What are you doing RIGHT NOW???



  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    I'm wondering what facial expression @chrissyw30 has behind that smile!

    A mouth full of French fries from McDonald's hahah

    Now I want fries. ;)
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    I'm wondering what facial expression @chrissyw30 has behind that smile!

    A mouth full of French fries from McDonald's hahah

    Nice! :D
  • ChrissyDomer
    ChrissyDomer Posts: 1,064 Member
    I didn't get on this site from eating salads that's for sure hahah :D
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited January 2017
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    I didn't get on this site from eating salads that's for sure hahah :D

    None of us did, darling........... :D
  • dantew04
    dantew04 Posts: 73 Member
    Watching Deadpool
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    dantew04 wrote: »
    Watching Deadpool

    I am liking this, lots.
  • ChrissyDomer
    ChrissyDomer Posts: 1,064 Member
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    dantew04 wrote: »
    Watching Deadpool

    Ryan Reynolds..... hubba hubba :p

    Yes! If Ryan Reynolds goes missing, he's safe in my closet no worries lol

  • ChrissyDomer
    ChrissyDomer Posts: 1,064 Member
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    dantew04 wrote: »
    Watching Deadpool

    Ryan Reynolds..... hubba hubba :p

    Yes! If Ryan Reynolds goes missing, he's safe in my closet no worries lol

    Years ago on OK Cupid I came across someone using a picture of Ryan Reynolds. It was an obscure pic of him with beard and all, looking like a mountain man that I had seen before. Not sure if it was from a movie or not. I wanted to message that guy and be like "Hi Ryan! What brings you to Ok Cupid???" lol I wonder how many girls he fooled.

    Lol! I bet he fooled many on there. That's sad though, probably just a pic collector
  • ChrissyDomer
    ChrissyDomer Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited January 2017
    mjaykup wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »

    mjaykup wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    mjaykup wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    mjaykup wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    mjaykup wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    Watch shopping.. because who doesn't want another watch :#:)

    I thought you meant like...watching the shopping channel

    Oh god no! Lol. Then I'd be my grandmother! Hahah

    Lol you say that as a bad thing! But to he fair i did just get a brand new aTagHeuer watch :D

    Lol, actually can't say anything I've ordered stuff off tv before. I don't sit around all day watching home shopping network though! Lol. And I like tag heuer watches on men.

    I feel like you bought the copper pan nothing sticks to and some type of portable hand held super vaccume. I love this watch!

    Hahahaha! I did buy the copper pan!! And stuff still sticks to it roflmao! I haven't bought a tag in forever, I've still got my old one I wear to the gym lol

    I still have to get a link taken out, ill only wear this watch for dress up occasions, i have bad luck lol

    I love the dial on this one! My old school watch lol and why do you have bad luck? Lol

    When i can ill post mine but i havent figured out from phone lol that one is nice. But with watches ive lost two and the third scraped the glass ugh

    I thought I lost that one this morning. Had to search for it lol. I lose things a lot
  • ChrissyDomer
    ChrissyDomer Posts: 1,064 Member
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    dantew04 wrote: »
    Watching Deadpool

    Ryan Reynolds..... hubba hubba :p

    Yes! If Ryan Reynolds goes missing, he's safe in my closet no worries lol

    Years ago on OK Cupid I came across someone using a picture of Ryan Reynolds. It was an obscure pic of him with beard and all, looking like a mountain man that I had seen before. Not sure if it was from a movie or not. I wanted to message that guy and be like "Hi Ryan! What brings you to Ok Cupid???" lol I wonder how many girls he fooled.

    Lol! I bet he fooled many on there. That's sad though, probably just a pic collector

    If I saw him now, I'd totally send him a smart *kitten* message. I also saw pics that looked just like a really hot veteran I follow on FB. I did message him and said he looks just like so and so. The pics were down next time I looked. lol

    Hahah! Gotta love those fake profiles..omg. Lol. Who do they think they are fooling? Lol
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    dantew04 wrote: »
    Watching Deadpool

    Ryan Reynolds..... hubba hubba :p

    Yes! If Ryan Reynolds goes missing, he's safe in my closet no worries lol

    Years ago on OK Cupid I came across someone using a picture of Ryan Reynolds. It was an obscure pic of him with beard and all, looking like a mountain man that I had seen before. Not sure if it was from a movie or not. I wanted to message that guy and be like "Hi Ryan! What brings you to Ok Cupid???" lol I wonder how many girls he fooled.

    Lol! I bet he fooled many on there. That's sad though, probably just a pic collector

    If I saw him now, I'd totally send him a smart *kitten* message. I also saw pics that looked just like a really hot veteran I follow on FB. I did message him and said he looks just like so and so. The pics were down next time I looked. lol

    Hahah! Gotta love those fake profiles..omg. Lol. Who do they think they are fooling? Lol

    Prob gets them lots of noodz. lol

    They do fool some. I noticed one I called out in the catfish thread the other say who's using a pic of a model has a couple of friends who I'm sure he's duping right now
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    But right now I'm walking to the store for milk and tequila
  • ChrissyDomer
    ChrissyDomer Posts: 1,064 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    But right now I'm walking to the store for milk and tequila

    That's one hell of a mixed drink :-)
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    But right now I'm walking to the store for milk and tequila

    That's one hell of a mixed drink :-)

    Haha not for the same recipe
  • ChrissyDomer
    ChrissyDomer Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited January 2017
    synchkat wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    But right now I'm walking to the store for milk and tequila

    That's one hell of a mixed drink :-)

    Haha not for the same recipe

    lol I was about to say you're hard core if you're drinking milk and vodka :D

  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    But right now I'm walking to the store for milk and tequila

    That's one hell of a mixed drink :-)

    Haha not for the same recipe

    lol I was about to say you're hard core if you're drinking milk and vodka :D

    Ermm, that actually works... I've heard...
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    Waiting for Seahawks-Falcons game. Should be a dandy!

    Also, I should probably shower and pick up a pizza beforehand.

  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    chrissyw30 wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    dantew04 wrote: »
    Watching Deadpool

    Ryan Reynolds..... hubba hubba :p

    Yes! If Ryan Reynolds goes missing, he's safe in my closet no worries lol

    Years ago on OK Cupid I came across someone using a picture of Ryan Reynolds. It was an obscure pic of him with beard and all, looking like a mountain man that I had seen before. Not sure if it was from a movie or not. I wanted to message that guy and be like "Hi Ryan! What brings you to Ok Cupid???" lol I wonder how many girls he fooled.

    Lol! I bet he fooled many on there. That's sad though, probably just a pic collector

    If I saw him now, I'd totally send him a smart *kitten* message. I also saw pics that looked just like a really hot veteran I follow on FB. I did message him and said he looks just like so and so. The pics were down next time I looked. lol

    Hahah! Gotta love those fake profiles..omg. Lol. Who do they think they are fooling? Lol

    Prob gets them lots of noodz. lol

    They do fool some. I noticed one I called out in the catfish thread the other say who's using a pic of a model has a couple of friends who I'm sure he's duping right now

    Honestly, I don't feel bad for girls who are being duped and send noodz. Have some class and just send panty pics. >:)

    Haha true. And really reverse google is easy if you're too dumb to check oh well
  • ChrissyDomer
    ChrissyDomer Posts: 1,064 Member
    I am now sitting in my truck eating lunch in a sun trust parking lot. I'm not a suntrust customer, but being Floridian I just order food and eat in random parking lots..there's a guy across from me doing the same thing...parking lot eaters across the world unite!!