Dream body/dream weight



  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    It is interesting to me that people think about having bodies like other specific people. It's never crossed my mind to do that. I am not saying that in an I'm-feeling-superior sense. It just never occurred to me to do that.

    We all know the question is not a realistic one. I know I could never look like my "dream" body which would be close to how Christie Brinkley looked back in her prime. If the question was, "How would you like to fine tune your own body?", then I would say lose an inch or so off the abdomen and be healthy and vibrant.


    I think @jemhh and I both realize this. We are saying we don't even have anyone in mind, because it never crossed our mind to pick a dream body, a body of another woman.

    Right, that's what I'm saying. I might see a woman, admire her arms, and wonder how she trains them. But I've never thought "those are the arms I'd like."
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    As far as what I can change, I'd like a flat stomach, smallish waist, and toned arms and legs. As for what I can't, I'd love to not be so short-waisted! A longer waist would look more proportional on me, especially as I have fairly long legs.

    I'm the opposite - my legs are short enough that I need petite pants, but my torso is long enough that it's really hard to find "all-in-one" styles of lingerie or swimsuits that fit me. I'm 5'6" and my hubby is 6', but when we're seated I'm pretty close to his level. Although I probably look "short-waisted" at the moment, because of the droopy boobs and big belly disguising my natural waistline! ;)

    I have the same wish list as you for things that I could change, though!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    SueSueDio wrote: »
    As far as what I can change, I'd like a flat stomach, smallish waist, and toned arms and legs. As for what I can't, I'd love to not be so short-waisted! A longer waist would look more proportional on me, especially as I have fairly long legs.

    I'm the opposite - my legs are short enough that I need petite pants, but my torso is long enough that it's really hard to find "all-in-one" styles of lingerie or swimsuits that fit me. I'm 5'6" and my hubby is 6', but when we're seated I'm pretty close to his level. Although I probably look "short-waisted" at the moment, because of the droopy boobs and big belly disguising my natural waistline! ;)

    I have the same wish list as you for things that I could change, though!

    Lol...I used to date a guy who was 6' 1" (I'm 5' 6.5"), and standing our waists were nearly at the same place!
  • curvymegan89
    curvymegan89 Posts: 98 Member
    My dream body is definitely my own body, only smaller and with a flatter stomach.
    I love my boobs and my waist to hip ratio, but I don't love being a size 18.
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    edited July 2016
    I am learning to feel happy with my body, so I'm aiming for me 3 years ago (before I became pregnant).
    I have a couple of kilos to go but it's doable..!nsl5kv1acpo2.jpeg
  • AussiePeach
    AussiePeach Posts: 49 Member
    Hopefully these work...Jeffrey Donovan as Michael Westen - my goal body ideal is a female version of this. Lean but strong, a little wiry.

  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm 5'10", 151.5, and about 11% bf. So I'd say about 30-40 lbs. heavier, and about 5% less bodyfat. I need to stop being a lazy *kitten*, and start picking up heavy thing, and putting them down again. Meh, effort.
  • kimwitt2009
    kimwitt2009 Posts: 24 Member
    If I were to wish to look like a celebrities body ....I would choose Jennifer Anniston or Jessica Simpson. But I would settle to with my own at about 170 and toned. At my highest weight I was 320ish....that was about 9 years ago. I lost down to 244, then met my awesome husband and got comfortable and lost control and gained back to 282. I am down to 251.8 I think it was this morning. I am quite proud of myself!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    When I was losing weight, I wanted Cobie Smulders' arms. But I think mine are pretty good now I'm done.

    Cobie Smulders:



  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    London, Ashley, Adrianne, and Hayley.

    I <3 this thread.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Actually, coming back to this, I realise I also don't identify with anyone else as a dream goal, I guess because I've never been small enough as an adult to know what my body shape will do in the healthy range, other than the proportions.

    However, mulling it over some more, I think Keli from Fitness Blender is about right for me, though I might have more boob. She's strong, lean but not super defined. Good butt and thighs. I think it's achievable for me at this point. Maybe that's part of why I love their workouts so much, I'm aiming to look like her!
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    TR0berts wrote: »
    I honestly am sitting here with my mouth dropped from @zyxst posting a picture of London Andrews.

    A clothed picture even. Not easy to find. :)

    Lol I had to google who she is ;)
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    London, Ashley, Adrianne, and Hayley.

    I <3 this thread.

    I :heart: this thread too. It's nice to see so many different aspirations. Vive la différence!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Heck, since I've commented on this thread, I always liked Dean Cain from his Lois and Clark days. Not completely cut, not HUUUUUUGE, but definitely enough muscle for me.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I guess I'd have to say me, with a larger booty and firmer legs. If I had to pick someone, maybe Viki Odintcova
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    This is something I have been feeling a little bit down about lately. My "dream" body is not exactly the most conventionally attractive. It's my body, the way it was before I lost weight. It just felt more "mine". The body that I remember in all of my adventures. And then I saw this and thought.. not bad. I could get used to that. I have a similar figure, with a bit more pronounced hourglass. If when I lose more weight I look something close to that, I would be totally cool with it.


    I have the same body type as her too. Love her! I don't care for muscular looks so I'm slowly learning to like my curves.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    I guess I'd have to say me, with a larger booty and firmer legs. If I had to pick someone, maybe Viki Odintcova

    Her body reminds me of yours. Arms tho...no gains.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    This is something I have been feeling a little bit down about lately. My "dream" body is not exactly the most conventionally attractive. It's my body, the way it was before I lost weight. It just felt more "mine". The body that I remember in all of my adventures. And then I saw this and thought.. not bad. I could get used to that. I have a similar figure, with a bit more pronounced hourglass. If when I lose more weight I look something close to that, I would be totally cool with it.


    I have the same body type as her too. Love her! I don't care for muscular looks so I'm slowly learning to like my curves.

    I love Haley Atwell too! When I was dithering over which dress to wear for the oath-taking ceremony to become a US citizen, my husband said "wear the red one. It makes you look like Agent Carter".
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    arditarose wrote: »

    Her body reminds me of yours. Arms tho...no gains.
    So pretty much me then?? Have you seen my arms? hahaha :D jks, I am getting there!! :p