's noticed I've gained weight. and yes, he's notice i'm not happy with myself. so much for denial:noway:

    Is the KB work out something that can be done daily or do you have to wait a day in between??

    Have a great night everyone,
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Janet, I asked the same question on DragonDoor.com forums. They say that if you you vary the weights, you should be able to workout everyday with KBs and when you are overtraining, your body sends you signals. but people on the dragondoor are hardcore and they scoffed at my questions when I say 5/8lb kbs. In their eyes, working with dvds by these kettlenetics or firm is a joke. But, I took their advice with a grain of salt. I am not going as hardcore as they would and I am not pushing too far too fast either. So for now, I am doing PT with KBs once a week, and I am working out on my own 2 times a week. I use the DVDs only when am not in the mood to go to the gym.