Zimmerman vs. Martin



  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Zimmerman is a murderer who killed an unarmed boy. His story completely falls apart when you look at it, or give it any scrutiny. I think you need to be pretty ideological to buy his version of events. I hope he goes away for a long time, people like him are dangerous to society.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    lady, maybe you feel this way because you feel like you cant defend yourself in a fight....but for guys...losing a fight doesnt mean you kill someone.

    It wasn't a bro fight over some girl. TM was slamming GZ's head against a sidewalk.

    keep justifying the murder of a young man. im just glad this case will lead to tighter gun laws. get them out of the hands of wanna be cops like GZ.

    It won't lead to tighter gun laws. And look at the cities that have tighter gun laws, they are the murder capitals of the US. But it's ok, it's criminals killing people instead of someone defending themself against a criminal.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I, along with many other people, have reported this post to the admins to be removed or locked! It is getting way out of hand and should never have been posted!

    Yea, opinions here aren't looked upon well. Just leave if you don't like it. Are the the MFP neighborhhod watch or something?

    Nope, but evidently you are all a bunch of children who really don't know when enough is enough! This is turning into name calling and ridiculous accusations about people none of you even know! Grow up!!

    why do you care? just DONT CLICK THE THREAD.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Hyuck... I live in Orlando. The case is televised at all times while court is in session on all local channels here. Trust me, we watch the EVIDENCE being presented. I guarantee I know more about this case than you. But you beat that 'justice' drum brah...

    heh u probably have been following it more by choice or not. :D

    This makes no sense... why would I NOT follow it? It's called forming an opinion based on EVIDENCE... not emotion. You would make a sh*tty juror.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I haven't seen one racist post in this entire thread. The only reason there is a trial is because of racism though. I hope for your son's sake that he is smarter than Martin and would react like a human being and not an animal to attack someone for asking him why he was walking through a neighborhood in 90* weather with a hoodie at 2am.

    Treyvon is the animal? hes not the one that instigated this entire thing. if GZ had just stayed in his car this never would have happened. if anyone is an animal its GZ.

    Getting out of your car ins't a crime. Following someone walking at night as a neighborhood watch isn't a crime. Stopping someone and asking them questions isn't a crime. ATTACKING some is a crime. Selling drugs is a crime. Stealing jewelry is a crime. Do we need to continue?

    Martin was not committing those crimes at the time of the incident. Stalking IS a crime, and being a volunteer neighborhood watch does not put one above the law. All neighborhood watches are instructed by police to report suspicious activity NOT engage or attempt to apprehend!!

    when did he attempt to apprehend? His first encounter with Martin was being attacked.
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Firstly, it's The State of Florida vs. Zimmerman.

    Second, he was legally within his rights to carry his weapon. He had all permits and a legal purchase.

    Third, this was a 6', 17 year old young man. Martin was hardly a 'child'. He was the one who came at Zimmerman first. He was beating the crap out of Zimmerman, the police photos and medical documents prove that.

    Fourth, sorry but it was self-defense.

    Fifth, Second Degree Murder is over-charging Zimmerman. The State will never get that, and if they do, then there's something rotten in Denmark.

    Sixth, the Judge should be disbarred for here conduct and biased.

    Seventh, who really cares at this point. There's other things to get pissed about.

    Yeah, it's really self-defense when you're the one who pursued an unarmed person eating skittles. Totally. If a stranger pursued me as I was walking along minding my own business, I'd have beat the **** out of him too. Speaking of, you're playing pretty fast and loose with the term "beating the **** out of..." I've had a paper-cut produce a lot of blood, that doesn't speak to the actual injury. Lastly, if anyone was standing their ground, it was Martin.

    *sigh* yet another 'emotional' response... SMH.

    I get that way when I'm surrounded by morons.
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    One is dead and the other is a liar.
    Another ignorant user. Classy.
    Why would I care what you think? Someone like you doesn't even deserve to be alive.

    "That's real retarded Sir... real retarded."

    (see what I did there?)

  • LibertyBelle89
    ready for this case to be over............not gonna give my opinion on it, but curious to see what everyone else thinks
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I, along with many other people, have reported this post to the admins to be removed or locked! It is getting way out of hand and should never have been posted!

    Yea, opinions here aren't looked upon well. Just leave if you don't like it. Are the the MFP neighborhhod watch or something?

    Nope, but evidently you are all a bunch of children who really don't know when enough is enough! This is turning into name calling and ridiculous accusations about people none of you even know! Grow up!!
    Oh... Kinda like calling us "children?" That's tantamount to name-calling as well, honey. Pot, meet kettle.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Zimmerman is a murderer who killed an unarmed boy. His story completely falls apart when you look at it, or give it any scrutiny. I think you need to be pretty ideological to buy his version of events. I hope he goes away for a long time, people like him are dangerous to society.

    So are people who don't examine evidence without emotion.
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    I, along with many other people, have reported this post to the admins to be removed or locked! It is getting way out of hand and should never have been posted!

    Yea, opinions here aren't looked upon well. Just leave if you don't like it. Are the the MFP neighborhhod watch or something?

    I apologize the thread has gone in the direction it has. I clearly wanted to be peaceful about it, but different views bring on things like this. I personally enjoy reading different views about things.It does not upset me, nor should it upset anyone else. I believe that is what makes the world so diverse. So, again I apologize to anyone that I offended by posting this. Please accept :flowerforyou: for you :smile: Have a great day!
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    You can't chase someone down, then shoot when attacked and call it self-defense. He had no business following the kid. He was specifically told not to. He was trying to be a hero and it back-fired. He's guilty.

    Actually, yes you can. What you can't do is attack someone for following you, especially neighborhhod watch, security, etc.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    It won't lead to tighter gun laws. And look at the cities that have tighter gun laws, they are the murder capitals of the US. But it's ok, it's criminals killing people instead of someone defending themself against a criminal.

    ok so Obama wont use this to tighten gun laws then...im glad you agree. :) (this surprises me)
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    ready for this case to be over............not gonna give my opinion on it, but curious to see what everyone else thinks

    You got 14 pages of opinions right here :laugh: have fun, grab some popcorn while you're at it
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    I get that way when I'm surrounded by morons.

    ...and now the mature name-calling.
  • mzteebell
    mzteebell Posts: 44 Member
    I, along with many other people, have reported this post to the admins to be removed or locked! It is getting way out of hand and should never have been posted!

    We can agree to disagree without you having to call the MFP police?
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    You can't chase someone down, then shoot when attacked and call it self-defense. He had no business following the kid. He was specifically told not to. He was trying to be a hero and it back-fired. He's guilty.

    Actually, yes you can. What you can't do is attack someone for following you, especially neighborhhod watch, security, etc.

    GZ never announced who he was. So yes, I would feel threatened by someone who was chasing me.
  • akklm05
    akklm05 Posts: 16
    From my understanding, a young man was walking through a gated community, talking on the phone, while he made his way back to his place after buying snacks at a convenience store.

    And some dude, under the guise of being part of a neighborhood watch, accosted him. AFTER the police told him not to.

    Now, if some son of a b approached me, and I told him to back off, and he didn't and we got into a scuffle where I ended up getting shot?

    Who is guilty? What, if someone approaches me in a confrontational way, I'm not supposed to defend myself?

    I don't care if Trayvon is percieved as a child or a thug. He was minding his own business and Zimmerman instigated. Had Zimmerman done what the police TOLD him to do, Trayvon would have kept on walking and none of this would have happened.

    This is my take on it. And it doesn't matter to me that Trayvon got in trouble at school or smoked pot. He is 17. Lots of kids behave this way and grow up to be 100% awesome contributing members of society.

    Trayvon didn't get the chance to do that because a grown assed man approached him and started a fight. Unreal.
  • jennrox78
    jennrox78 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm just fascinated by how many people are ignoring the fact that it was Martin who attacked Zimmerman while he was getting BACK in his car and the growing amount of evidence and testimonies from the police and reports that support Zimmerman's story. :noway:
    Facts are facts.


  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Firstly, it's The State of Florida vs. Zimmerman.

    Second, he was legally within his rights to carry his weapon. He had all permits and a legal purchase.

    Third, this was a 6', 17 year old young man. Martin was hardly a 'child'. He was the one who came at Zimmerman first. He was beating the crap out of Zimmerman, the police photos and medical documents prove that.

    Fourth, sorry but it was self-defense.

    Fifth, Second Degree Murder is over-charging Zimmerman. The State will never get that, and if they do, then there's something rotten in Denmark.

    Sixth, the Judge should be disbarred for here conduct and biased.

    Seventh, who really cares at this point. There's other things to get pissed about.

    Yeah, it's really self-defense when you're the one who pursued an unarmed person eating skittles. Totally. If a stranger pursued me as I was walking along minding my own business, I'd have beat the **** out of him too. Speaking of, you're playing pretty fast and loose with the term "beating the **** out of..." I've had a paper-cut produce a lot of blood, that doesn't speak to the actual injury. Lastly, if anyone was standing their ground, it was Martin.

    I hope you don't really beat someone that you think is following you. If you do you may end up shot as well. This is very stupid logic.