


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I will usually have a donut (I keep a bunch in the freezer and warm up as needed) or ice cream, or some other treat after dinner everyday. I do have a very high # of cals to spend though so I go all out ;)
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    Does anyone just include a donut or some other "bad" food in their day to keep cravings in check or as a reward? still keeping within your calorie allotment for the day .

    YES!!! IME, being restrictive leads to eating disorders and unhealthy relationships with food. This is just the beginning of that crap storm. You begin to retreat into yourself, you get depressed, and the cycle becomes nasty. IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) was my saving grace from a 4 year binge eating disorder that developed out of being super restrictive and eating "clean" on that note....

    there is no such thing as good food, bad food. Placing labels on food, leads us to ban them from our intake. We say, “No, No, No, No, No…” We push for the perfect diet, once we eat this food that does not fall into this neat diet box; we throw our hands up, saying we failed so now is the time to eat everything we can. This leads to punishment. Which leads to more restrictions. This is the vicious cycle we as binge eaters face. I used to believe it myself, that there was clean food and bad food. It simply is this manifested idea. If you ask a vegan, he/she will say animal based foods are not clean. Someone who is a vegetarian will disagree, and say it is just animal products that are not clean. Then a paleo guy runs in screaming about how meat is clean, but grains aren’t. So someone has to be right? They are all wrong. Instead, adopt my grandmother’s wise old adage of “everything in moderation.” AKA IIFYM:))
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    I have a couple of Long Johns about every other Sunday. It kills my calories for the day, so I don't do it very often. Same with pizza. We had a program a week ago for kids, and got pizza for everyone, including the adults running the program. I ate 2 pieces of pizza and it was 850 calories and I was hungry 3 hours later. Not doing that again. My calorie allotment is about 1400 for the day, so there are foods that aren't worth eating for me If I do eat them, I don't get to eat much else for the day, so I really have to want it.
  • kendahlj
    kendahlj Posts: 243 Member
    Food is neither good nor bad. Just calorie dense or not. And yes include treats into my daily calories.

    Donuts are terrible for you...even if they are within your calorie goals.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    kendahlj wrote: »
    Food is neither good nor bad. Just calorie dense or not. And yes include treats into my daily calories.

    Donuts are terrible for you...even if they are within your calorie goals.

    I think that's more than a tad dramatic, don't you? I have baked goods, including donuts, from time to time and nothing bad happens to me. Keep in mind there are many different kinds of donuts; not all of them are deep fried, highly frosted donuts.

    Anyway, funny this thread came up because this morning I decided to treat myself to a lavender flower cake donut from Doughnut Plant. I had it for breakfast with a shake I made with vanilla agave cashew milk, vanilla protein powder, matcha powder, and ice. It was all delicious and nothing bad happened to me from enjoying my little treat.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    I exercise restraint over things like doughnuts, obviously - sugary fried dough is definitely in the "treat" category - but I have no particular rules about when I'm "allowed" to have them. If a doughnut comes into my life, I'll make a decision about whether I want to arrange my eating so I can have it, or if it's too much trouble at that point. I do prefer to keep my routine eating moderate enough that I can afford to take advantage of doughnuts or similar opportunities when they arise.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,878 Member
    I have a sneaky suspicion that lots of strict calorie counters do not include a donut in their day. Maybe one every two week or even less frequent. :) Donuts are too calorie dense and don't seem to worth the calories!!!!

    Tell me I'm wrong, daily donut eaters! :)

    Here in Australia, donuts are not very nice. Thank goodness. :grin: Otherwise I might be tempted to eat them every day.

    So no, I don't eat donuts every day. I eat them about 2-3 times a year.

    However, I do have toast with nutella and honey just about every day. :):)