Team Fit- July

Hi ladies! Here's our new thread!!!!


  • SamiRose
    SamiRose Posts: 118 Member
    Whats this Team Fit? Tell me about it?
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    I wasn't as bad as i thought I'd be at the movies with the exception of drinking too much soda. I did have a pretzel with cheese ( I can't help myself, they're my weakness) and I did have some popcorn, but it didnt taste that good to me so I didnt eat hardly any. And the movies were FANTASTIC!!!!!! Eclipse was great! And Rob Pattionson is SO fine in that movie its not even funny! over all it stuck to the book pretty well, so I was really happy about that. And it was funny! The book was hilarious so I'm glad the movie was funny.

    I did go to the gym yesterday, but only for an hour. But its okay, I went! And I'm going again tonight because we have our session with our trainer at 7:30. So I hope you all have been pretty good. I'm nervous to weigh in. I always am though. I think I'm going to join this challenge that the gym is doing. Its a 2 month program and whoever loses the most weight and body fat wins $500 bucks!! I want that money!! So I'm gonna try to kick my *kitten* for the next 2 months!! Well be strong girls! its a new month!! Lets kick the fat's *kitten* goodbye!!!:glasses:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Sami,
    we have a little team and everyday we log in to tell each other what we ate and how well were doing on our diet. We try to drink 10 glasses of water a day and every week we weigh in. We are here to help keep each other motivated and give support when someone is not feeling their doing their best. If you want to join, you're more than welcome. We're here to help you stick to your goals and get where you want to be!:flowerforyou:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    I'm glad I realized we started a new thread. I had a good day yesterday. Even though I was stuck in traffic for almost 2 hours. I was able to go meet up with some beachbody coaches so that was fun!
    Tonight I will be going to see Eclipse with my fiance. I can't wait! I already bought our tickets and eventhing. I think I'm going to be packing my own snacks to keep them healthy
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Ok, I am here to join this discussion/thread. I had a few slips the last few days visiting with relatives and business lunches and gained back 2 pounds in 4 days. My only consolation/hope is that I did start my cycle, so maybe it is water weight and it will be gone again next week! LOL. I have been doing fairly well the last few months since I joined, but I know summer will be hard with the BBQ's, visits and friends stopping in for a beer or a drink. In a month I am going house boating for a week and I know I am going to have issues then!

    Good idea on the snacks for the movie! I just stay away from the concession and bring a bottle of water for myself. Our theatre is really picky and searches any bags you try to bring in and they take your food until after the movie. I want to go see Eclipse too but need to find someone who can go on my schedule! LOL Between kids, summer and on call work, it is hard to set a time to meet!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    can I join the team? :flowerforyou: My family (mom, aunt, sister) all started a weight loss challenge in January and we'd weigh in every Monday and each month the person who lost the most weight would get $5 from everyone else; then each quarter month the person who lost the most for the entire quarter would get $10 from everyone (money was to buy new clothes)...but they all fell off the map and I've been the lone ranger. I lost 18 lbs from Jan-May, then May and June I stopped workin out:noway: , so I want to get back on track!!!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi Ladies!! Welcome new ones!! :flowerforyou:

    Ariel, thanks for starting the new thread! And good luck with the $500 contest - I know you'll kick their butts!! :bigsmile: :smokin:

    July already?!?!?! Yowza! Well, the past few days have been pretty good for me. I worked out Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday - drank my water and stayed within my calories. I may take today and tomorrow off (working out) because Saturdays are usually my day for a long run - I'm considering *attempting* to go 5 miles this Saturday! I know I can do it - probably won't run the whole way, but that's okay. Maybe I'll go for a little walk tonight or something - something light just to keep moving.

    Our weigh in is Monday! Wonder who's going to "win" our little July 4th challenge? :smile:

    Keep up the good work everyone!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :happy: :smokin:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Yay for newbies!!:flowerforyou: You all are welcome to join our little team!

    Lisa- thanks for the encouragement! I want that 500 bucks so bad! But i feel as though I wont win because I've lost so much weight as it is, its hard for me to lose a lot now. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to try! And I know, I can't believe is July either! Where has this year gone!?!?:noway:

    Gaby- Eclipse was SOOOOO good! I can't wait to go see it again! You will LOVE it!:heart:

    Lets stay strong this month! I'm excited to see who wins our little challenge too. I dont think it will be me though hahaha:laugh:
  • andreaxmariexvnv
    I am home from my Dad's house now and ready to buy healthy groceries! Any tips? I am picking up where I left off months ago, so today is the hardest day! I had half a slice of pizza for breakfast because it was the only thing in the fridge and I feel like I messed up already lol :ohwell: . I am going to do this.. but due to my low budget and crazy schedule I will need some advice.

    :heart: Andrea
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello ladies,
    So TOM is here. I feel pretty crappy even ended up taking a half day yest. But I did go so Elipse at night cause i had bought the tix already. LUVED IT! Actually might go see it again tonight with other fiends.
    Tomorrow I'm leaving for palm springs. I'm soo excited but now sux that TOM is getting in the way a bit. Oh well, its going to be soo much fun anyways!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Friday!! :bigsmile:

    Ended up going for a walk last night, so I don't feel so bad about taking today off from exercise. And I know I'll go over my calories - the hubby are going out for date night tonight. :blushing: :heart: :wink:

    In case no one is on here over the weekend -- Stay focused, be safe, and have some FUN!! :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy 4th!! :flowerforyou:

    I can hardly stay off the scale today - I cannot wait to see how much I weigh tomorrow AM - it's killing me not knowing!! :laugh: I *hope* to have lost 3-4 pounds in these past 2 weeks. We shall see! :ohwell: BUT, last night I tried on some old clothes that were tucked away in my closet (you know, "those" clothes that you can't fit into right now but hope to one day so you don't throw them out :laugh:), and I fit into this pair of shorts that I haven't fit into in quite some time!! That was an awesome feeling! :bigsmile:

    On a totally unrelated note, I found this link in another thread here on MFP and thought it was very interesting:
    I'm curious what ratio of carb/protein/fat you all eat, and if you've ever experimented with different ratios or just stick with what MFP suggests. Not that it matters that much because we are all different - I'm just curious...this stuff is interesting to me. Since re-starting this round of MFP (since appx May 2010), I've been at 50 carb / 20 protein / 30 fat. I've found that I never eat that much fat, and if I go over on any one category, it's protein. About 7-8 years ago I lost about 30 pounds on Atkins, but gained 20 of it back -- I definitely don't want to go back to Atkins or think it's a good long-term strategy, but I know I do well with a lower carb diet. After taking the quiz at this link, it suggested I be at 40 carb / 30 protein / 30 fat, which I think makes since for me since I tend to go over on protein anyway. I think I'm going to re-adjust my goals/ratios tomorrow after the weigh in.

    Anywho - enough of my ramble. :laugh: Just found it interesting and thought I'd share with my girls. Hope you are having a GREAT weekend!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    BOOOOOO!!! I didn't lose anything! :grumble: I'm exactly where I was two weeks ago when we started this July 4th challenge. Ugh. Oh well. So it goes. I'm not giving up. I can see the difference in my body and how my clothes fit. Have a great week! :flowerforyou:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    So, in the last 3 weeks, I've only lost a pound. It doesn't really surprise me though. I misbehaved for a week straight when in was down by Miami visiting a friend. However, I think I've done better on getting my 8 glasses of water during this challenge than I have in the past.

    Lisa - I'm sorry you didn't lose anything, but look on the bright side: you didn't gain any either! As far as carb/protein/fat ratio goes, I don't pay attention to that. All I know is I LOVE carbs so I could never do a low-carb diet.

    Gaby - hope you had fun in Palm Springs this weekend! I used to live about an hour from there.

    Andrea - my fav healthy groceries are Lean Cuisine frozen meals. They actually taste really good and are generally around 300 calories!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi guys!!:bigsmile:

    Well I lost 2 pounds!!! WOOHOO!!! Not a huge amount but def. more than what I thought I'd lose! So now I'm back at 155. Only 2 pounds to go to get to where I was in february.

    Angie and Lisa- Dont worry on not losing any lbs. maybe you lost some inches or body fat instead!? thats better than lbs!

    Andrea- I would buy some string cheese, buy some eggs and make hard boiled eggs but dont eat the yolk. I know lean cuisine is low in calories but its extremly high in salt. buy them fi you must, but i try to stay away from all kinds of frozen entrees. they're all bad....... i just switched to 1% milk from 2%....... also steak and chicken is very good for you to eat. these are all things my personal trainer told me to buy. i put the list on my fridge to remind me. he also said cottage cheese was good to eat but i dont really like cottage cheese.

    how was everyones 4th!? did you have a good indenpendence day?!:drinker: lol someone asked me "how old is the US today?" SO I said "334" and they said "no its 326" ahahahahaha:glasses: i was like can you count?! hahaha. drunk, it happens i guess huh? lol:flowerforyou: well i hope you all had a great weekend! back to the daily grind though......

    today: 60 mins at the gym and 10 glasses of water

    be strong everyone!!!:flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    So far Ariel is in the lead!! :flowerforyou:

    Ariel - 2 pounds
    Angie - 1 pound
    Lisa - 0 pounds

    Gaby, Andrea - how'd you do for your weigh-in today?

    I'm going to have a body fat test done this afternoon at my gym. Kind of nervous about that - never had one done before! :ohwell:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Great job to everyone. Lets keep this going. Sorry I was late with the weight in. I've been a little MIA fromt he site the last few days.
    I've still been working hard and I'm down 1.5 lbs from the last weight in.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Well, I've managed to stay within my calories and drink my water, but I am SO TIRED this week. I don't know what's going on, but I have been dragging a** since yesterday morning. Hmmm, maybe PMS, gotta check the calendar. :laugh: I went to the gym today and did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes on the elliptical, and you'd think that was the hardest workout I'd ever done. It was tough just to finish! Hopefully this will pass because I don't like feeling like this.

    Gaby - CONGRATS on losing 1.5 pounds!!! :flowerforyou: That's awesome!!

    Keep focused ladies - we can do this!!!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart: :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies!:flowerforyou:

    Sorry I was MIA yesterday.... I've been having a rough week......

    Lisa- I totally know how you feel about dragging *kitten*! For some reason this week has been hard for me to get into my routine..... i usually stay an hour at the gym and yesterday i stayed for 45 mins and the day before only 30. I think its because i hadn't gone for 4 days in a row........ I takes me back a few steps when I miss more than 2 days.....

    I've been okay with my eating.... I have a feeling I'll get on the scae Sunday and it will say I gained weight...... I hope not. but thats just how I feel. I have my training session with my trainer tonight, so i hope he kicks my *kitten*. i really wanna feel it man!

    I broke up with my boyfriend the other night.... we've pretty much made up but i'm still feeling a little weird...... he has a temper thats really bad and i cant do it anymore. i told him he needed to see his doctor if he wanted our realtionship to last..... so he did and he put him on lorazapam and pristiq......... so hopefully things get better, but im trying to take it slow..... i told him it would be best if he moved out of my apartment so he did. he told me if this is what i need to do to save our relationship then i'm doing it. so we will see how it goes..... i didnt put my promise ring back on though.... i dont think i will until i know hes going to stay commited to taking his meds and making a valient effort to help get his anger under control...... it sucks so bad though..... i love him too much to really let go, even though any other girl in her right mind would have ran for the hills long ago.... why cant i be strong and just say enough is enough?!:frown: life...............*sigh*
  • Murphy15
    Murphy15 Posts: 142
    Hi! Just curious what this group is about. Thanks!