Weight Loss Seems Impossible



  • deerobseven
    deerobseven Posts: 31 Member
    tennileb wrote: »
    You mentioned thirsty all the time? is you thirst constant, almost unquenchable? I ask because that can be a warning sign of diabetes. If you are just a big water drinker and it is not unquenchable thirst then no big deal but true constant thirst...see you dr just to be safe.

    Its not always unquenchable, but i cant be without a drink at any point in time. I have one with me most of the day. I can drink several cups when im eating any meal. It might be a habitual thing lol! I recently had a biometric screening and my blood sugar was fine so im sure thats not it. I just went to see my doctor on monday and i am waiting on the results of the blood tests for thyroid, etc. If thats not it my next step in the OB.

    Another bit of background:

    Along with the lack of being able to lose weight, I have frequent hot flashes, nausea and crazy mood swings.... and... my husband and i have been trying to conceive baby number to for 4 years now and i have never used birth control... my body is obviously telling me no at the moment... I guess alot of it seems hormonal so thats def one of the reasons im waiting on the thyroid test. Im only 25, theres no real reason any of the above should be as big of an issue as they are for me if I was in good health.
  • deerobseven
    deerobseven Posts: 31 Member
    Thank You all for your feedback so far! I am soaking it all in. Some things can be done now and some will have to wait but it is all helpful and greatly appreciated. I can be a bit on the negative side sometimes so I appreciate everyone's patience with me and all of the uplifting words. <3;)
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I know first hand that sleep deprivation is a big motivation-killer. My 11mo has just started sleeping through the night (well, with only one feeding, down from 6-8 lol), and before this I TRIED to motivate myself to work out and eat well after getting a few hours of broken sleep, and it never lasted. Now I am starting slow because I'm still nursing but getting even a 6 hour stretch of solid, unbroken sleep is heaven to me now.

    And I do understand the issue with sharing a car. My hubby and I have always shared one car even when we both worked full time and it involved a lot of waiting around before/after work. Is it possible for you to take the bus at all? When I started a few hours after hubby, catching the bus to work allowed me to get an extra couple of hours of sleep, and then he'd pick me up at the end of the day. Having a 5 yo may complicate that for sure though.

    I've ALSO lived with my hubby's grandpa when we were getting on our feet as newlyweds, and he shopped and cooked every supper. He'd legit put a stick of butter in every pot - meat, potatoes, corn. 3 sticks of butter! And he'd push seconds onto us and basically insult me when I said 'no thank you, I'm stuffed' with a smile. I gained 20lbs after I got married and I blame him! lol

    So I don't have much advice, just wanted to say, I feel your struggle - mine all happened individually, I really feel for you having all those things happening all at once!
  • deerobseven
    deerobseven Posts: 31 Member
    I know first hand that sleep deprivation is a big motivation-killer. My 11mo has just started sleeping through the night (well, with only one feeding, down from 6-8 lol), and before this I TRIED to motivate myself to work out and eat well after getting a few hours of broken sleep, and it never lasted. Now I am starting slow because I'm still nursing but getting even a 6 hour stretch of solid, unbroken sleep is heaven to me now.

    And I do understand the issue with sharing a car. My hubby and I have always shared one car even when we both worked full time and it involved a lot of waiting around before/after work. Is it possible for you to take the bus at all? When I started a few hours after hubby, catching the bus to work allowed me to get an extra couple of hours of sleep, and then he'd pick me up at the end of the day. Having a 5 yo may complicate that for sure though.

    I've ALSO lived with my hubby's grandpa when we were getting on our feet as newlyweds, and he shopped and cooked every supper. He'd legit put a stick of butter in every pot - meat, potatoes, corn. 3 sticks of butter! And he'd push seconds onto us and basically insult me when I said 'no thank you, I'm stuffed' with a smile. I gained 20lbs after I got married and I blame him! lol

    So I don't have much advice, just wanted to say, I feel your struggle - mine all happened individually, I really feel for you having all those things happening all at once!

    Its so wonderful having someone who understands my pain LOL! I cooked alot of baked fish and chicken before my financial struggles and before the in laws moved in, they dont believe in baking anything but cookies LOL! They also use butter and bacon grease in everything! Its delicious but its artery clogging haha! Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with me. It really does feel good to know im not the only one and not completely crazy! :D
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Wooohooo congrats OP. Patience, determination and not giving up will pay off in the end.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    Hey guys, I need some advice I guess. I am in a situation where I am not the one buying the food in my house and I cannot buy it myself... long story, please let me spare the details.

    I feel like it is impossible to lose weight because I cannot eat healthy, though I try to portion, the food is full of carbs and fat.

    I have gym at my job and I currently only do 3-5 days a week 30 min at a time. I want to do more but I am always completely exhausted, partially from eating bad, partially because i cant sleep at night and i get up at 4am...

    I am not always great at water intake but i'm getting there... Ive already had 5 going on 6 glasses of water today.

    Has anyone had successful weight loss while unable to eat healthy?
    Does anyone have any helpful tips?

    I have lost all motivation and feel exhausted 24-7. I don't want mean to be full of excuses, but I am. :(

    How are you "unable to eat healthy?"

    The food in the house is full of carbs and fat? Well just don't eat much of it. The gym won't help you even if you go.

    If you eat little enough, you will lose weight. It sounds like you're not in the best situation but you can still lose weight it you have the motivation. If you don't, you won't, and that's the bottom line.

    Exactly. And it will cost less with the smaller portions.

    Dee, I have insomnia also and often only get 4 hours or less. It does make weight loss more difficult because of the fatigue and stress hormones. I bought one of those headbands for sleep apnea that slips under my chin. It keeps the tongue from relaxing and falling back which was obstructing air flow. It was fairly inexpensive on Amazon. It is worth trying if you think you aren't breathing well and awaken abruptly a lot.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,063 Member
    One additional thought. You mentioned you're ALWAYS thirsty, which makes me wonder if diabetes is a possibility. Have you seen a doctor and had any blood work done recently? It might be worthwhile.

    In my experience, diabetes can also make you feel exhausted.

    I hope your situation improves soon. Good luck to you and your family.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,063 Member
    Sorry for posting the above! I see it's been mentioned already. :/
  • Veryana
    Veryana Posts: 122 Member
    Have you tried earplugs for sleeping? Good earplugs stay in your ears and block noises well, when you have problems with sleeping and stress you wake up easier from little sounds already. Also can you separate bed with your husband so him moving on bed won't wake you up? If it is possible to have a separate bed you can also have a curtain/other space separating wall next to your bed to block out light from computer/whatever your husband is doing that keeps you awake. Getting more or better sleep is going to help you have more energy for things like work, logging foods, exercise and a lot more. So definitely try out everything that helps reducing whatever wakes you up in the middle of night.
  • eileenmccaskey
    eileenmccaskey Posts: 5 Member
    Thyroid can make you very hormonal, when mine is off my husband runs lol. I have a similar schedule getting up at 3 am and it is difficult. It is possible to lose with less healthy foods, but an option I'm not sure you have is to ask your m.i.l if you could cook your own food. That way you could pick some of the better options prepared in a healthier way. My husband and I are on different ends of the scale he is trying to gain while I am trying to lose we eat mostly the same stuff, but just cook it differently. Hope everything work out for you.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    Dee, your MIL may want to lose weight as well. Tell her of your desire and ask if she would like to do it with you. I find if my husband agrees to diet with me, then he won't bring in the savory, salty snacks and sugary treats. Win win. Plus he loses 3 times as fast as I do, so he gets a benefit.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    edited July 2016
    This is tough, OP, hang in there. I have to say, though, in genuinely confused why your husband is in the room crashing around in the middle of the night when you are working days. Why can't he be somewhere else in the house if he's awake? Can't he just sit in the living room or something? It just seems odd that he would be content to deprive you of sleep like that, over a long period of time. Or is he unaware that he's disturbing your sleep? Have you told him?

    It just seems to me obvious that if one person is up and the other is trying to sleep, they should not be in the same room. And that if someone is living in their own house, whoever else might be living there with them, they should have other places they can spend time other than a bedroom in which someone else is trying to sleep.

    I hope this doesn't upset you or you don't feel I'm speaking out of turn - but 4-5 hours sleep is not sustainable and will damage your health over the medium to long term. It's a serious issue. I understand about insomnia, I get it myself, but the main issue seems to be your husband making noise and maybe even having the light on? That's not insomnia, it's an impossible sleeping environment. I agree with others that you're going to struggle improving your life in other areas until that's resolved.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I would suggest that working on reducing fatigue would likely make a world of difference. You need sleep. Without it you will feel hungrier. And working out while fatigued will further stress your body and again increase hunger.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    It is a family of 7 so maybe hubbie has nowhere to go when he is awake at night?
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Definitely watch your portion sizes of higher calorie foods. Try to have a salad with your meal.
    I lived with family as an adult because of poor finances. I cooked a lot of dinners for everyone but sometimes just meals for dh, dd and myself.
    Sit down with your family and decide how you will make the living situation work better for everyone. You are sharing resources- house, money, time. Maybe designate an area where your dh can hang out that isn't your bedroom while you are sleeping. (attic, basement, bathroom maybe if kitchen or living room won't work).
    Make a meal plan together. Take turns cooking for everyone or inlaws cook for themselves and you cook for yourpart of the family.
    Make a grocery list together so everyone gets stuff they want to eat.
    A whole chicken or chicken thighs, tuna, eggs, peanut butter, frozen vegetables, dry beans or lentils are not expensive and can be used a lot of ways. A big pot of soup can be inexpensive and be reheated.
    Maybe walk in the morning.
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    edited July 2016
    WBB55 wrote: »
    If you had a food allergy to peanuts, would you feel bad asking your in laws to purchase a few foods here or there that don't have peanuts? Or would that also seem out of the question to you?

    I'm not you, I don't know the family dynamics, but asking for a few particular items isn't being ungrateful. They may be proud of you for having the humility to admit there's something specific you need in order to be healthy during this difficult period in your life.
    Food allergies are something different, than not wanting to eat particular food. Are folks missing the point, it seems she can't afford to purchase food right now and the in laws are feeding the family. At this point in time, watch calories. Eat or starve. If protein shakes can be purchased, there is some extra money somewhere.

    You can only control, what you can control.