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Do guys date fat girls?



  • Jolenetaylor5513
    Jolenetaylor5513 Posts: 226 Member
    OK, I'm sorry
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Just cause someone is fat doesn't make them unattractive. Just as some men like blonde, some like petite women everyone has their own opinion of what beauty is or what is attractive. I think if you're concerned your size will be a turn off for men then they'll probably just be turned off because of a lack of confidence or insecurity.
  • Geeky_and_Cheeky
    Geeky_and_Cheeky Posts: 493 Member
    I think it will slim the dating pool some, but let your personality & kindness shine. I find it harder to date being a divorced mom than being overweight. I'm 149, so about 20lbs overweight with a mom bod & it hasn't been an issue. Everyone has their preferences, like some guys prefer not to date women with kids, overweight girls, only girls with a degree, girls who are high maintenance, etc.

    I say continue to work on improving & loving yourself & the right guy(s) will come along. I've met nicer guys not looking than when I was trying!
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Simple answer would be yes, men date fat women, not sure it fat women date men!!! Funny thing is that since I only thought of myself as overweight and never fat prior to losing weight that might have something to do with how attractive my personality made me. Since losing 80+ pounds I have not been on a date or even asked out for a date. This could be because when I was heavier I was actually somewhat more accepting of my body than since losing weight, I am way more critical and way to hesitant to enter into an intimate relationship. . . still a work in progress.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    First off....when you ask a very general question, you need to expect you will hear answers you don't like. This is the interwebs, people are not going to just tell you what you want to hear.

    I have dated when I was bigger, and find no issue dating now (even though I still have work to do). You need to throw out expectations. Be confident in yourself and work what you have. Get some cute outfits that make you feel good about yourself. Even though I know I'm not everyone's taste, I rock what I've got. I always get complimented on my confidence (swagger is what my ex bf always called it). Even if/when you get to your goal weight, dating is hard.

    To ask if guys date fat girls is really asking an impossible question to answer. That's like me asking if someone would date me because I'm brunette and not blonde. Yes they do, and no they don't. Everyone has their own personal preference. Don't get defensive about it. You will find the ones who like you....and when they do, I'll bet it's not about what size jeans you wear. Just sayin.
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    I've only lost 27 lbs (still working at it) and down 4 sizes. I'm still a bigger girl and I don't have a problem getting asked out often. I'm funny and sarcastic both so this may or may not have something to do with it. I'm also upfront with everyone I meet. I'm currently a work in progress and I'm doing my best to workout, lose weight, and get healthy. I did have a guy that was a total D-bag say that I'm hot now but I wasn't before I lost the weight. I told him that I thought he was hot until he opened his mouth. I'm not trying to sound shallow but when you first look at a person you decide if they're date able or not. Looks first and if they're attractive then you get to know them. You need to confident in your own skin, that's sexy to me.
  • Arizona_C
    Arizona_C Posts: 1,476 Member
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    Real men don't worry so much about an external appearance. They look for the love and kindness that's within. I don't care if you're a fitness model... If you're ugly on the inside, I personally want nothing to do with you.

    This is a beautiful answer/ much judging is done too quick, too hard, and not on the qualities of real importance. Thank you for reminding of this

  • VT802VT
    VT802VT Posts: 18 Member
    It all depends on what they are attracted too, everyone has their likes and dislikes. We cant really sit here and say a guy is crappy for not being attracted, or just simply not wanting to date someone overweight. (Not that we are, but some have implied) Every human being is different, and if they choose to like healthy, muscular/toned in shape, than good for them. Its a free country, every person to their own interests and respect it. But to answer the main question, yes guys do date "Fat" girls. Just dont have your standards set all the way through the roof if you expect the same for these guys. (not saying you do)
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Just curious...

    I hope so. :p
  • BreezyPeezy5
    BreezyPeezy5 Posts: 8,059 Member
    Don't know why I'm answering this odd question but yeah.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Of course. Many users of mfp want to lose weight before their wedding. Therefore those users were dated while those users thought they were fat.
  • DrenRigs
    DrenRigs Posts: 448 Member
    I don't Judge I Love all sorts of women skinny ones Tall ones Short ones chunky ones
  • tomorrowistoday0000
    tomorrowistoday0000 Posts: 125 Member
    The answer is yes, of course. However, if you are only looking for a fitness model then your chances might be slimmer. I wouldn't think any less of a person if they only want to date someone who is at their fitness level, given they are still respectful towards everyone else.

    I'll be honest, I am not really attracted to someone who doesn't share similar interests or goals as I do and some of these include working out, eating right and etc.. My reason is because I have a natural tendacy to eat bad and easily lose interest working out; therefore I need a partner who is going to support my good bahavior and not vice versa. Some people might think this is shallow but at my age, you seriously can't afford to look at diet and exercise as optional. With that being said, physical appearance is not the determing factor. Having chemistry, a good personality, similar interests and goals are all factors that determines if a person is dating material.
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    ^ define real

    not some idealistic bull you've made up to impress some middleaged mfp cat lady

    That was unnecessary.
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    Personally, weight on a man doesn't bother me. It's usually the willful ignorance, dbag attitude etc I find unattractive.

    I've known men who prefer larger women and men who prefer smaller, fit women. I believe it's the personality that usually makes the connection between two people.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    My husband does... Ahahah!