Moms/Support & Motivation/Weight Loss Group

kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
Hi All! I'm a mom of three children (6,5,3 years old) in my 30's struggling with getting rid of the 70 pounds I gained cumulatively with my three pregnancies.

My main problem is lack of time, and lack of motivation. I need some accountability and support. Looking for people with similar struggles and goals to help support one another. Anyone interested in joining?

STEP 1. Answer these questions:

- How many kids do you have?
- How much weight did you gain and have you lost any of it?
- What is your goal?
- What is keeping you from attaining that goal?

STEP 2. Friend everyone who joins this group so we can hold each other accountable with our progress.

STEP 3. Check in daily to participate in the daily challenge which will be posted here.

Thanks for joining! I'm looking forward to meeting new friends!


  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Hi All! I'm a mom of three children (6,5,3 years old) in my 30's struggling with getting rid of the 70 pounds I gained cumulatively with my three pregnancies.

    My main problem is lack of time, and lack of motivation. I need some accountability and support. Looking for people with similar struggles and goals to help support one another. Anyone interested in joining?

    STEP 1. Answer these questions:

    - How many kids do you have?
    - How much weight did you gain and have you lost any of it?
    - What is your goal?
    - What is keeping you from attaining that goal?

    STEP 2. Friend everyone who joins this group so we can hold each other accountable with our progress.

    STEP 3. Check in daily to participate in the daily challenge which will be posted here.

    Thanks for joining! I'm looking forward to meeting new friends!

    1. I have five kids, ages 18, 15, 12, 10 and 10 (identical twin boys)
    2. My highest weight was after my first hit her first birthday, a little over 17 years ago. I was 269 pounds. I've lost and gained with each pregnancy and when my boys were little (19 months between my third child and his twin brothers) it was survival mode for years. Last year i decided enough is enough and I'm done yoyo-ing, done with fads, done with the ups and down, i am taking care of ME. I'm currently 189lbs, having lost 51 pounds in the past year.
    3. 140 (ish) I'll decide for sure when I get closure and see how I look, how I feel, how clothes fit.
    4. life is challenging but NOTHING is keeping me from my goal. I'm focused on lifestyle changes and overall health goals. I'm also in no hurry to get to my goal, As long as I'm making progress, I am good! I do have a daily exercise goal of at least 30 minutes of movement every day, no matter what. My biggest challenge is that I'll be starting a full time job next week and well, balancing a job and family and my health goals... I'll figure it out but it's daunting to think about now.
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    So amazed at your accomplishments. So happy you joined my group! I started working full time three years ago right after baby# 3 so I am all too familiar with the yo-yo dieting.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I have been subbing at our school district's pre-school for the past four years, I really needed the flexibility of subbing but with my true middle child (named because he's sandwiched between two bossy older sisters and twin brothers) in middle school, I can make the jump into regular work.

    I look forward to getting to know you. After I initially lost weight I've mostly bounced between 220 and 240. This past year has been the longest I've sustained health goals, and I think the difference is that when life gets in the way, I've given myself permission to maintain for a few weeks and then get back to work. It's been freeing. Being overly gung ho has always been my undoing.

    I am part of one other challenge, the 100 day exercise challenge, that I've completed twice and made it to day 79 another time, but had to take a break because of this nasty flu that knocked me out for a week. I'm on my fourth attempt now, just completing day 40.

    Anyhoo. :)
  • tbrignoni23
    tbrignoni23 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm going to keep this post as simple as possible. I have 5 kids was always within my recommended weight gain range. This last pregnancy. I gained about 15 over the recommended amount. I lost a little since having my baby. (That overage)He's now four months and I want to get back to my prepregnancy weight. I now weigh 175 and want to make it back to at least 145. I am also a student in online college. I am married and have a child with ADHD not to mention a two year old. I am very busy but always find time to exercise as it decreases my stress levels. I am looking for methods to help me not to overeat when stressed or go the easy route with nutrition. I am also looking for friends and motivators. Let's be honest sometimes a few helpful words can be inspiring.
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm going to keep this post as simple as possible. I have 5 kids was always within my recommended weight gain range. This last pregnancy. I gained about 15 over the recommended amount. I lost a little since having my baby. (That overage)He's now four months and I want to get back to my prepregnancy weight. I now weigh 175 and want to make it back to at least 145. I am also a student in online college. I am married and have a child with ADHD not to mention a two year old. I am very busy but always find time to exercise as it decreases my stress levels. I am looking for methods to help me not to overeat when stressed or go the easy route with nutrition. I am also looking for friends and motivators. Let's be honest sometimes a few helpful words can be inspiring.

    First, I'd like to congratulate you on your 100th consecutive log-in!!! Woohoo! That's awesome. Second, welcome to the group. I'm so happy you decided to join. I too find that exercising releases the "feel good hormones" in your brain.

    I'm a weirdo in the sense that I get motivated by motivating other people! Lol. For some reason, it keeps me going. That's why I started this group. It really does help when you have a good support system.
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    edited August 2016
    TODAY'S CHALLENGE: Drink Water!!!

    Use the calculator in this link: ( to find out how much water you need, and post your recommended amount on this message board. Don't forget to log it in your diary as well.

    Also, you might want to set a reminder in My Fitness Pal so you don't forget to drink water. Here are the instructions:

    "The latest versions of the MyFitnessPal apps for iPhone, iPad and Android can alert you if you have not yet logged food for a particular meal, or for all meals. You can choose the time of day that you would like to receive these reminders.

    To begin, in the Menu (or "More" page) tap "Reminders" (the icon is an alarm clock). Your current reminders are listed on this page.

    To add a reminder, tap the "+" button in the top right corner. Select a Reminder Time and a Reminder Type by tapping the two fields on this screen. When the conditions for the reminder are correct, tap the "✓" button.

    If the conditions of the reminder are met on a given day, the app will push an alert to your device with the appropriate message. Please make sure your general push notification settings are set to allow MyFitnessPal to generate notifications"
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    I must commit to drinking about 17 cups (8oz) of water per day.
  • Thafethik
    Thafethik Posts: 30 Member
    Im 42 and I have 4 kids, gained so much after them. Went from 135 to 262 at my heaviest. I'm down to 205 and my goal is 160.
    I have psoriatic arthritis so I need this weight off my joints.
    Really need motivation, feel free to add me
  • Thafethik
    Thafethik Posts: 30 Member
    TODAY'S CHALLENGE: Drink Water!!!

    Use the calculator in this link: ( to find out how much water you need, and post your recommended amount on this message board. Don't forget to log it in your diary as well.

    Also, you might want to set a reminder in My Fitness Pal so you don't forget to drink water. Here are the instructions:

    "The latest versions of the MyFitnessPal apps for iPhone, iPad and Android can alert you if you have not yet logged food for a particular meal, or for all meals. You can choose the time of day that you would like to receive these reminders.

    To begin, in the Menu (or "More" page) tap "Reminders" (the icon is an alarm clock). Your current reminders are listed on this page.

    To add a reminder, tap the "+" button in the top right corner. Select a Reminder Time and a Reminder Type by tapping the two fields on this screen. When the conditions for the reminder are correct, tap the "✓" button.

    If the conditions of the reminder are met on a given day, the app will push an alert to your device with the appropriate message. Please make sure your general push notification settings are set to allow MyFitnessPal to generate notifications"

    I need 147, I'm gonna try so hard to meet this goal
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    Hi girls! I am a mom of 7. My older 4 are out of the house (28-19) and now at home I have a 3 year old and 11 month old twins (boy, and boy/girl). I gained a normal amount with all my pregnancies, but always ended up 5 pounds heavier than I started. My highest weight was 5 years ago when I hit 220. I lost down to 152 and then I decided to try to have a baby. I started that pregnancy at157. I started my twin pregnancy at 165. I am now at 163. Many days are still like survival mode around here and my sleep is still very interrupted, so it is a bit of a struggle to concentrate on my diet, but I am 44 and need to get back to healthy eating and exercise to find some energy to keep up with these munchkins! Your challenge this week is perfect for me, I struggle with drinking water!!
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    Im 42 and I have 4 kids, gained so much after them. Went from 135 to 262 at my heaviest. I'm down to 205 and my goal is 160.
    I have psoriatic arthritis so I need this weight off my joints.
    Really need motivation, feel free to add me

    Hi Farah! Thanks so much for joining my group. Sorry to hear about your arthritis. Sounds very painful.

    I'm going to add you now.
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    akmomof7 wrote: »
    Hi girls! I am a mom of 7. My older 4 are out of the house (28-19) and now at home I have a 3 year old and 11 month old twins (boy, and boy/girl). I gained a normal amount with all my pregnancies, but always ended up 5 pounds heavier than I started. My highest weight was 5 years ago when I hit 220. I lost down to 152 and then I decided to try to have a baby. I started that pregnancy at157. I started my twin pregnancy at 165. I am now at 163. Many days are still like survival mode around here and my sleep is still very interrupted, so it is a bit of a struggle to concentrate on my diet, but I am 44 and need to get back to healthy eating and exercise to find some energy to keep up with these munchkins! Your challenge this week is perfect for me, I struggle with drinking water!!

    Hi! Thanks for joining my group :). Sounds like you have your plate full! My oh my, how do you do it?! I have three and sometimes I want to scream and pull my hair out! Lol.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    149 oz. I have a 52 oz glass, I'll fill thee times.
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    110 oz. for me. 14 cups! This will be hard., but glug glug. Working on cup 3 and 4 now.
  • tbrignoni23
    tbrignoni23 Posts: 9 Member
    It's about 14.6 oz . Seems a bit much for me here we go.
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    Remember, any liquids containing water count towards your required consumption. So, if you drink green tea, coffee, etc., these all count.

    Tips for Reaching Your Daily Water Goals:

    Drink 2 cups (16 oz) of water before every meal: Science has proven that drinking 2 cups of water before every meal helps you to eat less during meal time and lose weight. If you do this three times daily - at breakfast, lunch, and dinner - you have already consumed 48 ounces of water.

    Morning and Night: Get into the habit of drinking one glass (16 oz) of water when you wake up and another 8 oz glass before you go to sleep every night. This will add another 24 ounces of water to your daily intake.

    Infuse Your Water With Flavor: Infuse your water with fruit, herbs, and other flavors, like adding cucumber, strawberries,lemons, limes.

    Bubbles: Consider carbonated and sparkling water in addition to regular water.

    (Tips By: Kristen Mccaffrey, from Slender Kitchen)
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    How did everyone do with their water consumption?

    I drank 14 out of the required 17. Will try harder today!
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    I got my 14 cups in! It was easier than I thought!
  • romy113
    romy113 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey, all! I hope it's not too late to join. I'm a mom of three kids, ages 7,5,4. I lost the weight after the first baby but I got pregnant with my third when my second was only 4 months old and it was a downward spiral from there. I'm currently about 25-30 pounds higher than my pre-first-pregnancy weight but need to lose about 50 ( was carrying about 20-25 extra even before children - it just didn't really bother me). I did lose some of the post-pregnancy weight but I've been creeping up over the past year and now weigh as much as I did 9 months pregnant...ugh. Had a lot of stress this past year, with a child with a genetic disorder who was constantly in and out of the hospital and adjusting his meds. I also was a small business owner and that business began failing (actually went out of business in June). Anyway, I did far too much comfort eating. Now things are turning a corner, I have a lot less stress and I'm ready to do something about the weight. My goal is to lose 50ish pounds over the next year...about a pound a week. Goal weight is 130. I would also like to be fit...not just thin. Not sure what I'm going to do yet for workouts...thats next on my agenda to figure out. I started this app yesterday. Looking for some accountability, friendship, and success.
  • romy113
    romy113 Posts: 13 Member
    Possibly stupid do I friend people in this group?