How do you politley say "No" to family and friends?



  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Just say no. You don't need to justify your actions. :flowerforyou:
  • KLWelty
    KLWelty Posts: 103 Member
    If you were diabetic, had celiac disease or a severe food allergy how would you answer them politely? That is how you answer them politely in this case too. It's no different except you have the option to deal with the devil and cave without the immediate health consequences. Think about the diabetes and high blood pressure you're dealing with now rather than when the doctor tells you you have to. :happy:
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    A dear friend whose been dead for many years now taught me to use the word "impossible" in such situations. It must be the specific word "impossible" as in, "Oh, I'm sorry but it's impossible for me to eat that right now." Usually that stops people in their tracks. If they ask, then you can tell them, "I'm on a special eating routine for my health and eating that right now is just impossible for me."

    I and various members of my family have used this advice over the years and it usually works like a charm. "It is impossible" leaves no wiggle room.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    "No thank you" seems to work for me. There is nothing to be done about hurt feelings.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    I always say yes, so I guess I can't help.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I always say yes, so I guess I can't help.

    This. Honestly, if it is a once in a while thing, just do it. Don't do a temporary diet, learn how to eat for your lifestyle. If you go over one day, make it up over the course of the next few days or do some extra cardio.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I don't understand....

    Do you honestly not know how to form the words and audibly speak the sentence "No, thank you"?

    A brief tutorial:


    You're welcome.

    Does anyone else need to learn how to zip up their pants or tie their shoes? I'm your gal!
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    I would either bring a dish along with me to a family function that I could eat a lot of (veggie tray, anyone??), and then eat a little of whatever unhealthy food they have to offer me. Take a half a cup of it, and then load up on fruits or veggies.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Honestly I just say no thank you. I've got my meals planned for the day already and I don't want to adjust it. They can't shove it in if your not willing to open your mouth.
  • ShrinkingMuslimah
    ShrinkingMuslimah Posts: 99 Member
    I've found that if someone's going to get offended if I don't eat their food it's their problem not mine.
    I will simply say "No, but thank you very much for the offer" and if they offer a second time I say "No, thank you" and if they offer a third time I say "I already said no thanks, please don't ask again". If they get offended so be it. I do this if they try to feed me in front of them.
    If I have the option of taking it home, I will politely take the food, say "thank you" then give it to someone who does want to eat it. If a neighbor drops food off just politely say "thank you, I am not hungry now, but thank you for dropping it off" and if they ask you to eat it just say "I'm sorry, I am not hungry now".

    Honestly, just stand your ground. If they make a big deal of it it's their problem not yours. You ARE being polite when you say "no thank you" - they are the ones being rude if they try to push you into it, and you have every right to politely say "Please don't ask me again" if they get too pushy. It's your body, you're the only one who controls what goes into it.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    You have to be mean, cruel, and harsh this way they can understand how important this is to you.

    If someone offers me some food I don't want I simply take the entire plate and throw it at the nearest wall.

    After the plate has shattered and food is dripping down to the floor I just look at them calmly and say

    'No thanks.'
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    You have to be mean, cruel, and harsh this way they can understand how important this is to you.

    If someone offers me some food I don't want I simply take the entire plate and throw it at the nearest wall.

    After the plate has shattered and food is dripping down to the floor I just look at them calmly and say

    'No thanks.'

    Would lick the mess right off of you.
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    I run into this at work all the time. I'm not sure why people are concerned about if, when or what I eat or don't eat?! They never were before I started losing weight?

    Anyway, I just say, 'No thanks, I brought my food'. That would work with your family also.

    I think sometimes people feel very threatened when someone starts making changes that they interpret as making them better than what they are. My friends at work who are heavy, are much more persistent in their encouragement of unhealthy eating than my slim friends are. My slim friends offer once, my heavy friends have to tell me how good it is, that there is plenty, etc.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I say that I just ate and am super-full, or that I just ate a tic-tac, brushed my teeth, or something that left my mouth minty. I take a piece of whatever it is and tell them that I will save it for later. Then when they leave, I throw it out! If I'm at work, I will break off chunks and throw them out a little at a time, so if the person comes by my desk, it looks like I've been eating it.
  • RedneckBoomer
    It is a process. One situation / step at a time. Enough times and they will get the Idea. I take pro-active approach, try to keep it light hearted. but strive to get and keep control of the situations. I get my plate and guard it,. Take the serving spoon, serve yourself. That way you control the portions. Keep the topic off food, pass off comments about what or how much your not eating. . actions speak louder than words. At the table, take a bit of everything and always leave something on the plate. Start first and finish last. put a few items on your plate and then go back for a few more. The more time you take eating the more people think you ate. Drink a lot of water ,before and during the meal. This helps with the temptation to eat more.

    You can work the food into your diet. If your friend shows up on Tuesdays with green bean casserole make a meal or two of it. And when you eat at moms. . . take home a plate. load up on the good stuff. If you count calories save some for Sunday dinner.

    Cut the calories at the table. Pull the skin off the chicken ,cut the fat off the beef avoid the butter, gravy and spread the rice ,mash potatoes, beans out on the plate. Cake?? always take a center piece of a sheet cake (less icing) Pie? eat the filling leave the bottom crust.

    After a while they will get use to your new eating habits .