


  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    Will you be smoking during your fast?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited July 2016
    Now I do not mean to undermine the context of this thread, but who thinks (especially smokers and ex smokers as I raise my hand) thinks that a water fast is gonna do one thing about this?

    Now caffeine, caffeine has a "half life" in the body and is excreted from the body.. Alcohol, wine, etc.. the same.

    We have gone from Stress, to smoking, to caffeine consumption.. :( .

    Stop smoking and you remove all the bad and ugly stuff with each day after cessation.

    Caffeine consumption? Well this goes away naturally.. If it did not, we would all be wired and waiting for a heart attack!

    Stressed? Get a dog, or a cat, stay off social media and get a new job and kick the boy friend to the curb, this will all ease stress.

  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    Wetcoaster wrote: »

    No it does not get rid of "toxins".

    You don't like the word "toxins" but fasting causes autophagy. Autophagy is the body’s mechanism of getting rid of all the broken down, old cell organelles, proteins and cell membranes. It is suspected that a buildup of these types of things causes cancer, alzheimers, accelerated aging. Small molecules, peptides, or proteins that are capable of causing disease are called toxins.

    More good stuff about fasting and autophagy:

  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    Ive been super busy/stressed recently and have read its beneficial for the body and mind to embark on a water fast.
    Has anyone done a water fast? Reviews?

    You'd be better off doing yoga and meditation. Fasting won't help stress.
    Once you've learned how to manage your stress, then think about fasting. :)
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    In the first one on autophagy? if fasting did this (and it says short term.. how short term? Why are they developing drugs that cross the blood brain barrier and increase neuronal autophagy? Where is the clinical study on this one? Is this over night fasting, 24 fasting?

    Still looking at the others. I may need to quit now.. :(
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    ^^^ the body does this process every day without the fast so why bother with the fast?!?
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    The quote I posted it something I just pulled up from the internet in response to the comments which posted no facts, reviews, just blunt perceptions of what it is.
    I wanted real reviews/knowledge.

    I would recommend looking up scientific articles on your library databases then. Not asking random people to do it for you.

    I do not understand why people are sonegative on here.
    Its meant to be a community space to support people. Not a way to slate people, there ideas and views.
    Its pathetic.
    As I have said, I wanted REVIEWS on fasting, not pessimistic opinions from people who know nothing about it.

    I don't understand how it was negative. You may get the reviews on MFP but not the "real knowledge" you requested. So I suggested where to find it. You will often find things are less negative when you look at things with a positive mindset.
  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    In the first one on autophagy? if fasting did this (and it says short term.. how short term? Why are they developing drugs that cross the blood brain barrier and increase neuronal autophagy? Where is the clinical study on this one? Is this over night fasting, 24 fasting?

    Still looking at the others. I may need to quit now.. :(

    I would assume that they are developing the drugs for people who won't or can't fast and exercise, and/or who are already sick with alzheimers. If you dig through Dr. Fung's website (the last link), you'll find a ton of info about fasting. I think it's he that suggests that autophagy starts in about 16 hours. I don't understand what other study you are asking about -- are you looking for proof that drug companies are trying to develop drugs?

    Nobody around here seems to like links that are not from NIH, but this article is convenient in that a lot of the benefits are explained all in one place and it has links to the studies. As a stressed woman, you might want to consider looking at his last link about women and fasting.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited July 2016
    My mother in law had breast cancer and did the old radiation and chemotherapy back in her time. Sadly to say she passed away at 72 three years ago. And reading some things about fasting makes sense as it relates to therapies that are provided to cancer patients, the fasting and in some cases is for 72 hours (complete fast) before therapy and this make sense as what the cancer therapy does to the body.

    I keep reading and reading that the jury is still way out on all the health benefits that include cell turn over, cell regeneration, etc.. from fasting. And the fasting I keep seeing is a moderate fast for 72 hours. This is not a water fast, this not something they are talking about to rejuvenate the mind like going to a spa to become free from stress, toxins from smoking, drinking caffeine, taking prescriptions drugs, alcohol, etc..

    I understand that there are doctors, scientists, mental health physicians that would want to find all the benefits for health (and hopefully it is not to sell more drugs to clean out the drugs out of our system), etc.. You just cannot go around tell people to fast anywhere from 24 to 72 hours without being medically supervised. There are gonna be more people that cannot under go this type of dietary change or structure than those that can.

    "Eat Stop Eat" hints that the autophagy is between 16 - 24 hours, is he doctor? or where did he found this information out? I have no clue..

    But for the emphasis of this thread and its context, this is a little overkill. I would need a lot more time (more than 1 hour) to delve in this more and form a final opinion, as I would like to see case studies, clinical trials, etc.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited July 2016
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    In the first one on autophagy? if fasting did this (and it says short term.. how short term? Why are they developing drugs that cross the blood brain barrier and increase neuronal autophagy? Where is the clinical study on this one? Is this over night fasting, 24 fasting?

    Still looking at the others. I may need to quit now.. :(

    I would assume that they are developing the drugs for people who won't or can't fast and exercise, and/or who are already sick with alzheimers. If you dig through Dr. Fung's website (the last link), you'll find a ton of info about fasting. I think it's he that suggests that autophagy starts in about 16 hours. I don't understand what other study you are asking about -- are you looking for proof that drug companies are trying to develop drugs?

    Nobody around here seems to like links that are not from NIH, but this article is convenient in that a lot of the benefits are explained all in one place and it has links to the studies. As a stressed woman, you might want to consider looking at his last link about women and fasting.

    This guy Mark that has this website/blog is simply designing his own reasoning as to why and I quote:

    "Overall, fasting just seems right. It’s like a reset button for your entire body, presumably across a large spectrum of maladies and dysfunctions. It puts your body into repair mode – at the cellular level – and it can restore normal hormonal function in the obese or overweight."..

    There is still no scientific method or facts to back up his claims on health benefits. IF is basically an eating schedule. It provide many dietary ways to control eating, etc..

    Intermittent fasting is certainly something that I see most people in the MFP community already do in one way or another. It is a form of delaying "break fast" in some form or another, there is just a name for it now called Intermittent Fasting. I have been doing it since college.

    PS: I am not the stressed woman, the OP is. I thought I would clear that up...LOL :)
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    edited July 2016
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    ^^^ the body does this process every day without the fast so why bother with the fast?!?

    Accelerated in fasted state I think. On phone now so can't easily access bookmarks, but that was one of Mosley's claims and his book (lent my copy out and never got it back) had refs to appropriate studies.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    ^^ ok - I can accept that.
  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »

    There is still no scientific method or facts to back up his claims on health benefits.

    No facts from all those linked research studies? None of the research done by Valter Longo has any merit? Sounds like your mind is made up, no matter what anybody says.
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    IF is basically an eating schedule. It provide many dietary ways to control eating, etc..

    True. An eating schedule that helps you maintain your deficit (if that is your only goal).

    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    PS: I am not the stressed woman, the OP is. I thought I would clear that up...LOL :)

    Sorry for the mixup!
  • inezbruce
    inezbruce Posts: 110 Member
    I can't believe I've been reported on here. Very sad and disappointing considering all I wanted was reviews. Won't be posting on discussions ever again.