Team Fit- July



  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Lisa - I know how you feel, with the weather being totally crappy in the OC its hard to get motivated. Funny how much weather can affect your mood. But I've been feeling lazy myself.

    Ariel - I've beent here. I'm now in a totally happy and committed relationship but we have gone thru hell and back together. Just know that change is possible and things can change. My fiance was a totally angry guy and we used to get in some nasty fights. If anyone would tell me my story I would have thought the girls was an idiot for sticking around. But come to find out he had a driking problem and now over a year sober and having gone to theraphy together. I can truly say that I have never been happier in my life. You just gotta do what right for you.

    Changing the subject. I'm doing really good this week. I have my dress in a place I can see it every day and totally motivates me to be good. I'm still doing the BBL program but not following a "calendar" like before I just do the workouts I feel like and I'm being really good with my meals. I'm def excited to do my weight in on Monday.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Well I seem to have a little more pep in my step today - thank goodness! I skipped workout - thought my body could use a day of rest. I did go over my calories by about 500-600, which I'm okay with for today...I'm on a 1200 calorie/day regimine, so one day at 1,800 is just fine with me. Did drink 10 cups of water today. Ready to get back at the workouts this weekend - I still have LBs to lose!!! :bigsmile:

    Gaby - you are doing such a great job lately. So motivated...and motivating! Keep it up! :flowerforyou:

    Murphy15 - we're a little support group for each other. We keep to our calories, drink 10 cups of water per day, and workout 4 times per week. You're welcome to join us, if you like. :flowerforyou:

    Ariel - stay strong girlie!! :flowerforyou: You're*sigh*...always something, huh? It's one challenge after another. I'm by no means qualifed to give you relationship advice...they are all so unique. All I can say is be true to yourself and don't settle for anything less! If it's meant to be, it will be! Life's too short to be with someone who mistreats you. We all need second chances now and then, but they should be the exception...not the rule. Keep your chin up - pray for strength - take it one day at a time - and BY NO MEANS sabotage all the hard work you've done losing 67 pounds! :laugh: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Happy Friday!! :flowerforyou:

    So I'm leaving town tomorrow and won't be back until Monday night, so I decided to weigh in today (dangerous, I know) - BUT, I lost 2.5 pounds!!! :bigsmile: :love: :happy: Woo-hoo!! I know I didn't lose 2.5 pounds since Monday, so maybe that's a few extra stubborn pounds from the past 2 weeks that just now decided to fall off. :laugh:

    I'm going to do my best to check in and log my food over the weekend. I am really, really going to try to do it because I don't want to start slipping. My mom is having hip replacement surgery, so please say a prayer for her that everything goes smoothly and she makes a full recovery. :heart:

    Hope you all have a fabulous Friday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    How's eveyone doing!! Whoo whoo its Friday! I'm really looking forward to this weeks weight in. So are we all still going to be reporting our weight loss on Monday's?

    I'm going to a metal outdoor festival tomorrow all day. So I'm sure I'm going walking around a lot and rocking out... :laugh: My birthday is next week on the 16th so we have a group of my friends going. Its going to be soo fun. I'm a little worried about what I'll find out eat there. But at least I can have a bunless burger or something. No alcohol for sure. Keeping it tight till the party... :tongue:

    I'll do my best to check in this weekend. But good luck to eveyone and keep it up!! :flowerforyou:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi team!

    hope you all had a nice weekend. Mine was okay.... I had to work Saturday for 5 hours so that sucks. Then yesterday the a/c went out again in my apartment. so i wasn't able to do anything yesterday because i was at my dads all day. the a/c was finally fixed at 7pm!! so laundry and all that stuff will have to be done today.... but its a new week. things are going good so far. my boyfriend seems to be doing better with his meds. we were talking about money on Saturday and i was getting upset, which was the cool part! because usually he would get upset and then start yelling. but he didnt raise his voice once. :happy: he's doing good. i'm so proud of him so far. the first few days were weird. the meds made him feel really weird. he didnt want to be around people he said he felt alienated. but hes feeling better now and hes taling some vitamins that i think are helping with the meds. and since his doctor told him no alcohol, he didnt drink either! this was the first weekend in i dont even know how long that he didnt drink 1 beer!! so hopefully things are turning up!

    well i was bad on my eating this weekend..... but thats how it always is it seems! i'm good durig the week then when the weekend comes, i throw it all out the window! i'm going to do my best to not do that this coming weekend! i'll be going to the gym everyday this week except for friday. i hope you all had a nice weekend and have a great Monday! stay strong and remember you can do this!!!:flowerforyou:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    So I had an insane and hectic weekend. I was soo exhausted after the Metal show on Saturday that even last night I went to sleep at 8:00 pm and I'm still tired today.
    I did have a great weekend I walked and danced so much saturday that I counted that as my workout.
    The last few weeks I decide to cut out sugar, bad carbs and alcohol from my diet until my engagement party on the 24. Last week I was a little dissapointed to only see little change, but I know TOM had a lot to do with it, this week I was happy to see a BIG change. I'm getting closer and closer to my goal and I'm soo excited. Next up is gong to be to tone up A LOT but I'm sure that either Insanity or P90X will do the trick. I was sure I was going to do Insanity starting August, but now I'm debating a little betweek the two.
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Hello everyone. Glad to hear you are all doing well! Congrats Gaby and Lisa on your weight losses!!! I am not sure if I've lost or gained weight in the past week. On Friday I was weighed at the doctor's office (140 lbs - goal weight!!) and yesterday I weighed myself at the gym (146 lbs). I am really tired of different scales telling me different things, and I don't know what's accurate, so I've decided that since I'm so close to goal weight, I'm going to start using body measurements instead (probably should have started doing that right away). I will report next week any changes in measurements.

    Ariel, glad to hear your boyfriend is doing better!! I hope he continues to do so.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi Ladies! Glad to hear you all are doing well.

    Gaby - congrats!! - 5 pounds is huge!! :flowerforyou:

    Ariel - glad to hear things are better with your boyfriend! :flowerforyou:

    Angie - scales are so different - I know that sucks. I would just stick with the one you've been using this whole process. At least that way you know how many pounds you've lost. It's awesome that you are so close to your goal weight. All three of you are actually! Way to go ladies!!

    My weekend was both good and bad. Good in that my mom's surgery was a success! Bad in that I ate poorly. I did get a good 4.2 mile run in on Saturday, but no exercise at all on Sunday or Monday. And I over-ate too - didn't track calories, so not sure how much I went over - but I know I went over. Back on track today though! Good luck to you all and have a wonderful week!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    I'm glad everyone had a nice weekend. I didnt make it to the gym yesterday. But I will be going today. although its tom now and i feel like crap. :ohwell: i'm gonna force myself to go. and i;ve decided i'm going by myself from now on. i'm tired of waiting for my roommate. besides shes really pissing me off lately and i'd rather not see her or talk to her. because since my boyfriend moved out, he paid us for a months rent (even though he was only there for 2 weeks) and had said he would try to help with electric and cable. well his check was short and he couldnt help, so when my roommate asked if he was going to help or not, i told her he didnt have money and that i'd pay it, hoping that she would say oh that sucks, but i'll help you pay half. but no. shes being a selfish ***** and didnt say anything after that. so instead of paying half our bills, she gets to pay 1/3 and i get stuck with the 2/3!!!! *****. that so ****ed up i cant even begin to tell you how pissed i am. i would never do that to her, but she has no problem screwing me over. and she's always accusing me of taking her stuff. i'm so sick of it. so i paid 66 bucks for electric and 90 for cable! while she got to pay 33 for electric and 45 for cable!:explode: :mad: next month wont be like that. shes not going to take advantage of me again. i can't wait for my lease to be up. sep. 30th cant come fast enough!:cry:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Tuesday - 10 cups of water - stayed within calories - exercised 30 minutes.
    Wednesday - on track for all my water and staying within calories - plan to go to gym for 60 minutes.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Team,
    Hope everyone is doing well. This week has been good for me. I don't think I've lost any more weight, but being so close to my goal I know it gets harder. My original goal was 165 so I'm 2 lbs away from that. I'm trying to maybe push it to 160, but we'll see. I'm getting really excited to start INSANITY in August, its going to be intense, I really hope I'm ready for it, but since I'm so pumped I'm just going to keep pushing myself!
    The next couple of weekends are going to be super fun, so I'm getting ready for that. I'm kinda glad I cut out sugar, carbs and alcohol from my diet till the 24th b/c with my bday being tomorrow, that could have totally derailed me.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    OMGosh so I gotta tell you guys I totally cheated last night. I went to Red Robin with my best friend cause we worked out and we were STARVING, no excuses. I made the choice to cheat it was my cheat bday meal, we did slip a chicken wrap but had a ton of fries. Oh well!! making sure I drink a ton of water and work out today and tomorrow an hope to go for a swim on Sunday. Its soo hot anyway!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope you are having a great weekend! :flowerforyou:

    I'm going out of town today for a week, so I decided to weigh in a day early on my regular scale at home - and I lost 1.5 pounds! YAY!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: That never gets old! :wink: Hopefully I'll be able to stay on track this week. I'll be out of my normal routine, but should be able to work out and cook food, so I should be good. Plus I'll be with my mom, who wants to lose weight too, so maybe I can be a good influence. Keep up the good work everyone - slow and steady wins the race!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies!:flowerforyou:

    Hope you all had a nice weekend. Mine was okay. I had to work saturday for 6 hours so that kinda sucked, but i love over time :bigsmile: I didn't go to the gym at all last week. But I didnt eat all that bad, and when I weighed in on Sunday, i was 155 which is the same as last week. So at least I didn't gain any weight. I was also on my period so I'm hoping next week I will be at like 153!! I want these last 15 pounds gone already! So I'm really gonna work hard. I'm kinda busy though so I need to go. but i hope you did good and were not too tempted this weekend! talk to you soon!:drinker: :glasses:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Hey everyone. I am back. I was on vacation visiting family for a few weeks. I have gained 5 pounds. But I am on the right start. I got up and worked out Turbo Jam this morning and I have a healthy day of meals planned.

    Have to catch up on work so will chat later.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Kim - welcome back!! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Today - 8 cups of water - 45 minutes exercise - stayed within calories. :smile:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi team!

    well i didnt make it to the gym yesterday because i had a weird pain in my chest all day long. but im feeling better today and i am going to go. my friend Ashleigh is going to come with me :flowerforyou: my boss just quit this morning so things here at work are werid...... its not going to be fun because the person we think is going to be in charge of us now, we all cant stand her! shes a total *****. i need a new job bad!

    today: 60 mins at the gym and 10 glasses of water and i will be within my calories :bigsmile:

    have a great day everyone!

    Welcome back Kim!:flowerforyou: :glasses: :drinker:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Ariel - I totally understand what you mean about needing a new job. I am working a temp job right now and I HATE IT. :angry: Thank God there's only 6.5 weeks left!!

    Lisa - congrats on the weight loss! Keep it up! :flowerforyou:

    Kim - welcome back! We've missed you! :flowerforyou:

    Gaby - a friend and I are going to Red Robin tonight, so I looked up the nutrition facts on their website... HOLY ****!!! There's very little on the menu that's low in calories... I was very surprised! It wouldn't be so bad if I knew I was going to make it to the gym, but I'm not going to have time, so I really have to watch what I eat tonight.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Hey everyone

    I am struggling today. I am exhausted - since I have been on vacation I am having to readjust to waking up and functioning at work. I got up this morning, but only lasted for 20 minutes before I gave in and laid down for the last 20 minutes. My calorie intake has been on track yesterday and today as well as my water.

    I hope to get some sleep tonight and be a brighter person tomorrow.

    Ariel - sorry to hear about your job. Hang in there. The best way to find a job is to have a job.

    Thanks everyone for the welcome back
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Sorry I've been MIA a bit, its been hectic planning everything for the engagement party this weekend. Still tons to do, but I can't wait, its going to be a blast and I'm excited that eveyone seems to be into the whole greek themed and lots of people are dressing up!
    I think I might do a bit of a cleanse the next few days to remove xtra toxins and feel great on my dress on Saturday. I did stock up on green tea and will be driking tons of water, so well see what I decide to do. Maybe I'll do the shakeology cleanse. That one always gets the job done.
    Hope you are all doing great.