Going low carb! Who is with me?



  • victoriasnow
    victoriasnow Posts: 111 Member
    i have NEVER done a "low carb" diet & i am down 118 lbs.. Figure out what your macros are for your body weight, set a goal for how much you want to lose, STICK TO THAT GOAL, MOVE MORE & results will happen. & i highly recommend strength training ;)
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    There's a reason why people were much skinnier before the 50's. When the American government started advising a low-fat over low-carb diet, the average weight of Americans drastically increased.

    Eating fat in a diet doesn't make one fat. Eating carbs, which digest quickly and get stored in fat cells because the energy isn't quickly burned off does.

    Need a boost of quick energy for an intense workout, run, or sporting event? Have a plate of wheat pasta. No need for significant amount of carbs otherwise.

    I won't go low-carb with you simply given the fact that the good fruits and veggies we need fall under carbs. I will, however, promise to go low processed carbs :-)

  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    Not I.
  • Count me in too!!! I just don't,t understand how to change my fitness Pal to show carbs only. I don,twang to see calories at all. I only want to see carbs and fiber. Can anyone explain how to adjust My Fitness Pal to do this? I have trie but it only shows calories. I would only like to see only how many carbs left for the day

  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    Years ago I went to a diet doctor. He said 50 grams a day to lose weight and I did and it was very easy to start losing. There was no induction. His only recommendation was 1 cup of coffee and only 1 diet soda a day. Basically we were told meat, cheese, eggs and salad. It works.

    A calorie deficit works.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    If you go too low you can really do some damage to your metabolism and what will happen is that your body will hold on to whatever calories it is taking in. Your body will work against you.

  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    There is no one size fits all diet. Many of us do better with low carb so please contribute something helpful besides eating like you do.
  • Chokis
    Chokis Posts: 131
    As I understand, MFP only can show you the overall carbs you eat, it's not going to show you NET carbs. So when you say you're eating 160 carbs/day, it probably includes lots of fiber that you can subtract.
    It's important to understand the different between total carbs and NET carbs. It is very easy to only eat 40 NET carbs. Actually it's easy to eat 20 NET carbs as well, but it is not recommended for a very long time.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I am LOWER carb and HIGHER fat. Not low carb and high fat. It works for me. Anyone can feel free to add me. I have my diary open to friends.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    No, thank you.

    Find me someone who went low-carb and kept the weight off. Yeah, not so much. It's an easy way to lose water weight fast and a lot of muscle mass.

    I did SB for a few months, lost a lot of weight, and guess what happened when I stopped eating low-carb. Huh. Go figure.

    Eat at a deficit, lift weights to retain muscle mass, and keep weight off. Almost all the successful people 'round MFP will tell you the same thing.
  • joeysfacts
    joeysfacts Posts: 83 Member
    You can add me. I am low carb high protein. I'm on maintenance now, so I eat 1500 calories, but still do not eat my exercise calories. I will have a cheat day on the weekend, but usually that just consists of the same food, plus alcohol. I do insanity 6 times a week, but stick with month 2 mostly.

    Stats: 5'2" 128-130 pounds. size 2-4

    I have an open diary
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    No, thank you.

    Find me someone who went low-carb and kept the weight off. Yeah, not so much. It's an easy way to lose water weight fast and a lot of muscle mass.

    I did SB for a few months, lost a lot of weight, and guess what happened when I stopped eating low-carb. Huh. Go figure.

    Eat at a deficit, lift weights to retain muscle mass, and keep weight off. Almost all the successful people 'round MFP will tell you the same thing.

    She didn't ask for advice. If you don't believe in low Carb well hooo ray for you. Don't rain on someone else's parade because low Carb didn't work for you.
  • ewrob
    ewrob Posts: 136 Member
    There's a reason why people were much skinnier before the 50's. When the American government started advising a low-fat over low-carb diet, the average weight of Americans drastically increased.

    Eating fat in a diet doesn't make one fat. Eating carbs, which digest quickly and get stored in fat cells because the energy isn't quickly burned off does.

    Need a boost of quick energy for an intense workout, run, or sporting event? Have a plate of wheat pasta. No need for significant amount of carbs otherwise.

    I won't go low-carb with you simply given the fact that the good fruits and veggies we need fall under carbs. I will, however, promise to go low processed carbs :-)

    People were much skinnier because they didn't eat meat and processed junk with every meal. There were abundant carbohydrate sources in staple foods like wheat, rice and potatoes. Why is obesity so low today in the Asian countries that are not following a Western diet and are instead eating rice as their staple?

    High carb diets have been around for centuries. High fat / high meat diets have been widely available for a few decades. Obesity has also been widespread for a few decades. It's not from eating wheat.

    I'm eating 200-300 grams of carbohydrates per day and I've lost 80 lbs in 4 1/2 months. You might get short-term results by going low carb, but I argue that it is bad for your long term health and as soon as you come off the diet, the weight will come right back.

    Everyone knows what to do to eat healthfully: Cut out the excessive meat and processed junk consumption, eat lots of fruit, vegetables, grains and legumes. People just don't want to do it because they are addicted to high fat diets and would rather follow someone who tells them they can enjoy all the steaks they want.

    Consider this AMA critique of low carb diets:

  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    No, thank you.

    Find me someone who went low-carb and kept the weight off. Yeah, not so much. It's an easy way to lose water weight fast and a lot of muscle mass.

    I did SB for a few months, lost a lot of weight, and guess what happened when I stopped eating low-carb. Huh. Go figure.

    Eat at a deficit, lift weights to retain muscle mass, and keep weight off. Almost all the successful people 'round MFP will tell you the same thing.

    She didn't ask for advice. If you don't believe in low Carb well hooo ray for you. Don't rain on someone else's parade because low Carb didn't work for you.

    I assumed she wanted advice on how to lose weight and keep it off. Not on how to low-carb. MY BAD.

    And I took the "who's with me" to imply that she wants others to low-carb with her, not just their advice.

    You say raining on someone's parade. I say educating someone so they don't lose water weight and muscle and then gain back more fat than they had to begin with. And I'd say it doesn't work for many people or the countless number of people I've known who've gone low-carb would be a bit lighter by now, wouldn't you say?
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    There's a reason why people were much skinnier before the 50's. When the American government started advising a low-fat over low-carb diet, the average weight of Americans drastically increased.

    Eating fat in a diet doesn't make one fat. Eating carbs, which digest quickly and get stored in fat cells because the energy isn't quickly burned off does.

    Need a boost of quick energy for an intense workout, run, or sporting event? Have a plate of wheat pasta. No need for significant amount of carbs otherwise.

    I won't go low-carb with you simply given the fact that the good fruits and veggies we need fall under carbs. I will, however, promise to go low processed carbs :-)

    People were much skinnier because they didn't eat meat and processed junk with every meal. There were abundant carbohydrate sources in staple foods like wheat, rice and potatoes. Why is obesity so low today in the Asian countries that are not following a Western diet and are instead eating rice as their staple?

    High carb diets have been around for centuries. High fat / high meat diets have been widely available for a few decades. Obesity has also been widespread for a few decades. It's not from eating wheat.

    I'm eating 200-300 grams of carbohydrates per day and I've lost 80 lbs in 4 1/2 months. You might get short-term results by going low carb, but I argue that it is bad for your long term health and as soon as you come off the diet, the weight will come right back.

    Everyone knows what to do to eat healthfully: Cut out the excessive meat and processed junk consumption, eat lots of fruit, vegetables, grains and legumes. People just don't want to do it because they are addicted to high fat diets and would rather follow someone who tells them they can enjoy all the steaks they want.

    Consider this AMA critique of low carb diets:


    +1 You said it better than I ever could have.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    No, thank you.

    Find me someone who went low-carb and kept the weight off. Yeah, not so much. It's an easy way to lose water weight fast and a lot of muscle mass.

    I did SB for a few months, lost a lot of weight, and guess what happened when I stopped eating low-carb. Huh. Go figure.

    Eat at a deficit, lift weights to retain muscle mass, and keep weight off. Almost all the successful people 'round MFP will tell you the same thing.

    She didn't ask for advice. If you don't believe in low Carb well hooo ray for you. Don't rain on someone else's parade because low Carb didn't work for you.

    I assumed she wanted advice on how to lose weight and keep it off. Not on how to low-carb. MY BAD.

    And I took the "who's with me" to imply that she wants others to low-carb with her, not just their advice.

    You say raining on someone's parade. I say educating someone so they don't lose water weight and muscle and then gain back more fat than they had to begin with. And I'd say it doesn't work for many people or the countless number of people I've known who've gone low-carb would be a bit lighter by now, wouldn't you say?

    You gain weight by eating at a surplus . Low Carb has nothing to do with it . Lack of discipline does.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Stats: 106 lbs, 5"2' I typically eat 1380 cals

    What exactly are your goals?
  • lenae917
    lenae917 Posts: 1
    I really appreciated your comment. I am on week two of low carb. I began with 20 a week for two week now I am raising it to 25 or 30. My goal is to lose 60 pounds by November. I am have lost 7 already. I get my carbs from vegetables and will begin using yogurt and cottage cheese. I notice that when I go to the gym and just do aerobic exercise I am ok at the rate of carbs however if I want to lift weights I feel faint and am unable to complete my reps. So I will add more carbs to my meal before training and eat protein after.

    To all other that have recipe ideas I would love if you share them.

    Thank you for you comment
  • ewrob
    ewrob Posts: 136 Member

    You gain weight by eating at a surplus . Low Carb has nothing to do with it . Lack of discipline does.

    That is wrong too. Obesity didn't suddenly take off in the last few decades because suddenly we have no self control over how much we eat. It's because we are eating the wrong things. Sure, you can control your weight by eating small portions of junk food, but this will leave you hungry and still exposed to heart disease, high cholesterol and other diet-related maladies. On the other hand, fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes are low in calorie density and high in nutrients. I believe that food volume has a lot to do with satiety, so eating foods that are low in calorie density will result in consuming fewer calories overall and eliminate the need to be disciplined about eating small junk food portions.

    I am not in the slightest a disciplined eater. I love to eat large quantities of delicious food. There's noting wrong or unusual with that. I eat healthfully given that reality by making sure that I am eating the right kinds of things. I could eat 500 calories of potatoes or 500 calories of butter. One is going to make me full and satisfied, the other is going to make me sick and hungry.
  • Carrie_704
    Carrie_704 Posts: 24 Member
    I did low carb for 2 months, under 75 grams a day. It really messed with my metabolism. i gained everything I lost plus more when i started eating carbs again.

    Also, please do not go low carb if you have any kind of hormone or thyroid imbalances. It can really jack with your body so be careful.