I'm a horrible person to date because....



  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    1. I expect the other person to be really funny and sarcastic, at all times. If we're at a funeral, it's ok for you to twerk on my lap to cheer me up. I don't care what other people think.
    2. I don't care what other people think.
    3. I don't date people with cars. I like to hunt, kayak, and be outside. How can we pull a boat or 4 wheeler with a car. Doesn't work for me.
    4. I'm just a biotch in general.
  • Mrmiller0422
    Mrmiller0422 Posts: 91 Member
    nobody wants to be in a relationship where they are wrong all the time

    So true
  • lippygidg
    lippygidg Posts: 67 Member
    My abs look nothing like yours :/
    Chances are those aren't his abs either ;) lol
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Well, I like to have someone that is totally into me as me. Not for whatever expectations anyone has. Give me that, I give everything back. Sounds simple but it is so hard to find, but harder to maintain.

    Has to be very physical, cerebral, spiritual, and emotional.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I don't have time to emotional baby sit.
    And I hate pretending to be interested in others.
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    I only like men, that don't have; a body type preference & don't need personal space.

    I don't believe in privacy, between couples. I don't care if you're in the bathroom, while I am using the scale. Just like you shouldn't care, if I have to get an Advil; while you're going #2.

    I hate his & her closets, bathrooms, bedrooms and/or side of the bed, etc. I might as well stay; single then; if I'm going to feel as though I am.
  • starlight682
    starlight682 Posts: 35 Member
    I get bored easily in relationships

    I talk a lot

    I have an unusual interest in weird and unusual facts

    some of the reasons why i'm still single probably
  • Zealand4530
    Zealand4530 Posts: 180 Member
    I have a very dry sense of humor
    I have no filter I say stupid things, jokes, comments
    I work a lot
    I don't like trying new things
    Hockey 4 times a week
    I hate to clean
    I don't like to talk much have a hard time expressing feelings
    Everyone loves me
  • TheProudDadLife
    TheProudDadLife Posts: 654 Member
    I'm a bit of a fast walker and I like to avoid the crowds
  • MishaWest79
    MishaWest79 Posts: 166 Member
    You are amazing @Louise1491 <3
    Thanks for loving me flaws and all :p
  • Damien_K
    Damien_K Posts: 783 Member
    I lose interest too easily
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    That is to help me over come my antisocial disorder.. lol helps people be let intimidated by me. I most folks just read the shirt, every once in a while ill actually get a hug, and it helps start conversations. I have a hard time starting conversations with strangers. I can never go to a bar, and just talk to woman there, I would die... lol

    @ mountman2012 You need this shirt:
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    Was reminded of another reason I am horrible to date last night. I don't believe any conversation should have to be "off limits" with my significant other.
  • Icheatonmywife
    Icheatonmywife Posts: 132 Member
    rps67 wrote: »
    That is to help me over come my antisocial disorder.. lol helps people be let intimidated by me. I most folks just read the shirt, every once in a while ill actually get a hug, and it helps start conversations. I have a hard time starting conversations with strangers. I can never go to a bar, and just talk to woman there, I would die... lol

    @ mountman2012 You need this shirt:

    I love that shirt... Ill have to get me one now... thanks
  • stylistchicky
    stylistchicky Posts: 561 Member
    After reading through all of these I don't feel so bad.
    I've had a hip replacement at age 36 and it makes walking looong distances and stairs a problem but, I have handicapped parking sooo I get Rockstar parking everywhere I go, except SW Florida everyone has a handicapped sticker there.
    I have a dark sense of humor.
    I cuss like a sailor but I can edit it.
    I can talk to anyone about anything...so it may seem like I am flirting or interested when I'm not.
  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    because I am married, I'm officially on the "older" side, I have a fat mama budda jelly belly, I have five kids, I'm stubborn as hell, I can't often reign in my sense of humor (which is not always clean or politically correct), I will tell you what I think when I disagree with you, although I am able to do it in a non insulting way so there is that. Mostly I'm just a short chubby stubborn Polish chick who sometimes cries at commercials and gets mad at mean people.

    Substitute five kids for one, short for tallish and Polish for Irish/English and we're pretty similar.
  • amcalmond768
    amcalmond768 Posts: 289 Member
    CincyNeid wrote: »
    - My wife might kill you.
    - My wife might kill me.
    Lmao omg that's priceless .. Best answer!!!
  • Verchild
    Verchild Posts: 866 Member
    1. I expect the other person to be really funny and sarcastic, at all times. If we're at a funeral, it's ok for you to twerk on my lap to cheer me up. I don't care what other people think.
    2. I don't care what other people think.
    3. I don't date people with cars. I like to hunt, kayak, and be outside. How can we pull a boat or 4 wheeler with a car. Doesn't work for me.
    4. I'm just a biotch in general.

    This is true. She will demand you twerk at random times.