Moms/Support & Motivation/Weight Loss Group



  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    If you are mobile, click on their name, it will open a screen to send a message or ignore. Click on their picture and then it will open a new screen that will let you add as friend. It took me a while to figure out too!
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    romy113 wrote: »
    Hey, all! I hope it's not too late to join. I'm a mom of three kids, ages 7,5,4. I lost the weight after the first baby but I got pregnant with my third when my second was only 4 months old and it was a downward spiral from there. I'm currently about 25-30 pounds higher than my pre-first-pregnancy weight but need to lose about 50 ( was carrying about 20-25 extra even before children - it just didn't really bother me). I did lose some of the post-pregnancy weight but I've been creeping up over the past year and now weigh as much as I did 9 months pregnant...ugh. Had a lot of stress this past year, with a child with a genetic disorder who was constantly in and out of the hospital and adjusting his meds. I also was a small business owner and that business began failing (actually went out of business in June). Anyway, I did far too much comfort eating. Now things are turning a corner, I have a lot less stress and I'm ready to do something about the weight. My goal is to lose 50ish pounds over the next year...about a pound a week. Goal weight is 130. I would also like to be fit...not just thin. Not sure what I'm going to do yet for workouts...thats next on my agenda to figure out. I started this app yesterday. Looking for some accountability, friendship, and success.

    Hi! Thank you for joining us. It's never too late :) I know what you mean about wanting to be fit not just thin. WE can do this together. Having a good support system is key.

    Question: Do you belong to a gym or are you looking for workouts to do from home?
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    THURSDAY CHALLENGE: Find and print a throwback picture of when you feel you looked your best. Keep it visible as a reminder why you decided to start this health and fitness journey. That should be your inspiration and motivation.

    Please feel free to share your photos with us, or you can just post here letting us know that you found your inspirational photo.
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    It's about 14.6 oz . Seems a bit much for me here we go.

    How'd it go?!
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    149 oz. I have a 52 oz glass, I'll fill thee times.

    Were you able to refill all three times?
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    edited August 2016

    I need 147, I'm gonna try so hard to meet this goal

    Did you meet your goal?
  • romy113
    romy113 Posts: 13 Member
    edited August 2016
    [\quote] Hi! Thank you for joining us. It's never too late :) I know what you mean about wanting to be fit not just thin. WE can do this together. Having a good support system is key.

    Question: Do you belong to a gym or are you looking for workouts to do from home?[/quote]

    Thanks for taking me in! I look forward to having the support system. Unfortunately finances and my husband's work schedule won't allow me to get a gym membership at this time. But I do have an elliptical machine, free weights and a few workout videos at home...that I'm thinking I can pair up to get started.

    I need about 15 glasses of water per day. I'm currently doing 12...not sure if I can squeeze more in but I'll give it a shot.

    I did find a pic of myself at what I feel was my best but I don't see a way to attach it here.
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    edited August 2016
    romy113 wrote: »

    Thanks for taking me in! I look forward to having the support system. Unfortunately finances and my husband's work schedule won't allow me to get a gym membership at this time. But I do have an elliptical machine, free weights and a few workout videos at home...that I'm thinking I can pair up to get started.

    I need about 15 glasses of water per day. I'm currently doing 12...not sure if I can squeeze more in but I'll give it a shot.

    I did find a pic of myself at what I feel was my best but I don't see a way to attach it here.

    Ok, awesome. I started doing at-home workouts too because I just don't have the time to go the gym. And to be honest, this may sound silly, but I'm so embarrased by my weight that I feel ackward at the gym. Does that even make sense? Lol.

    To attach a picture, click on the little icon at the top of your reply section that looks like a paper with the top corner folded.
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    I also workout at home (when I am exercising, but other than walks I am not right now). I hear you on feeling self conscious at the gym! I sweat soo much! I work much harder at home. We have a treadmill and free weights. I also have the insanity workout dvds and I like doing those. I am lucky that my husband likes to workout with me and he is super supportive!

    I also have a picture, but I don't have an icon like described to post it! Will keep looking to see if I can figure it out!
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    tbznqham4s07.jpg. Here is mine! If anyone else is trying to post a picture from a droid, you have to exit the app and use the web version in a browser. This is from about 4 years ago. I was not at goal yet, but I was pretty fit and felt great! Would love to be back there soon!
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Honestly, I don't have an inspirational photo. I was a heavy child, an overweight tween and an obese teenager. I've never been a healthy weight.

    Yesterday's challenge, I drank close to what I needed to drink, maybe a couple of glasses short.

    Next five days are CRAZY for me, with my brother visiting from Japan, some family get togethers and dinners plus a day trip to Yellowstone (WOOT, HIKING!) on top of starting work Tuesday.... I'll check in when I can and work to keep up, but if you lose sight of me for a few days, life took over (momentarily!)
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    edited August 2016
    Let me say, there is NOTHING wrong with at home workouts! I only work out at home and I've slowly built up videos and weights, kettlebells and other equipment when I can. I'm busy enough and life is crazy enough, I can't imagine the extra time it'd take to go to the gym.

    Also, fitnessblender is an online site that offers literally hundreds of free exercise videos. Quality videos.

    The only gym class I miss is spinning. I LOVED spinning, but hey, I have a bike and the real world. ;)
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    Have fun with all the family time! Yellowstone sounds gorgeous! My daughter visited on one of her trips up from Texas and loved it! She has great pictures. I would love to get in a hike or two before the snow flies. Last year that first one was the middle of September, so I should probably do it soon!
  • romy113
    romy113 Posts: 13 Member
  • romy113
    romy113 Posts: 13 Member
    Options that's my senior picture...but that's really the last time I was trim that I have a picture of. I understand being embarrassed at the gym too. I feel I might try harder there but my husband leaves for work at 4:30am and I just can't leave and be home before that. I never find time in the home it is. Have fun, Lisa!
  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    I hope it is not to late to join. I am a 28 year old mom of 2 (ages 2 and 5 months). I gained a lot of weight in my pregnancies. I started out at 143 lbs and ended up over 200 lbs. The first 20 to 30 lbs fell off but then it stalled at 185lbs. Since then I have lost 24 lbs and am now at 161lbs. I would like to get to 140 lbs and then I will reevaluate. I will either try to lose more or switch to maintenance and focus on gaining strength. I am very motivated to get to my goal and am making good progress but at the moment I am struggling with being consistent with my workouts. I have been pretty tired lately and I only am able to workout after my 2 year old is in bed so sometimes I am just too lazy. I am still losing though because I have been really consistent with maintaining a caloric deficit.

  • romy113
    romy113 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome, bbgraine! I totally understand...its too hard after a long day of watching kids/working. For me, workouts must happen in the morning.
  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    Playing catch up. I don't have that many photos to choose from. The first is when I was newly pregnant and shows what I looked like before I gained the pregnancy weight. The second was taken a few weeks ago on a day where I was feeling like I was looking pretty good. Definitely heavier now but I'm making progress in the right direction.

    I haven't really had time to read through this thread but I will later tonight so that I can get to know you lovely ladies. I am about to go mountain biking with my dad (my favourite form of fitness) so I am looking forward to some fun and a good calorie burn.

  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    romy113 wrote: »
    Welcome, bbgraine! I totally understand...its too hard after a long day of watching kids/working. For me, workouts must happen in the morning.

    I wish I could work out in the morning but my kids get me up too early. I'd have to get up at 4:30. Hopefully one day they will sleep in.
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    You girls are so beautiful! I was looking at your Senior picture and thinking I don't even remember what I looked like in mine (in 1989 lol). Now I have to go dig out some pictures from back then!