What are single people supposed to do other than eat?



  • bemyyfriend0918
    bemyyfriend0918 Posts: 241 Member
    I get the whole thing about creating a caloric deficit

    But if you are single what are you supposed to do other than eat, go to work, and sleep?

    People in relationships can:

    have coffee with their husband
    talk to their husband about their day
    hold their husband's hand
    have sex with their husband
    go on a hike with their husband

    Whereas single people have a lot of time on their hands which is why they eat and get fat

    You can have coffee with friends!
    Talk to your friends/family/internet friends about your day
    read a book or watch tv
    have sex with yourself (lol)
    go on a hike with friends/family or go to the gym alone!
  • bemyyfriend0918
    bemyyfriend0918 Posts: 241 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Effing really?

    The possibilities are endless when you're single...all of your time is actually your time to do what you will...you get married and have a family and suddenly time becomes a real issue because priorities have to focus on more than just you...you're single, you're all you have to worry about or be concerned with...

    When I was single I:

    Had coffee with friends...or not...sometimes I just enjoy a cup of coffee on the patio and taking in a beautiful morning.

    I went hiking...a lot...sometimes with friends, sometimes on my own...a hike in the woods on your own is a beautiful thing...I still do it.

    I road my bike a lot

    I hit the gym

    I played frisbee golf and ultimate frisbee with my buddies

    I played video games for hours on end

    I spent a lot of time reading without being interrupted

    I could go on and on and on....

    Please, give me a break! It's so much easier to do what you want to do when you want to do it when you don't have other considerations like a wife and family...it's great and all, but your time ceases to be your time...it's everyone's time.

    I agree with this post. It is much easier to diet/eat healthy/ and workout when you are single. Unless the spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend was also dieting which I doubt happens that often.
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    edited July 2016
    I agree with this post. It is much easier to diet/eat healthy/ and workout when you are single. Unless the spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend was also dieting which I doubt happens that often.

    Exactly. I made it clear when I started dating my now ex bf that fitness was important to me. He liked being big and eventually thought I wanted him to change. Now that that nonsense is done, I can lift and not have anyone whine about it.
  • girl_inflames
    girl_inflames Posts: 374 Member
    LMAO. Okay. Thanks for the laugh. :smile:
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I have been single/widdowed for the past 17 years. My life is very busy.

    I have a great job. When I am not at work I:
    Ride my horse
    Hang out at the barn talking to fellow horse owners all day
    Practice Aikido at the dojo (3 nights a week)
    Go on trips to aikido seminars a few weekends a year
    Visit the zoo, botanical garden, and museums around my area. I have a membership to the botanical garden and visit often.
    Go to a movie or have a movie night at home with a friend.
    Go for a walk in the park.
    Enjoy the peace and quiet of my home.
    Paint, draw
    Care for my orchids and container garden
    Go for a long drive in my Subaru and discover new places.

    I really enjoy being single and have no interest in changing that.

  • seekingdaintiness
    seekingdaintiness Posts: 137 Member
    What CAN'T you do while you're single? Is this even a real question lol? omg there's an entire world out there
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    OP, you don't ask people out after 5 minutes. Maybe in exceptional circumstances, but I have always hated being hit on by strangers in the street. Why would you go on a date with someone you know nothing about? They could be a serial killer. Or a Trump supporter.
    Anyway, I agree you should try online dating. Talk to many men and work out who you like/don't like and then wait and see if they want to meet you. You seem to think that approaching anyone with a penis will get you a relationship. It won't. Be more selective and less self-pitying