Calling all Hunters/Gatherers



  • rmfindleyjr
    rmfindleyjr Posts: 529 Member
    edited September 2016

    Anyone here hunt gator before? Lol I feel like I may be on my own with that

    I've killed a few...makes a great gumbo.

    That's a great lookin' gator! Bet you were on cloud nine! I would have been for sure LOL

    Thanks, that was the smaller of the 2 that night....
  • BackwoodsDarlin
    BackwoodsDarlin Posts: 109 Member
    edited September 2016
    Any waterfowl hunters here?
    I grouse and pheasant hunt as well but the majority of my time is spent in the swamps and lakes.
    My family used to raise pheasant, quail, dove etc....

    What do you think about the taste of pheasant? Both the wild ones I hunted as well as the ones I raised seemed a little greasy.. Still delicious though.. fixed it all kinds of ways and loved it! Even made enchiladas with it LOL
    Any waterfowl hunters here?

    Yup...My oldest son has the black lab and all the gear as he is freaking nuts about it. I go a few times a season for both goose and duck. I need new waders - my old ones leak bad right into my junk.

    I am like your son, I am nuts about it. I grouse and pheasant hunt as well but the majority of my time is spent in the swamps and lakes.
    My family used to raise pheasant, quail, dove etc....

    What do you think about the taste of pheasant? Both the wild ones I hunted as well as the ones I raised seemed a little greasy.. Still delicious though.. fixed it all kinds of ways and loved it! Even made enchiladas with it LOL
  • BackwoodsDarlin
    BackwoodsDarlin Posts: 109 Member
    Any waterfowl hunters here?

    Yup...My oldest son has the black lab and all the gear as he is freaking nuts about it. I go a few times a season for both goose and duck. I need new waders - my old ones leak bad right into my junk.

    I am like your son, I am nuts about it. I grouse and pheasant hunt as well but the majority of my time is spent in the swamps and lakes.
    My family used to raise pheasant, quail, dove etc....

    What do you think about the taste of pheasant? Both the wild ones I hunted as well as the ones I raised seemed a little greasy.. Still delicious though.. fixed it all kinds of ways and loved it! Even made enchiladas with it LOL
    Any waterfowl hunters here?

    Yup...My oldest son has the black lab and all the gear as he is freaking nuts about it. I go a few times a season for both goose and duck. I need new waders - my old ones leak bad right into my junk.

    I am like your son, I am nuts about it. I grouse and pheasant hunt as well but the majority of my time is spent in the swamps and lakes.

    Don't know what happened in my previous post LOL.... oh well, I do it again :)

    My family used to raise pheasant, quail, dove etc....

    What do you think about the taste of pheasant? Both the wild ones I hunted as well as the ones I raised seemed a little greasy.. Still delicious though.. fixed it all kinds of ways and loved it! Even made enchiladas with it LOL

  • BackwoodsDarlin
    BackwoodsDarlin Posts: 109 Member
    And that one posted twice in the same post..... WEIRD! : :o
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    We eat pheasant a lot. I don't find it greasy but it can dry out easily. I have had both farm raised and wild pheasant. We also hunt and eat grouse and woodcock. Both much smaller and again can dry out easy. We have made everything from casseroles, stir fry's, to pot pie with the birds.
  • BackwoodsDarlin
    BackwoodsDarlin Posts: 109 Member
    We eat pheasant a lot. I don't find it greasy but it can dry out easily. I have had both farm raised and wild pheasant. We also hunt and eat grouse and woodcock. Both much smaller and again can dry out easy. We have made everything from casseroles, stir fry's, to pot pie with the birds.
    Maybe that's why I thought it tasted a little greasy... 'cause all the Pheasant that I've eaten was not dry at all, it was quite moist.. maybe greasy was not the right word? Maybe moist, but a little fatty smooth moisture? Now that I'm thinking about it to myself, it's kind of hard to describe LOL. Love the flavor!
  • BackwoodsDarlin
    BackwoodsDarlin Posts: 109 Member
    Any waterfowl hunters here?

    Yup...My oldest son has the black lab and all the gear as he is freaking nuts about it. I go a few times a season for both goose and duck. I need new waders - my old ones leak bad right into my junk.

    One of my labs as well as my bloodhound both passed recently... I miss them SO much! :( I'm sure your son treats his as family, much like I did mine.... They are very precious companions for sure
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    While hunting my dad came across a guy that hunted duck with his lab.
    His dog would flat out ditch him if missed more than 2 or 3 times and go hunt with someone else. When he was done he would go wait at his truck for the other hunters then take his dog home.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Beginning waterfowler here. I don't have a dog, but have several friends with pointers/retrievers for upland and waterfowl. I used to go without the dogs, but it is so much more fun with the four legged friends.

    Never gone for gators, but we did get an opportunity to hunt crocs with the locals along the Zambezi. That was intense!

    I definitely is huge having a dog. I winged one last year and my dog chased that bird through the swamp for about 20-30 minutes. She finally won that battle and proudly brought the bird back

    I had a female black lab (Jazz) that just showed up at the farm one day - trained her to retrieve and was my hunting buddy for years. She had a litter of pups and I still get comments 20 years later from friends remarking that those were the best dogs they ever had. I need to reach out to them and see if I can't get a pup.
  • MatthewG1973
    MatthewG1973 Posts: 69 Member
    I am at

  • BackwoodsDarlin
    BackwoodsDarlin Posts: 109 Member
    I am at

    I've never been to a Trappers convention... I bet it's a blast! Is it like Hunters Extravaganza, but for trappers?
  • MatthewG1973
    MatthewG1973 Posts: 69 Member
    Yes... They buy and sell all thing to do with trapping and have seminars on different type of trapping and how to make different sets. You will have to go to one sometime. :)
  • BackwoodsDarlin
    BackwoodsDarlin Posts: 109 Member
    Yes... They buy and sell all thing to do with trapping and have seminars on different type of trapping and how to make different sets. You will have to go to one sometime. :)

    Oh, right up my alley! But alas, I looked up their website and nothing is goin' on here in Texas :( But at least now I know it's there and can be on the lookout for sure! It showed the director for Texas being about 3 1/2 hours away, not bad... so maybe something local will transpire :)
  • MatthewG1973
    MatthewG1973 Posts: 69 Member
    Otherwise you can always come to the one in Wisconsin.
  • BackwoodsDarlin
    BackwoodsDarlin Posts: 109 Member
    Otherwise you can always come to the one in Wisconsin.

    LOL Now that would be an expensive trip :o
  • MatthewG1973
    MatthewG1973 Posts: 69 Member
    We would just need to combine it with something else... Like black bear hunting...
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry I have been MIA. Work ramped back up and I was also asked to join a hunting team. So contracts and the like have kept me pretty tied up. Oh and some tree stand therapy!
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member

    I am picking up $200 of fish on Friday afternoon that we are going to stock in two of our farm ponds. This includes 100, 6"-8" long catfish, 300 bluegill fingerlings (2" to 3" long), and 7.5 pounds of flat-head minnows to introduce into two of our farm ponds.

    The otters have cleared out all of the catfish from an existing 2.5 acre pond. The catfish lay on the bottom and are easy prey for the otters. This time I am putting the catfish in a 1.5 acre pond that is furthest away from the otter super-highway...aka Perche Creek. Maybe this extra 400 yards will help. Maybe not. Maybe I need to stock it every other year or three - time will tell.

    We also have a 2/3 acre minnow/crawdad "bait" pond with an awesome dock. We decided to stock it so we have fished our other farm ponds and put some big bass and big bluegill into it. The 300 bluegill fingerlings and the fathead minnows are essentially bass food. If you want big bass, you have to overpopulate the bluegill...if you want big bluegill, do the opposite.

  • BackwoodsDarlin
    BackwoodsDarlin Posts: 109 Member
    We would just need to combine it with something else... Like black bear hunting...

    OH now THAT I would love!... I've never hunted bear before. When I lived in Arkansas, I lived close to a game reserve, so couldn't. We only had black bear around, though... probably nothing like you have up there. You probably have it all and much bigger ones :)