Cutting sugar

Heydew Posts: 54 Member
So today I took a big step and began cutting sugar out of my diet. I am a firm believer in CICO don't get me wrong, this is for other reasons. The biggest being that I'm so tired of being tired! And I'm going to try to see if this helps me feel less horrible!

Game plan is to avoid sugar if possible and keep my intake to less than 25g. Then after a few weeks of detoxing I will reintroduce healthy sugars first like fruit.

Has anyone done anything similar to this before? How did it affect you?


  • TheBlizz35
    TheBlizz35 Posts: 142 Member
    edited August 2016
    I found it was really helpful to do it. I started by eating tons of veggies and protein. Definitely tough those first few days for those of us who are "sugarholics", but I found that my usual morning sugar coma lifted quickly, and I found myself not craving sugar after a few days. I did add fruits back in after a week or so (and started with low glycemic ones like berries and certain melons first). Now I can enjoy a small bowl of ice cream once in a while which wanting to eat the entire half gallon, but I always make sure to get my fruits/veggies in before I reach for any other kind of sugar. Good luck! FYI - I'm down 77 pounds this year so I know it worked for me. :smile:
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,432 Member
    I could see cutting refined/added sugar (including honey and all the "natural" subs)...but I eat apples to help manage cholesterol (some impact) and even veggies have sugar...esp. carrots. MFP always lectures me about sugar when I eat carrots. Go fig. I don't think I could cut out fruit.
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    TheBlizz35 wrote: »
    I found it was really helpful to do it. I started by eating tons of veggies and protein. Definitely tough those first few days for those of us who are "sugarholics", but I found that my usual morning sugar coma lifted quickly, and I found myself not craving sugar after a few days. I did add fruits back in after a week or so (and started with low glycemic ones like berries and certain melons first). Now I can enjoy a small bowl of ice cream once in a while which wanting to eat the entire half gallon, but I always make sure to get my fruits/veggies in before I reach for any other kind of sugar. Good luck! FYI - I'm down 77 pounds this year so I know it worked for me. :smile:

    That's amazing! Makes me feel like I'm making a good decision!
    I could see cutting refined/added sugar (including honey and all the "natural" subs)...but I eat apples to help manage cholesterol (some impact) and even veggies have sugar...esp. carrots. MFP always lectures me about sugar when I eat carrots. Go fig. I don't think I could cut out fruit.

    I'm not a big fruit eater to begin with! I like, but every once in a while. I do plan to add fruit back slowly once I lose the cravings!
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    Day 1: "ok this isn't that bad, I got this"
    Day 2: "is this what a drug addict feels like?"

    Now I wonder what kind of day tomorrow will be!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I cut out added sugar for a while when I first started (Jan 2014). (I did not cut out other sugars, but I wasn't consuming dairy during the same period, and I just never eat much fruit in the winter, which it was, so most my sugar was mostly from vegetables, sweet potatoes, plantains.) I did this in conjunction with improving my diet (especially having a nice set breakfast with plenty of protein), cutting out snacking, and just generally getting back to my usual healthy diet which I'd let slip some. I also cut calories significantly, started walking a lot more and doing some exercise, and was super motivated. I felt great and a lot more stable in my moods, which I initially attributed in part to the sugar thing, and especially cutting out mindless consumption of snacks around my office, which I think caused me to have a up and down thing going all day, as well as encouraging emotional eating.

    After a while I started thinking that it was probably getting a nutritious diet overall, being more active, and especially not snacking that was helping (snacking doesn't work for me, I know others like it, but grazing just leads me to overeat on foods that are less satisfying to me than my usual and to mindlessly eat). I kept everything else the same but started consuming dairy again (greek yogurt and cottage cheese, plus some cheese) and also some foods with added sugar, in moderation (200 calories of ice cream for dessert on occasion when I had the calories, stuff like that). I found it didn't affect how I felt negatively at all.

    In early 2015 I again cut out added sugar for a month and this time, while it wasn't hard, again, it didn't make me feel any better, which confirmed my suspicions that the improvements the first time were due to other causes. (I wasn't feeling bad before I started this, and was consuming sugar in moderation.)

    I'm now probably consuming more sugar that I have in years, since I've been eating lots of fruit (well, compared to my usual), and if anything I'm finding that I feel better than ever doing that. But I recommend trying anything you think you might like -- I'm all for experimenting with diet and finding what works for you.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It's not possible to cut out sugar and have a healthy diet. Even if you cut out fruit, there is sugar in vegetables and dairy. What kind of horrible are you feeling? I'm pretty sure it's not because you are eating fruit. Detoxing is totally *kitten*. Sugar isn't a poison, it's meaningless.

    If you want to feel less tired, try to add foods - a variety of fruit, vegs, meat, fish, whole grains, nuts, dairy. Cook good meals, find recipes for dishes you want to try. If you are overeating, eat less. Eating better food should lessen the urge to overeat.
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    I'm not cutting out all sugar. I'm sticking to staying less than 25 g a day and not for forever. The first two days I was around 18 g and today I came in at 8 g. I'm just trying to adjust my cravings. Then I'll start eating fruits again. Cuz as you said sugar is not poison. And I will say, day three I felt pretty good. Other than a little headache (which could be related to allergies) my mood had improved greatly.

    As you had suggested I am eating more of a variety of foods. Cooking more, and logging everything!

    I think for me personally my biggest problem is not eating too much but eating the wrong things. Instead of dinner I'd eat a bunch of Oreos or a milkshake from cookout. I craved cookies, cake, and soda!

    I'm trying this out to help with my cravings, energy levels, and mood. Can't hurt right!
  • SR_403
    SR_403 Posts: 13 Member
    I cut out sugar 3 months ago after starting the keto diet. Sugar causes inflammation and being sugar free has resulted in all my joint pains and muscle aches subsiding. Giving up sugar wasn't as tough as I imagined and the benefits outweigh any temptations.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    At first I cut out artificial sugars, but I still had problems when I ate fruit (my body was like "FEED ME!") So I challenged myself to give up all sugar except in veggies for a whole month. I ate a ton of protein and low starch veggies (I was also low/moderate carb), and by the time my month was up, the cravings were gone. I can enjoy a reasonable amount of fruit and raw honey.
  • danielives
    danielives Posts: 10 Member
    I am trying to cut some sugar candy especially. It's very difficult , but reading some of your post I think that I will be able to stay away from the candy.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I have not done it, but you might find some people in these groups who have done something similar. At the very least, you might get some meal ideas as these ways of eating pretty much necessitate a focus on whole foods to meet with the parameters of the diet. Good luck!
  • Return2Fit
    Return2Fit Posts: 226 Member
    Heydew wrote: »
    So today I took a big step and began cutting sugar out of my diet. I am a firm believer in CICO don't get me wrong, this is for other reasons. The biggest being that I'm so tired of being tired! And I'm going to try to see if this helps me feel less horrible!

    Game plan is to avoid sugar if possible and keep my intake to less than 25g. Then after a few weeks of detoxing I will reintroduce healthy sugars first like fruit.

    Has anyone done anything similar to this before? How did it affect you?
    I won't usually eat anything processed with added sugar. I stick to a whole food diet 75% of the time.
    It's made a huge difference while still allowing for a minor foray into twinkie territory...

  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    I just finished day 4 at 12 g of sugar! The cravings were real today though even though I physically feel better! But I persevered even with a coworker bring in delicious looking boberry biscuits from bojangles that sat on a table directly behind my desk! And the candy bowl in my supervisors office may had been talking to me but I ignored them! And I'm kind of proud of myself! It makes it so much easier to stay in my calorie zone too! Before my morning coffee would take up 150 clarories (becuase of creamer) but now I can use those calories for a snack in the morning later!

    My diary is open to my friends if anyone wants to add me. I don't eat any crazy exciting stuff though but simple works!

    I will also definitely check out those groups! Thanks for the support everyone!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I don't try to avoid sugar. I just enjoy foods like vegetables and meat. I put a bit of sugar in my coffee once in awhile and have a treat every day. It keeps my sugar low. I prefer it that way because I have an unfortunate reaction to high sugar.