Team Fit- July



  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Well I was bad again and didnt make it to the gym. but i did eat well. so at least i'm not eating bad. but i will be going to the gym tonight and tomorrow and i am going to try to go friday too. maybe in the am before work. i need to get going because i will only be at my apartment for 2 months and then my gym membership will go bye bye at that time. unless my boyfriend and i take over the lease. but thats only if they lower my rent. i'm paying about 880 a month and my friend who has the same model apartment as mine at my complex is only paying 699!!!!!! its total bull****! so i'm gonna tell them, lower my rent to 699 and i'll stay, if not then **** you!:explode:

    well good n ews! i have an interview today at lunch! the job also will pay an exta $1.50 more than what i make right now and its closer to my apartment!!! i'm super excited! i want it sooo bad!!! please prey that i get it so i can make more money! lol

    well hang in there everyone! the week is half over now!

    Gaby- i hope your party will be everything youre hoping for! it sounds like a lot of fun.

    Kim- its okay. just work your way back to how things were. you will get there!

    Angie- how'd you do at Red Robin?? hopefully you werent too bad, and if you were, dont beat yourself up. its okay to do that every now an then.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Morning everyone

    I was good yesterday and am on track for today. Got up and did Turbo Scuplt and feel great. Still getting back into the swing of work and life.

    Talk tomorrow
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Team!
    Yesterday was an okay day the only thing lacking was my water intake. I noticed by the end of the day I barely drank any water. So I'm making it up today. I've had 3 cups of green tea and 5 glasses of water and its only about 1pm in CA.
    My bff and I are working out together. We wanna pump up the cardio till the party, so we are going to do my Brazil Butt Lift - Cardio Axe video and heading to the gym to do some extra cardio on the treadmill as well.
    We are both eating very very clean these couple of days to look fresh and good for the party. I actually convinced her to come stay with me in out guest room. So we are there to motivate each other.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    Hi Everyone, mind if I join? I need a new daily accountability thread!

    I was doing really good up until mid-June, and then the sunshine showed up and summer fun/ party weekends began! I was down to 122lbs at one point but just weighed myself this morning and EEK! Back up to 126lbs :(

    For me the weight is not as important as the measures and feeling good. I measured myself when I weighed in at 122lbs and even though I used to weigh less than that I actually measured the smallest I've ever been (26" !!!???) That felt great! I was feeling slim and energized and really really confident! Now after three weekends of partying I feel disgusting, bloated and have no energy. Why do we let this happen to ourselves?

    Time to stop partying and start feeling good again, please help encourage me!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi all!!!

    well again i didnt make it to the gym. its been almost 2 weeks now!!! but i am going tonight because i have an appointment with my trainer, so this should suck. i have a feeling im going to be extremly sore the next few days. but thats okay. i need to do it. also he's weighing us today and taking our measurements so im not looking forward to that. i have a feeling i havent lost anything. :frown: so i must do better next month.

    Nadine- Hi and welcome! we're always welcome to new peoples joinging! most of us have been doing this for a while so we're all friends now and i think it def. helps to have our little group!

    i've got a lot of work to do so i gotta go. i'll talk to you guys later! be good today!!!!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Ariel - I saw this from our months of friendship (lovingly :heart: ) - get your butt to the gym :angry:

    Nadine - welcome

    Woke up and did Turbo Jam Cardio Party this morning. I am still not back on schedule so I am tired towards the end of the routine, but I finally determined it is because I am going to bed later because of the heat. We have postponded our dog walk until after the sun goes down, which causes me to put my son down later, which causes me to go to bed later, but I am still waking at the same time. Now I just have to get use to this new time schedule

    Calories and water in take good.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Ariel - I saw this from our months of friendship (lovingly :heart: ) - get your butt to the gym :angry:

    HA! Love it!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    This has been a strange week for me - out of my normal routine. I've managed to stay within my calories all week, and fit in a couple of workouts too. But today is already bad - I ate cheesy Mexican goodness for lunch today, but man, was it cheesy! I KNOW I'm already over calories for the day. I think for dinner I'll just have a baked sweet potato - and drink a ton of water today. Might be able to fit a workout in today too...that would really help.

    I'm going to an engagement party this weekend for my sister-in-law. I haven't seen my husband's family in several months. We'll see if they notice the weight loss! :smile:

    Nadine - welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Ariel - hope you get the new job!! :drinker:

    Kim - way to kick Ariel's butt! :laugh:

    Gaby - you are rockin it girl! Keep it up!! :drinker:

    Stay focused everybody - drink drink drink that water!! Tomorrow's Friday!! :flowerforyou:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    TGIF!!! I was informed earlier this week that my temp job ends in ONE WEEK instead of six!!! They're running out of work for me to do; I was taken off a project I was supposed to work on (which was actually fun), simply because I'm a temp. :grumble: But, I'm happy it's ending early because I HATE the other project I am working on. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper boring!! :yawn:

    I've done a decent job staying within my calories this week, but I haven't gotten to the gym as much as I should have. Social things keep coming up, and I'm trying hard to make friends here... so after work, it's either have a social life or exercise. This week, my choice has been social life. Once my job ends, I can work out during the day and have a social life at night... until I get another job. lol

    Ariel - I purposely looked up the nutrition facts for Red Robin before I went, so I could make sure what I had was within my calories. I had a grilled chicken sandwich (around 400 calories) - it was really good!! And... hope you get the new job!

    Gaby - have fun this weekend at your engagement party!

    Kim - glad you're back!

    Lisa - if your husband's family doesn't notice you've lost 20 lbs, they're blind. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Nadine! This group of ladies is very supportive!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    ahahahahahah Kim that is awesome!! thank you!!!:glasses: :laugh: I DID go to the gym yesterday!! I want to go today but I have a feeeling I wont ge after work. Unless I get this new job, then I can just leave here and go! hahaha Im not giving this place 2 weeks notice. they dont deserve it. so i hope I get the new one so 1. i can get paid more and 2. so i dont have to work a full day tomorrow! lol.

    My trainer did my measurments and weight and it was not good. i didnt lose any inches and even went up in my arms and i only lost 1 pound from the month before. he said hes going to be tougher on my now. so i really need to watch what i eat. i get bad on the weekends. thats always where i mess up. so i am really going to try hard again to make sure i dont eat like crap.

    Angie- YAY youre job will be over soon!!! And i bet its hard making friends. but i dont see how anyone could not like you!!!:flowerforyou:

    Kim- you're hillarious!! and I NEED that! If I get this new job I could go to the gym in the morning since I wouldnt have to be there until 8. Which I think would help me. Because once I get home from work, I want to lounge...... Not good!! SO thank you!! And if I start falling off again, make me go!!! haha :tongue:

    Gaby- Have fun at your engagement party! youre going to look amazing and you will have so much fun!!! If you go over on calories, dont sweat it either! Have fun!

    Lisa- I'm sure they will see a difference! 20 pounds doesnt seem like much, but it really is!! they will be shocked!! you'll see!!!

    Well its Friday!! So be strong girlies!!! And remember YOU CAN DO IT!!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    Thanks for all the welcomes!

    aabelein - I wouldn't worry too much about the slight gain. You might just be retaining water, I'd bet good money that as soon as you starting working out again it'll come off easy. Use the set-back as motivation to push yourself forward! That's what I have been doing and its working. I've been pushing myself hard these past few days to get back on track and I've figured out I must have just been holding water weight, as I stepped on this scale this morning and I'm back to 123lbs. Only 1 more and I am back on schedule :) I say go hard, enjoy the burn and remind yourself you're a powerful woman capable of anything...

    Another thing I noticed that I figure I might as well share in case anyone else is noticing the same thing - for awhile I had like a 400cal/day deficit and I wasn't losing any weight. I was in a rut and getting frustrated. Someone told me this happened to them, and when they started eating more the weight started to drop. Since then I started eating as much as I was burning, and the weight just started to melt off. Seems like a backward philosophy I know but if it works I am not going to argue against it!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    So I've been really busy this last couple of days with the last minute things for the party. I got my first custom spray tan yesterday and I luv it, I think its going to have to be a party of my beauty regimen.
    I haven't been eating too good, but in all honesty i don't feel so bad about it. I making sure i burn calories and drink a lot of water. But of course after the party is done I'm getting back to business. Its just been so hectic lately.
    I can't wait to start INSANITY with my fiance on the 2nd. We are scheduled to go to AZ that first weekend so I gotta figure out what we are going to do about our owrkout. Either bring them with us, or maybe do week 1 twice since we might miss Friday and saturday?? I dunno what's better, but I really don't wanna delay it one more week after that. I'm ready to get started.
    I hope you all have a great weekend, I probably will be MIA with the party and resting Sunday. But I hope to have some pics to share soon.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Morning team!!

    Well I was totally bad this weekend but starting today, i'm back on track. with the exception of the bagel i had for breakfast. haha. but i will be good this week. i gotta keep it short today though, im bust at work. i will be going to the gym tonight. after my 2nd interview. i hope it goes good!!!

    Gaby- You're coming to AZ?!?! I live in AZ!!! A city called Tempe, its just outside of Phoenix. Warning- its extremly hot and humind right now from the "monsoon" weather. So be prepared!

    Nadine- thanks for the support! And congrats on getting back to 123! WOOHOO!!

    hope everyone had a nice weekend! time to kick some work week *kitten*!!!!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Morning everyone

    I had an awful weekend with the calories. I just was not in the mood to eat my healthy meals I had planned so we splurged. I lost overall from last weeks weigh-in, but this weekend was bad. I did have a good weekend playing with my son, so that is a positive. I have decided that I need to be good Monday-Friday and just eat regularly on the weekends so that way I am not "dieting" but I am not splurging. That is much easier to handle.

    Hope everyone has a good week.

    Ariel - good luck on the interview, glad you made it to the gym at least 1 day.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi ladies - glad to hear you all survived the weekend! :bigsmile: :laugh:

    I had a wonderful weekend, but ate terribly and didn't work out. YIKES!! :frown: Back on the straight and narrow today. I'm afraid to get on the scale! Maybe I'll weigh in tomorrow morning - or just wait until next Monday. :smile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Got my Turbo Jam Cardio Party in this morning.

    Eating is back on track from the weekend. Have a crazy day at work, so I will touch base tomorrow.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Yesterday - did not work out and ate half of a Domino's medium pizza! :frown:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    well i went to the gym yesterday! yay! but then my roommate made pizza muffins for dinner and i ate 4 of them!!!! lol:sad: they were soo good. it was an english muffin with pizza sauce, mozzerella cheese, and 3 pepperoni slices. so it probably wasnt that fattening but im sure it wasnt good. so im going to be better tonight. going to the gym at 5:30 and then i'll make chicken and rice for dinner. i should go to the store........

    Lisa- Dont feel too bad about the pizza. DOminos is so much better now its hard to resist!!!!
    Kim- i am going to go everyday this week with the exception of Friday and Sunday. Saturday they do this seminar thing and my trainer told me to go so im gonna go! i really want to get these last 15 pounds of. even though everyone keeps telling me youre fine where you are. im not happy with it. so im gonna keep it up until im happy with it. i dont want to be 26% body fat. i want to be like 6% boyd fat. or even 10%. but not 26%. that means i have about 30 pounds of just fat. i dont think i will ever weigh 130. but id like to get to 145 or 140.

    be good today!!! i know you can!!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi ladies!

    hope you all are doing good! i've gone to the gym everyday so far! so yay!!! im going again tonight too. also ive been eating well. so im really hoping to lose some weight this week! i'll also be going to the saturday seminar the gym has in the morning on saturday. its like a big group relay kinda exercise. you can burn like 600 calories doing it. so if i go saturday too then i will have gone for 5 days this week! which is pretty good! i didnt get the job i interviewed for. so that sucks..... but i'm trying to stay positive. so far thats not working out too well.... i think mainly its because there isnt a lot of jobs i have been applying for. it seems the only place hiring is the hospital! but i cant work there. i dont have a degree in anything... id love to go to school for ultra sound but i dont have the money for that. but i want to look into it. i think its only a 2 year program. so we will see. anyways. be good today and remember YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :heart: you guys!!!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214

    Ariel - remember not to push so hard that you burn yourself out. Steady wins the race.

    I did my 20 min TJ this morning. I was suppose to do Cardio Party, but I woke up late so 20 min is better than nothing - right.

    My calories have been ok, but I have been bad about entering them in my food journal so I am going to try and commit to that.

    Talk to everyone later.