

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Back in West Texas, safe and sound... brought back a beautiful table that may just need a cleaning and not a full restore, and chairs that match, that I'll have to re-pad and reupholster the seats, and a really beautiful, well-made dresser, as well as some odds and ends. Going to hold one more sale in November, clean out the warehouse, and then decide in the spring if we're going to open as a farmer's/flea/craft market (if the warehouse doesn't sell). This will be the last sale I do on my own. Far too much effort for the return, but it was a good market test.

    Loved seeing my sis, and got to spend the day Friday with my favorite niece - but 1,300 miles of driving in three days is exhausting...

    Love y'all--got some writing catch-up to do.

    Lisa in rainy West Texas
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    KATE UK - I feel my body looks ok when it is covered, although my rear is a bit flat ;) , but I just HATE the texture. Luckily, I am not a beach lover, so my exposure is limited to getting in and out of water and I'm soon covered. I have awful thighs. :'( For Mexico next January I have bought full length trousers and top to guard from the sun when I am swimming/snorkeling. I think I would be banned from the beaches in the South of France! Have a great trip! We are off to Spain in a week, but there won't be any beaches.

    I am trying out a new recipe today from Yotam Ottolenghi, an Israeli guy who has several restaurants and writes in our newspaper. His food is normally fantastic, but complicated, with a strong Middle Eastern bias. This is a chicken recipe that is very simple, so I'm giving it a go. The chicken is marinating right now. DH jointed it for me - not a favourite job.
    We had a food delivery this morning, including the chicken, which is organic, free range and on special offer. :D I have now discovered I have five packets of 2 duck legs in my freezer. :ohwell:

    I've done my machines, but the delivery arrived before I could do my kettlebell swinging. Got to get to it now. I do find it very hard work. :'( That means it's doing me good, yes? I also "forgot" to do my hand grip exercises this week. :'( Funny how we can avoid the uncomfortable. :ohwell:

    Barbie - Thank you for explaining your operation. I love all that medical stuff. I once thought I wanted to be a surgeon, but I know I haven't got the physical stamina, let alone a strong bladder. :laugh:
    I will be thinking of you all day Tuesday. <3

    Heather UK
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Happy Sunday! Just wanted to pop in and mention a tv show that some of you might like, if you are not already watching. It is on Saturday mornings, and it is called Rock The Park. It is basically two guys experiences in the National Parks. Amazing stuff! There are clips on youtube to give you a taste. It is also on Netflix and Hulu. Saturday mornings it is on ABC.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: Your Iris' are planted. Congratulations! You'll be able to enjoy beautiful flowers in the spring. It seems like your list of things to do before surgery is shrinking and you'll be able to focus on healing. I probably mentioned that my DH had a surgery that sounds like it may be similar to what you're having. It was an amazing success for him. I hope your results are also an amazing success. :heart:

    DJ: My husband isn't upset with me, but I'm a bit sad because he won't even consider coming along to support our daughter through childbirth. That means I'll be worrying about him constantly while I'm gone. Luckily we have good neighbors and he can turn to them if he needs help. :ohwell:

    KJ: I live in Halloweentown. One scene was shot at my next-door neighbor's front door. Many others were shot about a block away in our Courthouse Square. This year we'll have a parade October first and various activities all month long. It is good for local business and fun for the people who live here. It also draws tourists all month and that is a boost for the local economy. :bigsmile:

    Lisa in WTX: I am glad you're safely home. :flowerforyou:

    I have a riding lesson today! YAYYYYYYYYY! I'm planning to put the concept of a partial lease on hold until after DD's baby is born. It doesn't make sense to me to get halfway started, leave for a couple of weeks, and then come back to things. I'd like to start and go on with some consistency. I have lots of plans, and then things happen that aren't in the plan. And that's the way it goes...

    Have a great day!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat- 3X5X 40
    Russian kettle bell swing-19 X7X 40
    Week four, day one of transitioning from the 35-40 pound kettle bell.

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    3 miles

    Mary from Minnesota
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Marcelyn and Barbie, I hear you on stopping anti-inflams before surgery! I didn't think mine were helping that much either. The worst was the business trip I took 2-3 days before surgery. I had to take an electric cart in the airport. I'm glad those days are gone! I hope all goes well tomorrow and Wednesday.

    Jane, Isn't it amazing how nice it is to give up the walker? :)

    Kate UK and Heather, side lunges, walking lunges and squats help firm up the backside--just make sure you fire the glutes and don't overwork the quads. That means sitting back into the squats and lunges. Since my hip replacement in May I've been working on my glutes on the side of the replacement. Because I waited so long for the surgery, the muscles on the side had really atrophied. I think it was a good 3 months before I could actually fire the glute medius and the physical therapist could actually see it tighten (she could feel it before then). Now I feel it getting stronger every week--but it's still weaker than the other. Both sides actually look better--higher. Heather, I don't much like my thighs either. But they're mine, and they work... before I had my surgery I used to think it was so unfair that I had such large legs, and I could barely walk because of my hip LOL!

    Kelly, what a nice party for your DS and his friends. I love being around when my children have parties, knowing they have good friends.

    Yesterday it was almost 90 and humid. Today it's cloudy, cool and damp. Of course, it IS the end of September.

    DJ, I can understand rationally about water weight and be happy about whatever I have lost. But there's this little part of my brain that says, "oh no! You went back up!!!" And I set myself a goal of a 1 lb. a week loss, so I feel a bit out of control if I lose more. If this loss isn't water weight then I need to start increasing my calories. (Hmmm, all this tells me that I'm still a little irrational when it comes to weight and eating. Got to work on that... ;) )

    By the way, I'm so glad there was an earlier discussion about cauliflower rice! I've been making it regularly now, and I like it so much! My guys seem to like it, too!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member

    I can understand rationally about water weight and be happy about whatever I have lost. But there's this little part of my brain that says, "oh no! You went back up!!!" And I set myself a goal of a 1 lb. a week loss, so I feel a bit out of control if I lose more. If this loss isn't water weight then I need to start increasing my calories. (Hmmm, all this tells me that I'm still a little irrational when it comes to weight and eating. Got to work on that... ;) )


    :) I have been weighing myself twice a day and recording the weight since 2009 along with weighing, measuring, and logging food. That is my discipline.....I learned that weight loss is not linear and even with my careful eating and exercising, my weight does some things that don't seem to track with how I eat....I just keep on with my good habits and the results continue to be good.

    :) I feel like I'm over-obsessing about my getting ready for this surgery, but I've never had surgery before and it feels like I'm getting ready to travel to another planet. I appreciate that you all listen to my excessive concentration on myself.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    (((Barbie))) Your are not obsessing! You have every right to be concerned.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    t113013.gif Katla, my surgeon told me that he has done many surgeries like mine and that I should be able to get back to doing what I used to be doing without pain...thank you for telling me about your husband's surgery--I like to hear success stories....I'm sorry that he doesn't want to travel with you...Jake and I have divergent opinions about traveling and he has gone on several trips without me (none as personal and emotional as the birth of a grandchild)...also I have been thinking about your frustration about not being able to ride as much as you want to and seeking a way to have a horse available more often..I have no solution but it's made me grateful that my passion for dancing can be indulged at many times in addition to regular classes...at the grocery store on Monday the background music was a song we dance to, so I danced in the aisle while Jake chose items off the shelf.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Barbie love the idea of dancing in the aisles. I went to a luncheon and the entertainment was a singing group a friend of ours is in. Always a pleasure to listen to passionate singing groups.

    :heart: Margaret
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Thanks to those who missed me. I have been lurking but haven't had much to say, skimming a lot and trying to keep up, just not very chatty.

    Barbie, I am thinking of you and your upcoming surgery and wish you the best.

    Michele, I just have one word for the muffin top - Spanx! I've noticed that several of the women of a certain age (ours) at the gym struggle with this, too. I have it, but of course I am still big all over, but for several women it is their only problem area. Sometimes all you could hope for is to be the healthiest you that you can be - and pull out the Spanx when needed. I like the higher power ones for the muffin top. They really do make a difference in the way your clothes look and feel.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Barbie~ would loved to have watched you dance in the aisle....
    Well I am home, Took Taliah out to Pumpkintown, she had a ball, then she got cranky with me because we missed one thing before we left, so she was snippy the rest of the way home.. sorta like her grandfather I guess...
    He is ornery as they come today.. so I am staying out of the way... mmb9hmvrq966.jpg
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    sorry she is making a silly face... but you get the point
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    My chicken dish was wonderful. I love it when you find a new dish with a completely new taste/flavour combo. That was mainly due to the sumac and za'atar. The only problem was the quarters of chicken were a little large and unwieldy to eat politely. I think I might choose to cook bone in chicken thighs that way next time. We have the legs left over for tomorrow night. Hooray! Definitely a dish I might do for visitors like my brother. With a huge helping of broccoli I clocked myself 300 calories. Nice!

    I have to shop tomorrow for a couple more vests and t shirts. The ones I had, and which have now been consigned to the bin, we're very smelly as I wear them for exercise. Even after washing them twice they were not fresh. Need some for Spain. I don't wear a bra, so a tight vest holds me together. :laugh:

    My DDIL is asking me what areas I am thinking about moving to. I'm very uncertain. It partly depends on how much this house is worth. It's always a compromise between size and location.

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    Barbiecat – I need to dig up my bulbs and separate the ones that are growing on top of each other; I dread starting this because it means I will have to be out there, all day, doing it and separating them. I’m not sure what to do with them other than replanting them immediately. The bed needs to be tilled and some fertilized potting soil in there as well. I need to look what to do with them in my Southern Living book to figure out when to start on them.

    Joyce – What that curling up of the denim jacket is because the lining wasn’t washed before it was put in. Not unusual if it is lined with something like flannel (cotton). I don’t know if you sew or not, or if it is worth taking it to a tailor and having him remove the stitching and re-stitching it so it won’t curl up. I’ve had the same thing happen to me; but, I did not want to go to the trouble of taking it to the tailor; and, I did not wear it outside, except at home. I agree that, in most restaurants, it is usually too cold in it; but, that is because they need to keep the cooks cool, too. But, I know it can be done; by anybody who can sew (a friend?).

    I wash my jeans inside out, too, so they won’t pill. But, if they have something on them, I pre-treat them.

    Michele – I sometimes have the problem of ‘muffin tops’ when I wear something that is buckled around my waist; but, what really upsets me is when I wear my leggings or ‘skinny’ jeans and pull them up around my waist like they should be; an hour later they have crawled down to the area right under my tummy and above the pubic area. GGrrrr. But, I wear long tops over them ... to cover my butt, more than anything. I still have not gotten used to tucking anything in yet. I am sure it is because I don’t ‘exercise’ that part as much. I need to get back to using my hula hoop. Mine is made for an adult; because the ones you buy in the store are too light and made for children.

    If you can't find one at a 'gym' somewhere, you can make one. To make one for an adult; take some black tubing (the kind you’d buy if you were going to run a sprinkler system (1/2 - 3/4th inch across); also get a double ended connecter end. You will need at least 5’ of the tubing so it will be big enough around and it usually takes that much for the ends to match. When you go to swing it around, it give you enough room to do it. I put about ½ cup of water into it before connecting it; that is for the weight. Then I buy a couple of rolls of colorful duct tape and wrap it all the way around. It will be fairly heavy; but, then put it around your waist and your feet about the width of your shoulder; but, one in front of the other. Throw it around to start the swing and rock back and forth to keep it up. If you haven’t done any hula hooping, you might only do a few turns at the time. With practice, you can work up to a # of times it rolls around, or for a specific time. That is what I have found tones my core muscles the quickest. The tape is needed to keep them ends from coming apart. But, don't be surprised if you get bruises on either side of your body; but, they'll go away. I just have not done mine yet, this year - but will start on it because I hate my ‘muffin top’ as well.

    You also need to tract those extra bites of food while eating; I sometimes know that I am going to eat more and I think to myself … so what will it matter if I don’t add this to my food intake, well, it is only hurting myself.

    Mary from Minnesota – Love the frog bench. Love it! I’ve seen trees that were damaged in a storm be transformed like this before (on my decorating shows).

    Barbie – If you are having any ‘issues’ about the surgery, since you have never had any … talk to your MD and tell him what they are. Don't feel silly about it either. It's possible they might decide (whatever the surgery is for) to put it off until you are comfortable with it. I know my Daddy was scheduled for surgery for the repair of an aneurysm; but, he decide to wait until after Christmas so he could have a Christmas with all 3 girls and 6 grandchildren coming. Of course, it that aneurysm had burst; he would not have a Christmas at all. After the surgery, Mother told the MD that he had had reservations about it, too. The MD said that he wished he had known that ahead of time and he probably would not have done it. I think I remember you saying this was for a ‘frozen’ shoulder. You’ll do well; it can’t be as serious as trying to repair an aneurysm… I know the ‘fear’, my DH had to have a minor procedure; and, they put him to sleep to do it, the first time. The next time, he was fully awake; that won’t ever happen again. I had my rotator cuff repaired twice (once after a fall; and, once after a seizure) … I wasn’t comfortable with my first OrthoMD; so I changed to one who had the reputation of doing shoulders. The first one had replaced my DBnL’s knee(s) … and he has had problems with them ever since. I just did not want this particular OrthoMD to operate. I’m glad that I did not have him do it; he was the one who, the first thing out of his mouth, was to operate. The 2nd one, did a LOT more x-rays than the first one. My shoulder was freezing up because of a bone chip from my shoulder. It would have never improved if I had not had the surgery; but, I had ALL my questions answered and I was comfortable with it. First time, they kept me overnight in the hospital because of my BP ‘spiking and falling below what is considered save’. The 2nd time I had it done in his office as an ‘in-patient and went home that day with a padded sling on, that I had to wear day-and-night. Then PT for about 2 months. The 2nd time, I was on a 'driving restriction' so they came to my house to do it. Not something I would ever do again. The lady bragged all the time, and she would go to other places in my house, because she liked it. I had not offered to give her a tour of it, she just did so thinking that my bed might be a better place to do it; when all I really needed was the table in the den. And she would call saying she was 'on her way' and would be over an hour to get there ... usually about the time DH came home and wanted to have his 'peace and quiet'. I finally called and said that I wanted someone else to come I liked them much better and they gave me an actually nurse once or twice.

    Going on 'date night'. If the new "Cheddars" is not crammed full of people; we'll try it; if it is, we'll go to "Mellow Mushroom" DH has been having a hankering for pizza.
