September (2016) Running Challenge



  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    New half marathon PR for me today, on the Semi-Marathon de la Côte (thanks to new sponsors officially named "Romande Energie Run" this year, but nobody called it that). My PR from May this year was 2:17:16; so I set myself a goal of 2:10, with a strech goal of 2:07 (=10 min faster). And today I finished in 2:06:24 very1happy.gif

    @_nikkiwolf_ That's awesome! That is a huge PR! Congrats :)
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    edited September 2016
    Oh man, so many posts to catch up on since Friday! Lol. Thanks for all the comments on the shoes, very informative! I've been looking and looking, and have also tried in the past as well, to find previous models of my running shoe but they never have the wide width I need! Ughhh.

    Anyway, yesterday was 2 super easy, loose miles on the treadmill, and I had an epiphany on what 'easy' pace really can be. Since I was on the treadmill I just set the pace to 5.5, and did the 2 miles with an average HR of 139. I NEVER average that low when I run outside, and it was a real wake up that as I focus on my training, I need to keep in mind that easy really means easy, lol.

    This morning was the South Nyack 10 Miler! A nice tune-up race 2 weeks before my HM. It went really well. First couple miles it was super humid, but then the weather changed, the wind came in, and the humidity plummeted. It was glorious. A stretch of the race goes out Piermont Pier, approximately .9ish miles into the Hudson River, and it felt like gale-force winds! made the water blowing off the river sting when it hit me, and was totally invigorating! I really focused on pacing myself, especially since I knew the majority of the uphills were in the 2nd half of the race, and I nearly managed an overall negative split for the 2nd half, and did manage to have my 10th mile be my fastest split. It was also nice passing a number of people in the last couple miles as I still had gas in the tank, and being able to pick that random person in the last half mile or so to have my personal 'race to the finish line' with, lol, and be able to pull out a sprint at the end to leave him in the dust. Getting really excited now for my HM coming up! Overall, according to my Garmin I did today's race in 1:43:11, avg pace 10:13. I'll update once I get the official chip time.


    South Nyack 10 Miler – 9/11 – Done!
    Adirondacks Half Marathon – 9/25
    Sleepy Hollow 10k – 10/22
    Bay of Fundy Half Marathon – 6/25/17
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member

    I would never do a complete race distance at goal pace, but doing some runs at goal pace are benifical, especially for marathons and half marathons since you are most likely not going into threshold and are staying in an aerobic zone. Those runs are a good way to simulate race situations concerning nutrition, clothing, water/hydration strategies etc. You have to remember that these types of runs will take more effort so runs leading up to and after should be taken easy. Doing a hard session too much before or too soon after could add too much stress and increase chances of injury. Also lengthy runs at pace like the one i did today are typically only done is more intermediate or advance plans in which you've done the distance and know what to expect. You typically only do 3-4 pace or interval type long runs over the course of a training cycle, the rest are done easy.
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    edited September 2016
    Congrats @_nikkiwolf_ and @RespectTheKitty for awesome PRs! And well done @kristinegift for racing through those tough conditions.

    @MNLittleFinn I think tapering is something that requires a bit of trial and error and also down to your own judgement. Personally, I like a two week taper for a half and no running after Thursday for a Sunday race, I just make sure I go out and get my 10,000 steps in to keep active, but I know that strategy wouldn't work for a lot of people. What do you honestly think you should do? Ignore that bit of your brain that's telling you to run anyway because you're addicted :tongue:

    September Running Challenge

    1st-4th - Poorlysick
    5th - 3.53 miles
    6th - 4.06 miles
    8th - 10.02 miles
    10th - 3.1 miles
    11th - 6.06 miles

    MTD - 26.77/70 miles

    Upcoming races:
    18th Sept - Run Reigate Half Marathon
    2nd Oct - Tonbridge Half Marathon
    30th Oct - River Thames Half Marathon
    17th Dec - Lee Valley VeloPark Half Marathon
    9th April 2017 - Brighton Marathon

    Oh, and a quick article I wanted to share with you all about a woman who is paralysed from the chest down AND 16 weeks pregnant who ran a half marathon:
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    So many posts I can't keep up! Some fantastic runs and personal achievements - so well done all.
    I managed a 3.2 mile this morning, shorter than some but ave 9.58 min miling which is fast for me, and while chest was starting to feel tight at the end I could still speak and soon recovered. Planning a longer run for Wed. Family life nis going a bit crazy and I'm struggling to get to the gym but I'm hanging on to my running slots as best I can!
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date     Miles      MTD
    ------   -----    -------
    Sep  1     0.0      0.0 
    Sep  2     6.5      6.5 
    Sep  3     4.3     10.8 
    Sep  4     5.1     15.9
    Sep  6     4.3     20.2
    Sep  8     5.1     25.3
    Sep 10     8.2     33.5
    Sep 11     5.0     38.5


  • chassp8pooh
    chassp8pooh Posts: 131 Member
    After a forced five days off from running due to time constraints on the road and weather I got four miles in today at 1 hour 4 minutes and 10 seconds . Not too shabby. Hoping to run my first 5k next month....

  • Princess4Run
    Princess4Run Posts: 135 Member
    Hi all! New here and beginner runner. I decided to reach out and find some running friends to help with my motivation and accountability. I've been dabbling with running in the past, mostly for fitness. I was never able to keep up with running in the winter. I ran a few 5Ks but nothing longer, 10:30 min pace, not fast by any means. This summer I decided to take up running again. This time I want to run through winter and continue into the spring. I signed up for a 10K in October and HM end of November, and then I'm running at Disney for Princess HM end of February. I've been building up by base miles and finished 1st week of Hal Higdon's novice training plan for a HM.

    I'm slow and want to get faster but I know speed will come with time and distance. I ran 5 miles today and it killed me although my longest run was 6.5 miles last week and it was very comfortable. I need to figure out hydration during longer runs because today I really needed it. So I'm looking at hydration belts even though I hate the idea if having this bulky thing around my waist. I got a pair of new running shoes that I love, they pretty much eliminated a knee ache I've developed last month. I would love to get a Garmin watch but that will probably have to wait until Santa comes for Xmas. Ok, so this is a novel. So my running goal for September is 50 miles, I'm at 20.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    agusia_b wrote: »
    I'm slow and want to get faster but I know speed will come with time and distance. I ran 5 miles today and it killed me although my longest run was 6.5 miles last week and it was very comfortable. I need to figure out hydration during longer runs because today I really needed it. So I'm looking at hydration belts even though I hate the idea if having this bulky thing around my waist. I got a pair of new running shoes that I love, they pretty much eliminated a knee ache I've developed last month. I would love to get a Garmin watch but that will probably have to wait until Santa comes for Xmas. Ok, so this is a novel. So my running goal for September is 50 miles, I'm at 20.
    I use a Nathansport Quick Shot when I have something on me, it's nice and small for carrying in one hand, instead of something around my waist. At first I wasn't the type to carry something on a run, but now that little flask is one of my favorite pieces of equipment for hot days and longer runs.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I've decided I hate having a monthly mileage goal, and a race, in the same month. There's part of me trying to figure out how to get the taper and recovery I need, and still get the 60 more miles I need to make the mileage goal....ugh....I'm not the kind of person who's good at having 2 goals at once. Looks like the mileage goal will be the one to suffer. I really want to do well at the HM.

    Funny you mention this because I've been thinking the exact same thing with my HM at the end of this month, lol.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Funny you mention this because I've been thinking the exact same thing with my HM at the end of this month, lol.
    LOL, glad to see I'm not alone in this. I have a BIG goal for the HM, so I am definitely focusing on that, but just having that mileage goal is nagging at me.
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @ 5512bc Thanks for the explanation and advice. I know I am just scared I won't be able to select the right pace for the actual race.
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @kristinegift You look great! Sorry the weather didn't cooperate. Well done!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Funny you mention this because I've been thinking the exact same thing with my HM at the end of this month, lol.
    LOL, glad to see I'm not alone in this. I have a BIG goal for the HM, so I am definitely focusing on that, but just having that mileage goal is nagging at me.

    Haha, I don't have a BIG goal for my HM, as it's my first (not counting the one I got hurt 1/2 way through and walked the last 6 miles of, lol), but I am cautiously optimistic that I can push for a 2:10:00 time, so I still kinda have high hopes for myself. What really kills me though, is this is also my first month of going for a triple digit distance goal and I really really want that too! #runnerproblems
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I've decided I hate having a monthly mileage goal, and a race, in the same month. There's part of me trying to figure out how to get the taper and recovery I need, and still get the 60 more miles I need to make the mileage goal....ugh....I'm not the kind of person who's good at having 2 goals at once. Looks like the mileage goal will be the one to suffer. I really want to do well at the HM.

    Do you not add up your scheduled miles and make a goal based on that total? Eliminates the crunch!

    Also re: your taper question -- I usually do a 2-3 week taper for a marathon (I've had most success with 2 weeks). So if I'm doing, say, 60 miles/week then the next week I drop to 40, then I drop to 20 + the race the final week. I find that cutting it gradually makes it feel less crazy.
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    edited September 2016
    For those who don't like wearing something on the waist for fueling, consider a compact hydration vest.
  • merlinofchaos
    merlinofchaos Posts: 8 Member
    edited September 2016
    9/1 -- 3.25 miles
    9/5 -- 6.25 miles
    9/6 -- 3 miles
    9/8 -- 5.1 miles
    9/10 -- 1.7 miles (unscheduled)
    9/11 -- 4.1 miles


    Slightly ahead of schedule.

    Saturday I tried an 8 minute mile. I got 2/3 into it before failing and that's pretty good. Next time I'll hopefully get a bit better.

    Today I did a slow, easy 4 miles. Would've gone further but my intestines told me I needed to stay closer to home so I didn't range out to the park like I Intended.

    Lastly my new workout shirt is an XL and it's been 15 years since I fit into any XL shirt. It's a big XL but I'll take it anyway.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Do you not add up your scheduled miles and make a goal based on that total? Eliminates the crunch!
    Yeah, I did, just a tighter margin than I've had... lol margin is like 8 miles on the month. I think it's just need sxhool stress bleeding over into my run planning