Pregnancy-How many weeks after delivery did you lose weight



  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I had my son 3 weeks ago and have already lost the 25 pounds that I gained during pregnancy.

    I am now dropping additional pounds and can't tell if it is still pregnancy weight coming off, or if it is my low calories that I've been consuming.

    Don't get me wrong I am happy for weight loss either way!, but I was just wondering when everyone else stopped losing pregnancy weight???

    I'm sure it is a combination of both and different for everyone, but I just want to know after how many weeks my body will stop losing pregnancy weight and start losing fat?

    Edit: I am not breastfeeding, only formula.

    I'll get the studies linking early autism and formula in non breastfed children...brb.

    Breast milk is the most important nutrient dense food the baby can eat for the first 16-18 months of its life.
    3 weeks and on formula?!
    also the hormonal cascade you get from it ensures your health and longevity.
    Genetically we are here to procreate the human race so youve popped a kid out but you sholdnt stop at that.

    I'll get the studies for you and post but i'm staying out of this conversation.
    Selfish moms piss me off.

    What a waste of a post.

    Ladies~ Lets remind ourselves that this is a man who is making this post about breastfeeding. He has no idea what its like to be a MOM and therefore is speaking out of NON experience.

    So when he squeezes an 8lb kid from HIS Vagina, I'd like to see how he handles it all! HA
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I had my son 3 weeks ago and have already lost the 25 pounds that I gained during pregnancy.

    I am now dropping additional pounds and can't tell if it is still pregnancy weight coming off, or if it is my low calories that I've been consuming.

    Don't get me wrong I am happy for weight loss either way!, but I was just wondering when everyone else stopped losing pregnancy weight???

    I'm sure it is a combination of both and different for everyone, but I just want to know after how many weeks my body will stop losing pregnancy weight and start losing fat?

    Edit: I am not breastfeeding, only formula.

    I'll get the studies linking early autism and formula in non breastfed children...brb.

    Breast milk is the most important nutrient dense food the baby can eat for the first 16-18 months of its life.
    3 weeks and on formula?!
    also the hormonal cascade you get from it ensures your health and longevity.
    Genetically we are here to procreate the human race so youve popped a kid out but you sholdnt stop at that.

    I'll get the studies for you and post but i'm staying out of this conversation.
    Selfish moms piss me off.

    What a waste of a post.

    Ladies~ Lets remind ourselves that this is a man who is making this post about breastfeeding. He has no idea what its like to be a MOM and therefore is speaking out of NON experience.

    So when he squeezes an 8lb kid from HIS Vagina, I'd like to see how he handles it all! HA

    ^excellent!! I didn't even notice that the post was from a man.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    My oldest is 14, still losing it
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I didn't even weigh myself in pregnancy (the midwife did at 12 weeks but I didn't look lol) and then I went back to the gym when my daughter was 7 weeks old and was weighed by my personal trainer. I did the same with my son, my first child. Now my son is 4 and my daughter is 2 and I'm the smallest I've been in about 11 years!

    It's taken me 2 years to lose 66lbs though, but my body shape has changed and I am much more toned. I still have a small muffin top though that needs to go!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Telling someone who has already made the decision to not breast feed (the kid is 3 weeks old) is pointless. It's too late now anyway. (Not the I believe that Autism is related to not breast feeding).
  • Chucksteakswife
    Chucksteakswife Posts: 52 Member
    10 years and still trying :)

    Of course I didn't do anything until recently to help myself during those ten years. So depending on how much you gained and what you have to lose and how much effort you give,, I'm sure in 6 months to a year you'd be back to "normal".
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    I had my son 3 weeks ago and have already lost the 25 pounds that I gained during pregnancy.

    I am now dropping additional pounds and can't tell if it is still pregnancy weight coming off, or if it is my low calories that I've been consuming.

    Don't get me wrong I am happy for weight loss either way!, but I was just wondering when everyone else stopped losing pregnancy weight???

    I'm sure it is a combination of both and different for everyone, but I just want to know after how many weeks my body will stop losing pregnancy weight and start losing fat?

    Edit: I am not breastfeeding, only formula.

    I'll get the studies linking early autism and formula in non breastfed children...brb.

    Breast milk is the most important nutrient dense food the baby can eat for the first 16-18 months of its life.
    3 weeks and on formula?!
    also the hormonal cascade you get from it ensures your health and longevity.
    Genetically we are here to procreate the human race so youve popped a kid out but you sholdnt stop at that.

    I'll get the studies for you and post but i'm staying out of this conversation.
    Selfish moms piss me off.

  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    With my previous 2 pregnancies I lost a ton at the beginning 20ish lbs and the last 10-12 hung on for another month or two .. I had my last baby in november 2012 and i'm still about 5lbs away.. my loss has been slow and I've been focusing less on pounds and more on building muscle so i haven't really restricted caloric intake a whole lot or felt like I needed a timeline to lose by. I only even weigh myself once a month at this point as a matter of fact.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I had my son 3 weeks ago and have already lost the 25 pounds that I gained during pregnancy.

    I am now dropping additional pounds and can't tell if it is still pregnancy weight coming off, or if it is my low calories that I've been consuming.

    Don't get me wrong I am happy for weight loss either way!, but I was just wondering when everyone else stopped losing pregnancy weight???

    I'm sure it is a combination of both and different for everyone, but I just want to know after how many weeks my body will stop losing pregnancy weight and start losing fat?

    Edit: I am not breastfeeding, only formula.

    I'll get the studies linking early autism and formula in non breastfed children...brb.

    Breast milk is the most important nutrient dense food the baby can eat for the first 16-18 months of its life.
    3 weeks and on formula?!
    also the hormonal cascade you get from it ensures your health and longevity.
    Genetically we are here to procreate the human race so youve popped a kid out but you sholdnt stop at that.

    I'll get the studies for you and post but i'm staying out of this conversation.
    Selfish moms piss me off.

    You piss me off! I planned to exclusively breastfeed my children but nature had other ideas. My son went from a birth weight of 7lbs 13 down to 6lbs 7 by day 6. I was told by my midwife to give him formula. I was heartbroken. I did mix feed for as long as I could, so I'd breastfeed at each feed, then give formula, and pump in between. I had similar issues with my daughter, and I even took domperidone to increase lactation. All it did was make me gain weight. Again, she was mix fed. As you can see from my profile pic, nothing wrong with my children.

    I was formula fed from about 10 weeks myself. I'm healthy, have 3 degrees etc. It's made no difference!

    The WHO recommends breastfeeding for longer probably for third world countries where they don't have access to the same healthy food the rest of the world does.

    Believe me, if I have another baby I will try my hardest to breastfeed, but I don't think it's the end of the world if you can't (although it feels it at the time). Comments like yours really upset me.
  • autumn26
    autumn26 Posts: 44
    I gained around 50lbs (eeek! I know...) with baby girl number 2. I had her 4 weeks ago and so far have lost 25lbs.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Best advice is don't eat like a trucker and gain a lot of weight while pregnant and you don't have to worry about losing. I was back to pre pregnancy weight with both my kids in 6 weeks. You'll lose about 25 to 30 lbs of "baby weight" that is baby and fluids your body holds for the pregnancy. If you gained much more than that it's going to take the same work to get it off as if you weren't pregnant and just over ate.

    To the one that said breastfeeding is a natural birth control, THINK AGAIN! Old wives tale and there are lots of siblings 9 or 10 months apart to prove it!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Probably about 6 weeks to lose most of it (about 40 lbs). I breastfed, though, so it didn't require any effort.
  • sgOkiozm
    sgOkiozm Posts: 9
    I had my baby 3 weeks ago. Lost about 17 lbs since then, and I am breastfeeding. I've had trouble keeping weight on in the past though, so I don't really want to be at my pre-pregnancy weight! Total weight gain for pregnancy was 45 lbs. hoping to loose about 30 of it :) good luck!
  • Chucksteakswife
    Chucksteakswife Posts: 52 Member
    I didn't breast feed. Tried it, got frustrated which interfered with bonding with my daughter and interfered with her actually eating.

    Pumped for 3 months and fed her both formula and breast milk. And than happily switched to formula all the time.

    My daughter is happy, very healthy, smart and so loved. not because of what I fed her as a baby but because of the love and care and respect I show her each and every day.

    Breast feeding is not the end all be all (though i guess for some it is and i guess for them that's okay). No one should make anyone else feel like an incompetent, selfish mother especially because they choose not to breast feed.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I had my son 3 weeks ago and have already lost the 25 pounds that I gained during pregnancy.

    I am now dropping additional pounds and can't tell if it is still pregnancy weight coming off, or if it is my low calories that I've been consuming.

    Don't get me wrong I am happy for weight loss either way!, but I was just wondering when everyone else stopped losing pregnancy weight???

    I'm sure it is a combination of both and different for everyone, but I just want to know after how many weeks my body will stop losing pregnancy weight and start losing fat?

    Edit: I am not breastfeeding, only formula.

    I'll get the studies linking early autism and formula in non breastfed children...brb.

    Breast milk is the most important nutrient dense food the baby can eat for the first 16-18 months of its life.
    3 weeks and on formula?!
    also the hormonal cascade you get from it ensures your health and longevity.
    Genetically we are here to procreate the human race so youve popped a kid out but you sholdnt stop at that.

    I'll get the studies for you and post but i'm staying out of this conversation.
    Selfish moms piss me off.

  • LuckyMunky
    LuckyMunky Posts: 200 Member
    It took me about 4 months to lose the baby weight with my second child. After my first child, I was down to LOWER than my pre pregnancy weight at around 5 weeks post partum. I did lose a lot of weight at the beginning of that pregnancy, though.

    I'm now 5.5 months post partum and am about 3 lbs lower than my pre pregnancy weight. I hope to keep losing. I gained a lot of excess weight in my late teens/early 20s that I'm now trying to lose. I haven't been this small in 10 years and it feels awesome lol
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I had my son 3 weeks ago and have already lost the 25 pounds that I gained during pregnancy.

    I am now dropping additional pounds and can't tell if it is still pregnancy weight coming off, or if it is my low calories that I've been consuming.

    Don't get me wrong I am happy for weight loss either way!, but I was just wondering when everyone else stopped losing pregnancy weight???

    I'm sure it is a combination of both and different for everyone, but I just want to know after how many weeks my body will stop losing pregnancy weight and start losing fat?

    Edit: I am not breastfeeding, only formula.

    I'll get the studies linking early autism and formula in non breastfed children...brb.

    Breast milk is the most important nutrient dense food the baby can eat for the first 16-18 months of its life.
    3 weeks and on formula?!
    also the hormonal cascade you get from it ensures your health and longevity.
    Genetically we are here to procreate the human race so youve popped a kid out but you sholdnt stop at that.

    I'll get the studies for you and post but i'm staying out of this conversation.
    Selfish moms piss me off.

    What a jerk thing to say, Dan.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member

    To the one that said breastfeeding is a natural birth control, THINK AGAIN! Old wives tale and there are lots of siblings 9 or 10 months apart to prove it!

    LOL. I have 8 kids. Breastfeeding is NOT birth control!! :laugh:
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    I'll get the studies linking early autism and formula in non breastfed children...brb.

    Breast milk is the most important nutrient dense food the baby can eat for the first 16-18 months of its life.
    3 weeks and on formula?!
    also the hormonal cascade you get from it ensures your health and longevity.
    Genetically we are here to procreate the human race so youve popped a kid out but you sholdnt stop at that.

    I'll get the studies for you and post but i'm staying out of this conversation.
    Selfish moms piss me off.

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I had my son 3 weeks ago and have already lost the 25 pounds that I gained during pregnancy.

    I am now dropping additional pounds and can't tell if it is still pregnancy weight coming off, or if it is my low calories that I've been consuming.

    Don't get me wrong I am happy for weight loss either way!, but I was just wondering when everyone else stopped losing pregnancy weight???

    I'm sure it is a combination of both and different for everyone, but I just want to know after how many weeks my body will stop losing pregnancy weight and start losing fat?

    Edit: I am not breastfeeding, only formula.

    I'll get the studies linking early autism and formula in non breastfed children...brb.

    Breast milk is the most important nutrient dense food the baby can eat for the first 16-18 months of its life.
    3 weeks and on formula?!
    also the hormonal cascade you get from it ensures your health and longevity.
    Genetically we are here to procreate the human race so youve popped a kid out but you sholdnt stop at that.

    I'll get the studies for you and post but i'm staying out of this conversation.
    Selfish moms piss me off.

    I'm sorry nobody breast fed you. Me neither. Let's be sad and autistic together.