Protein after running



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited September 2016
    erickirb wrote: »
    heybales wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    heybales wrote: »
    I'm noticing about half the comments are taking the perspective the question is about lifting, and timing for meals/snacks there.

    Just to be clear this about a long run - aerobic endurance. Which is different.
    Though I'd wager the question with idea that protein is main thing to think about was taken from lifting advice that was read.

    Then again as many pointed out and applies no matter which sport - if general training isn't at elite level (must you hit elite performance to be doing daily strenuous elite level though?) - then it doesn't matter to performance.

    I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly but why would a performance not matter for training irrespective of beginner, intermediate or elite.
    Are you suggesting "general training" cannot be gauged by performance and that performance is only restrictive to "elites"?

    Because a non-elite beginner pushing themselves to the same 85% of VO2max or HRmax for the same amount of time as an elite advanced athlete is pushing their body just as hard.

    The chance that a non-elite beginner could push themselves that hard for the same length an elite athlete could, is not probable. By training an elite athlete would have increased their V02 Max, and their threshold for training at those levels, so your point is quite moot. Better to spend their energy on increasing V02Max, and training threshold, than meal timing (which would only increase times, if at all, a fraction of what they would get from proper training and overall nutrition)

    By beginner we aren't talking couch potato last week, merely someone that doesn't have the time to workout as frequent and hard as elite to increase those fitness stats, and perhaps carries extra 20-30 lbs.

    But a non-elite beginner is going to have a lower VO2max for exactly as you point out - not in same fitness shape, or heavier which would mask their potential VO2max. (mL / KG / min)
    Elite is at say VO2max of 93% of HRmax, beginner is VO2max of 70% of HRmax.

    So it is just as easy for beginner as the elite to hit that same 85% of VO2max, and likely for extended times.

    Let's put some real numbers to it.

    Elite at HRmax 190 bpm, VO2max at 177, endurance workout at 150.
    Beginner at HRmax 185 bpm, VO2max at 130, endurance workout at 111. That ain't that high.
    I know several that are in that boat, and they can do a bike ride for 2-4 hrs at that low HR when they have time for it, and during the summer have been daily almost.
    One just told me how wasted he was after 4 days in a row of doing that. Really observed how tired and slow on ride by 3rd and especially 4th day.

    He was putting his aerobic system and muscles through the same level of workout as someone in much better fitness shape doing the same length of workout at same intensity.
    His is diet in tip/top shape - probably not.
    Is it that hard to eat 400-600 calories of snack and/or meal after the workout to aid having a good one tomorrow - not exactly.

    If that low-hanging fruit of a post workout snack helps to have more intense workout the next day - improvement will be faster overall. Could it be obtained purely from optimal diet/macros - that sounds harder actually, but perhaps.

    And ya - how is steak left over till morning.