Homeopathic nutritionist?



  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    MABMomma wrote: »
    She says that the machine is taking pictures of his spine to see if one side of his body is more "stressed" than the other.

    My right hand is more stressed than my left. This is because my right hand is often spooning yoghurt into my face, whilst the left hand contributes nothing.

    Try curling while spooning... ;)

    This brought a rather disturbing image to mind.

    OP, sorry you had this experience. I hope you have since found a good medical practitioner in your area.

    See, this is where we find out who has the dirty minds! ;)
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    MABMomma wrote: »
    She says that the machine is taking pictures of his spine to see if one side of his body is more "stressed" than the other.

    My right hand is more stressed than my left. This is because my right hand is often spooning yoghurt into my face, whilst the left hand contributes nothing.

    Try curling while spooning... ;)

    This brought a rather disturbing image to mind.

    OP, sorry you had this experience. I hope you have since found a good medical practitioner in your area.

    See, this is where we find out who has the dirty minds! ;)

    I've never been good at hiding that :blushing:
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    MABMomma wrote: »
    She says that the machine is taking pictures of his spine to see if one side of his body is more "stressed" than the other.

    My right hand is more stressed than my left. This is because my right hand is often spooning yoghurt into my face, whilst the left hand contributes nothing.

    You must be female......
  • Plutodreams
    Plutodreams Posts: 67 Member
    edited November 2016
    This is exactly why I don't even come on this site anymore. People are so closed minded. A medical approach which is different from western medicine is automatically "nutty." ....yeah western medicine, which is totally in bed with the profit as opposed to health driven pharmaceutical industry (for example big pharma funds med schools and so doctors learn more about drug prescribing aka 'product selling' than health. Alternative medicine, including acupuncture and homeopathic herbal treatment, has healed me through every issue that western medicine could not treat. All western doctors do is write prescriptions and treat you like a number. They're usually ignorant about actual healing and completely fail to see what ancient medicine, including homeopathy understands: the inherent interrelatedness of every bodily condition. That's what homeopathic medicine is based on, and it's been around a lot longer than our medicine, which you've all been brainwashed into believing in. What about our magic machines, and magic pills? How many times have we been wrong? I'm glad trump is president, now we can all watch the false glory of western egotism completely collapse on itself. I would never trust a traditional doctor, with the exception of surgeons. Aside from the one who brought me into this world and did a very good job keeping me alive because he broke protocol, every other traditional doctor I have seen has treated me extremely poorly, ill informed me, and attempted to drug me with medicine I don't need, and failed to help me whatsoever. Thank God I can think for myself.
    And btw, the so called "science" (lol) that debunks alternative treatment is paid for by big pharma, what a joke! If you actually do your research, the legitimate, non contaminated science supports alternative medicine. And what's more convincing than a guy in a lab coat besides, is thousands of years of adherence, study, and support.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Yes. Unfortunately, today a number of states have laws specific to parents and consequences for the medical decisions they make for their children. Like it or not, we have to live within those laws (at least until if/when they are changed) which means there will be legal consequences for some people if what they choose hurts their kids. It's why 1) the state has no business in the family and 2) a parent better have discerning wisdom in what they choose to do. Both of those are relevant regardless of what the laws are, but even more so today in our current climate.

    I don't consider it unfortunate that we have laws to address situations where people choose to harm their children. We've seen what can happen when parents have absolute power of life and death over their children. Many people would use it well and make decisions with the best interest of their children at heart. Some people wouldn't and someone shouldn't be at the total mercy of someone else just because they happen to be under the age of 18.

    It would be nice if everyone had wisdom just because they chose to reproduce, but that just doesn't happen. If your parent wants to lock you in a closet for hours or beat you with stick or deny you medical care or starve you or barter sexual access to you for drugs or deliberately expose you to infectious diseases, the argument that the state has no business in the family rings pretty hollow. Having children doesn't make you an infallible person and it doesn't make you a better one. That most parents love and care for their children doesn't change the fact that some parents don't.

    First off, don't put words in my mouth. Child abuse is child abuse and should be reported. I did not say anything about accepting child abuse as "parenting" b/c it's clearly NOT. Parenting is a whole lot more then popping babies out (don't I wish people knew this). But I do not consider medical choices child abuse. There is a very fine line for sure, and one has to be exceedingly careful. If I were a bystander watching poor medical decisions being made I would do my very best to intervene with some wisdom to those making the decisions, but ultimately, they are responsible for their choices. Again, this is where discernment comes in. I'm not sure why people here seem to think that someone who approves of and uses natural medicine somehow will refuse medical care if it's clear their kid needs it. Yes, there are people in this world like that - I GET that. But to assume that everyone is, is wrong. Quit classifying everyone into the same group and quit putting words into my mouth. I don't think making laws that hamstring millions because of a few idiots is right either. Punish the few idiots based on the facts. Don't take away the rights of those that have common sense and choose to use it.

    I've sat in a room with an oncologist and a social worker called in b/c my husband and I told the doctor, "enough" of what they were doing to our son. We chose an alternative route. We had just found out that the all wise doctors and hospital had given our son tainted blood product that gave him hepatitis (on top of his already being very sick). When we told them we were walking away they called social services. It took less then 15 minutes for that lady to see how and why we made the decisions we were making, how we interacted with the doctor and our son, and how our son felt about everything. She walked out and told the doctor to leave us alone. Our son was no longer in imminent danger and we had gotten him medical care when he was in danger and they were to leave us alone. That didn't satisfy that witch and she pursued us. Until we got in her face and told her we would sue the crap out of her and the hospital and put our name on that hospital for giving our son hepatitis. Then she stepped aside and told us to leave. In our case, it clearly was all about the money because if she really thought we were harming our son do you think she would have let us go?

    Before you people pass judgement on what someone thinks or believes, stand a few minutes in their shoes. And for petes sake, quit lumping everyone into the same category. If someone was doing that to you on this board by lumping you all into the "*kitten*" category because you all believed the same thing, I would venture to guess quite a few of you would be not only offended but consider it unfair to be lumped together because clearly some are not *kitten* and some are. It's no different when it comes to people that use or choose one form of medicine over another. Claiming "abuse" to a group of people b/c of their choice is no different then what I just said. Both of those statements are false (not everyone is *kitten* and not everyone that chooses to use natural medicine for their family is an abuser). Don't lump us all into the same category because we are not all the same, and some day you may just find yourself sitting where we were making the same decision we made. It's pretty easy to say what you'd do until you're faced with it.

    I am done with this conversation. What needed to be said has been said and everything else is nothing more then pursuing an argument. I find it interesting that beyond the suggestions I gave to the OP, that I saw maybe a couple of other serious ideas (if that) that she could try to rectify this situation and the rest has been bashing all natural forms of medicine rather then giving her constructive ideas for fixing her error (regardless if I agree with her or not). Clearly y'all would rather play bashing games instead of being helpful to the OP.

    Again, OP, I hope the few ways I suggested you can pursue this will lead to the outcome you desire.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Wow. Apparently I missed an entire conversation while I was typing..........welcome to my world @Plutodreams. I'm right with you in many arenas. ;)
  • MaybeLed
    MaybeLed Posts: 250 Member
    Yes. Unfortunately, today a number of states have laws specific to parents and consequences for the medical decisions they make for their children. Like it or not, we have to live within those laws (at least until if/when they are changed) which means there will be legal consequences for some people if what they choose hurts their kids. It's why 1) the state has no business in the family and 2) a parent better have discerning wisdom in what they choose to do. Both of those are relevant regardless of what the laws are, but even more so today in our current climate.

    I don't consider it unfortunate that we have laws to address situations where people choose to harm their children. We've seen what can happen when parents have absolute power of life and death over their children. Many people would use it well and make decisions with the best interest of their children at heart. Some people wouldn't and someone shouldn't be at the total mercy of someone else just because they happen to be under the age of 18.

    It would be nice if everyone had wisdom just because they chose to reproduce, but that just doesn't happen. If your parent wants to lock you in a closet for hours or beat you with stick or deny you medical care or starve you or barter sexual access to you for drugs or deliberately expose you to infectious diseases, the argument that the state has no business in the family rings pretty hollow. Having children doesn't make you an infallible person and it doesn't make you a better one. That most parents love and care for their children doesn't change the fact that some parents don't.

    First off, don't put words in my mouth. Child abuse is child abuse and should be reported. I did not say anything about accepting child abuse as "parenting" b/c it's clearly NOT. Parenting is a whole lot more then popping babies out (don't I wish people knew this). But I do not consider medical choices child abuse. There is a very fine line for sure, and one has to be exceedingly careful. If I were a bystander watching poor medical decisions being made I would do my very best to intervene with some wisdom to those making the decisions, but ultimately, they are responsible for their choices. Again, this is where discernment comes in. I'm not sure why people here seem to think that someone who approves of and uses natural medicine somehow will refuse medical care if it's clear their kid needs it. Yes, there are people in this world like that - I GET that. But to assume that everyone is, is wrong. Quit classifying everyone into the same group and quit putting words into my mouth. I don't think making laws that hamstring millions because of a few idiots is right either. Punish the few idiots based on the facts. Don't take away the rights of those that have common sense and choose to use it.

    I've sat in a room with an oncologist and a social worker called in b/c my husband and I told the doctor, "enough" of what they were doing to our son. We chose an alternative route. We had just found out that the all wise doctors and hospital had given our son tainted blood product that gave him hepatitis (on top of his already being very sick). When we told them we were walking away they called social services. It took less then 15 minutes for that lady to see how and why we made the decisions we were making, how we interacted with the doctor and our son, and how our son felt about everything. She walked out and told the doctor to leave us alone. Our son was no longer in imminent danger and we had gotten him medical care when he was in danger and they were to leave us alone. That didn't satisfy that witch and she pursued us. Until we got in her face and told her we would sue the crap out of her and the hospital and put our name on that hospital for giving our son hepatitis. Then she stepped aside and told us to leave. In our case, it clearly was all about the money because if she really thought we were harming our son do you think she would have let us go?

    Before you people pass judgement on what someone thinks or believes, stand a few minutes in their shoes. And for petes sake, quit lumping everyone into the same category. If someone was doing that to you on this board by lumping you all into the "*kitten*" category because you all believed the same thing, I would venture to guess quite a few of you would be not only offended but consider it unfair to be lumped together because clearly some are not *kitten* and some are. It's no different when it comes to people that use or choose one form of medicine over another. Claiming "abuse" to a group of people b/c of their choice is no different then what I just said. Both of those statements are false (not everyone is *kitten* and not everyone that chooses to use natural medicine for their family is an abuser). Don't lump us all into the same category because we are not all the same, and some day you may just find yourself sitting where we were making the same decision we made. It's pretty easy to say what you'd do until you're faced with it.

    I am done with this conversation. What needed to be said has been said and everything else is nothing more then pursuing an argument. I find it interesting that beyond the suggestions I gave to the OP, that I saw maybe a couple of other serious ideas (if that) that she could try to rectify this situation and the rest has been bashing all natural forms of medicine rather then giving her constructive ideas for fixing her error (regardless if I agree with her or not). Clearly y'all would rather play bashing games instead of being helpful to the OP.

    Again, OP, I hope the few ways I suggested you can pursue this will lead to the outcome you desire.

    When you wrote that the state has no business in the family, I thought you meant to communicate that it was your opinion that the state has no business in the family. If that wasn't what you meant, I don't know how I could have possibly known that.

    That is also exactly how I took it, also when the discussion was about how many children had died due to their parents alternative 'medicine' the justification of ronjsteele1was that we were confusing homeopaths with naturopaths......