What are your thoughts about the world today?



  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
  • UnwrappingCandy
    UnwrappingCandy Posts: 418 Member
    Nature keeps coming up with new and awesome ways to kill us, but we keep winning those battles. Soon enough she'll come up with something we can't fight and reduce our population by at least 70% whilst making many survivors infertile. This would be a good thing because our future as a species is very bleak if we continue to reproduce so rapidly.

    We're cancer. We started out as tiny groups and have spread across the entire planet damaging everything in our path, killing off other species, and generally working against nature to survive in areas we're not meant to survive. The chemo/radiation treatment is coming though. It will suck but we'll be better off in the end, maybe finally develop a society similar to the one shown in Star Trek. :-)
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I think the world has too many people in a rush and a lot of people have forgotten about manners. Or maybe thats just my little housewife world.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Making your way in the world today
    Takes everything you've got
    Taking a break from all your worries
    Sure would help a lot
    Wouldn’t you like to get away
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    Many things are wrong with our planet and our people today. Many children and adults I see have no respect for anyone. They are rude, obnoxious, selfish, and hateful. I've seen more children who will scream slurs at you rather than help you; this is heartbreaking to see. I'm a 21 year old female and when a 15 year old boy swears at me with his gang of friends and smokes cigarettes, I'm disgusted. I don't even smoke! People who would just as soon tear you apart then offer a kind word. People who will condemn you for your differences, will attack you because of your differences. People who still believe in racism. People who believe that they are better than others. People who believe that they are entitled to something because of their economic status, their skin colour, their religion, etc. People who abuse the system. Corporations that make it impossible to live. Corporations that abuse and bully because they can. Corporations that cut corners. I could go on forever, but this is only one problem.

    We are killing the planet. Maybe slowly, but we are still killing it. There are 6 times more pieces of plastic in the ocean than there are plankton and the plankton population has taken a dive very recently. The one food source that almost everything in the ocean eats is declining and is outnumbered by...plastic?! How is that possible? Fish mistake plastic pieces as food and eat them. People have to continually catch fish and remove the plastic from them and them return them to the ocean just to make sure they aren't dying. And the ocean is just one problem - a very large problem, but still only one. What else is there? Our shrinking rainforests that is home to millions of creatures, animals, insects, etc. Even more millions of plant species. To fuel...what? Our grossly huge need for wood and other things. The pollution of our environments and our Earth. There is no doubt that we are harming the planet; I just hope I don't live to see it happen.

    Yes, we have done a great many things. We have endless inventions and innovations in technology, space, science, math, what-have-you, but that doesn't outweigh the bad things that we are doing; the horrible, irreversible things that we have started. It doesn't matter how many technologies we invent if we cannot live on the Earth we invented it for. It doesn't matter how many homes we create to hold our ever-expanding population if we, as a people, cannot live beside one another without hatred. I see beautiful things happening everyday, but humans are too ruthless, too greedy, too hateful, too destructive. There are more bad people out there who would use you for all you have then there are good people who would warn you. At least, that's my take on things right now. People need to come together as one. We need to build each other up instead of tearing each other down, but I don't believe I'll ever see this happen.
  • WandaWoman41
    WandaWoman41 Posts: 153 Member
    Opinions vary depending on the seat your sitting in. I find major relief on the toilet (fiber up!)

    We are all guinea pigs and we are most definitely headed for self destruction. It's the cycle of life
  • UnwrappingCandy
    UnwrappingCandy Posts: 418 Member
    Making your way in the world today
    Takes everything you've got
    Taking a break from all your worries
    Sure would help a lot
    Wouldn’t you like to get away

    Sometimes you want to go

    Where everybody knows your name,
    and they're always glad you came.
    You wanna be where you can see,
    our troubles are all the same
    You wanna be where everybody knows
    Your name.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    There is more plastic in the ocean than plankton? I am calling shenanigans and demanding a source.
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125

    How many sources would you like?





    There's many more, but I stopped reading.

    *Edit: There's a great source of this as a documentary on Netflix called Tapped. Very informative.
  • UnwrappingCandy
    UnwrappingCandy Posts: 418 Member
    There is more plastic in the ocean than plankton? I am calling shenanigans and demanding a source.

    I think it's a misrepresentation of this:

    'The abundance and mass of neustonic plastic was the largest recorded anywhere in the Pacific Ocean at 334 271 pieces km2 and , respectively. Plankton abundance was approximately five times higher than that of plastic, but the mass of plastic was approximately six times that of plankton.'

  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    My apologies, let me be more clear:

    "Plastic is also swept away by ocean currents, landing in swirling vortexes called ocean gyres. The North Pacific Gyre off the coast of California is home to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the largest ocean garbage site in the world. The floating mass of plastic is twice the size of Texas, with plastic pieces outnumbering sea life by a measure of 6 to 1."

    "One of the most serious threats to our oceans is plastics pollution. Plastic constitutes approximately 90% of all trash floating on the ocean’s surface, with 46,000 pieces of plastic per square mile."

    There are many sources, which I've posted. Feel free to read them.
  • SamanthaS55
    I no longer care about the extraneous bull**** of the world. I do my part in to make my part of the world livable and happy. You'll die quicker if you constantly dwell on what's wrong with the world instead of looking at what's right.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Actually, everything is fine.

    As the population expands, new technologies will emerge allowing innovation in farming beyond what we can even imagine now. The idea that were crowding the earth is ludicrous. There is so much space available for people to live on that it's ridiculous. And, the food supply will be fine. It is not finite.

    The main innovation is going to have to be eliminating imaginary boundaries that we have created. As humans, we will have to begin coming together, like the Beatles suggested years ago. We already have. We are very tightly tied by economics with several countries, and while some see this as negative, I am optimistic that it's a start of good things in the future. We HAVE to work things out with these countries now. We can no longer villinize them. They are part of our fabric now. As this continues to develop, and the old school people die, and the new school people will have more optimistic views about creating partnerships with other countries which could lead to melding together. Ultimately, this could lead to less or no war. Less or no hate toward other systems and beliefs and more understanding. It could be several powerful countries helping to rid of war by joining forces and not allowing the atrocities that occur today.

    The fake boundaries humans have created with brute force is a major component that keep the human race from progressing more than it has, IMO.

    Whilst I admire your optimism, I cannot share it. As long as there is religion, there will be war, and that is not a poke at religion. Religion is the single greatest cause of war and tension in the whole of history. Humans are just too cmpetative and dominating to live in perfect harmony, so even without the religios angle I cannot see your utopia.

    Its a short life and I would like to enjoy it without the social pressures that we have engineered for ourselves - but being realistic there is a fat chance of that! As a race we are just too materialistic and must have the best we can get as fast as we can get it! Not a great quality!

    I don't disagree, but i feel economics will force us to understand and empathize. That was my point. The borders are beginning to blur. Not in a real governmental way, but in a softer realistic way. For instance, India runs most of the USA's IT infrastructure. GM outsources more than it manufactures in the US. Import companies have set up shop in the US and they actually hire and manufacture more in the US than US manufacturers. We import more products from China than we make here. These situations point to a swift change that is occurring without anyone really noticing. The tides are shifting and like it or not, the financial infrastructure is no longer the USA being dependent on the USA, but we are dependent on other nations for support, and they also depend on us. So, economically speaking, we are learning to accept differences. Those economic variables are turning social, as we the people, are dealing with other nations living with us.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it will happen in my lifetime. I'm just saying its moving in that direction. It's just starting.

    I see what you are saying, I think we are coming at it from different angles. If you look back to my original post (on the first page) I talk about how we as a society have made fantastic progress in many respects, but that ultimately it detracts from our quality of life, both in terms of social pressure and the environment we live in. You are right, we do live in a more global society where there are smaller countries rapidly developing (you cite China, and that is a perfect example). China is rapidly leaving it's past behind and buldozing it under a glitzy facade to keep up with the Jones's. China has a lot of social inequality to deal with, but the pressure to perfom and have the latest gadget, be the biggest and the best will eclipse what China is about now, in a similar way to how the Euro Zone has changed Greece for ever. The causes of these situations are completely different save for a desire to be top of the pile through percieved progress, but many Greeks want to go back. I hope that China has better fortunes, and that the people enjoy their new lifestyle. As I say, not all progress is good!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    We're all a bunch of narcissistic, lazy, self-righteous turds.

    So basically we're like every other living thing on this planet.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    No, we are not doing well. We have not cured cancer, gone beyond our immediate neighborhood in the universe, or eradicated poverty. But we have constructed very complicated financial derivative products that nobody really understands the mechanism of, that make a select few very rich, at the detriment of the majority. Why? Because all out rocket scientists want to work on wall street instead of working in labs or researching. Why? Because there is more money to be made by scamming people while staying in legal bounds. Why? Because capitalism has some very ugly aspects to it.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    The world is cruel! And the justice system is not fair :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble:

  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I no longer care about the extraneous bull**** of the world. I do my part in to make my part of the world livable and happy. You'll die quicker if you constantly dwell on what's wrong with the world instead of looking at what's right.

  • V3XES
    V3XES Posts: 17 Member
    As I, and my fellow life forms, look down on you humanoids from our far and distant planet, we can only say...........

    "you only have yourselves to blame and if you continue to use your planet's own matrix for fuel, your world will implode upon itself propagated from the darkness of your greed and resultant wars."

    My my, how we laughed at your film Mad Max.........


    if you see that Spock guy, tell him from us to get a life !!!