5 Reasons You're not losing weight



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    mph323 wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Awolturtle wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    How do you chew ice cream slowly? :D

    Like this, of course......


    I have never seen a dog get "brain freeze". :)

    Cats apparently can get it, maybe another reason dogs are better than cats ;)


    No, kitty kats are better than doggies....they are more patient. :D

    And devious. I admire that.

    My cats resemble that remark....especially with how they plot to jump on the kitchen counters when they think I can't hear the PLOP of their little feeties....LOL!

    Ever wake up with a cat on your chest staring into your soul with alien eyes?

    Yes....and I got up and fed them. :D
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
  • Vegplotter
    Vegplotter Posts: 265 Member
    edited September 2016
    MFP take note please. I think the consensus above is that the advice is poor. We should expect blogs republished on this website to be better scrutinised.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    MissusMoon wrote: »
    Sadly, the MFP blogs are full of woo. I've seen starvation mode and many examples of elimination diets that are unnecessary. I've eaten any food I've wanted and you can't argue with the 82lbs gone from my body.

    I agree with this.

    Any special gut diets should be prescribed by a GI doctor, supervised by a registered dietician, with follow up of the results. Digestive problems can be serious business, but that in no way means certain foods are bad.

    Congrats on your amazing weight loss!

    Also if you think you have gut issues please go see a gi instead of trying random diets to fix it (I almost diet from ignoring my Crohn's symptoms that I thought were IBS, eating the wrong things, etc)

    I STRONGLY agree with this. Research your symptoms on the web if you must, but never self-diagnose. Take the research results to your Dr. and start a dialog.

    Please don't. Doctor Google tends to like diagnosing people with cancer even for something as simple as a pimple.
  • l1k4
    l1k4 Posts: 20 Member
    A few observations and quite a bit of rambling. How is my gut unbalanced according to the blogger? Since I ate garbanzo and black beans yesterday I feel fine but maybe I can't feel it yet. The cat in the gif brings a random thought to mind. Why do cats like to knock vases and cups of water off places like kitchen counters? Is there a reason a poster needs to prove claims made by a blogger? Last, maybe the blogger receives an incentive to get 'clicks' to drive revenue. I wonder if the parent company of MFP is trying to drive revenue to fund the Covington Park Project. I get it. Drive revenue, catch up to Nike, help the inner city of Baltimore and bring opportunity back to a city which has 15,000 vacant houses and almost as many vacant lots. BTW, 70 +% of those properties are privately owned. Cool.


    Maybe the blogger isn't a s much an expert as he thinks and really believes an unbalanced gut exists. Okay, thanks for reading. And, can someone solve the cat mystery?

    PS---The CEO of MFP's parent company is a Terrapin. Turtles Rule.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member

    I STRONGLY agree with this. Research your symptoms on the web if you must, but never self-diagnose. Take the research results to your Dr. and start a dialog. [/quote]

    Please don't. Doctor Google tends to like diagnosing people with cancer even for something as simple as a pimple. [/quote]

    You took my comments out of context by only highlighting the first phrase. I'm not advocating people look up their symptoms on the web, but people will do what people do, and I'm saying any diagnosis should come from a Dr.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    I STRONGLY agree with this. Research your symptoms on the web if you must, but never self-diagnose. Take the research results to your Dr. and start a dialog.

    Please don't. Doctor Google tends to like diagnosing people with cancer even for something as simple as a pimple. [/quote]

    You took my comments out of context by only highlighting the first phrase. I'm not advocating people look up their symptoms on the web, but people will do what people do, and I'm saying any diagnosis should come from a Dr.[/quote]

    I know, I'm sorry it came across that way. It wasn't directed at your reply, I just couldn't pass the opportunity because last week I got curious about something and Google diagnosed me with either liver failure or pancreatic cancer when it was just a passing curiosity. Made me chuckle.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    edited September 2016
    No worries, I completely agree with you! I misdiagnosed shingles earlier this year because I googled my blisters and decided they were spider bites. By the time I went to urgent care it was too late to give me the anti-viral and I had to ride it out for the full duration. And I know better!

    Edited to add I have my trigger issues too and get where you're coming from.
  • jprewitt1
    jprewitt1 Posts: 264 Member
    vingogly wrote: »
    Yes, it takes 20 minutes for you to know whether you're full -- but this can be accomplished by enjoying what you're eating, putting down your fork once in a while, and eating mindfully rather than just shoveling it in; or, eating a small portion then waiting 20 minutes to see if you want some more.

    I think many people would consider this "eating slowly."
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    jprewitt1 wrote: »
    vingogly wrote: »
    Yes, it takes 20 minutes for you to know whether you're full -- but this can be accomplished by enjoying what you're eating, putting down your fork once in a while, and eating mindfully rather than just shoveling it in; or, eating a small portion then waiting 20 minutes to see if you want some more.

    I think many people would consider this "eating slowly."

    Agreed. But there's no reason to reduce all your food to a gag-inducing mush before even swallowing. ;)
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Vegplotter wrote: »
    MFP take note please. I think the consensus above is that the advice is poor. We should expect blogs republished on this website to be better scrutinised.

    As lovely as it would be for them to take note, sadly it will not happen.

    Sensationalized blogs like the one discussed in your OP draw in readers. Which means more clicks and more $$$ for the website.

    People love to be told that some crazy reason is why they aren't losing weight, rather than face the music and understand that it is simply because they are eating more calories than they are burning.
  • l1k4
    l1k4 Posts: 20 Member
    Vegplotter wrote: »
    MFP take note please. I think the consensus above is that the advice is poor. We should expect blogs republished on this website to be better scrutinised.

    As lovely as it would be for them to take note, sadly it will not happen.

    Sensationalized blogs like the one discussed in your OP draw in readers. Which means more clicks and more $$$ for the website.

    People love to be told that some crazy reason is why they aren't losing weight, rather than face the music and understand that it is simply because they are eating more calories than they are burning.
    Vegplotter wrote: »
    MFP take note please. I think the consensus above is that the advice is poor. We should expect blogs republished on this website to be better scrutinised.

    As lovely as it would be for them to take note, sadly it will not happen.

    Sensationalized blogs like the one discussed in your OP draw in readers. Which means more clicks and more $$$ for the website.

    People love to be told that some crazy reason is why they aren't losing weight, rather than face the music and understand that it is simply because they are eating more calories than they are burning.

    Wait a second. So it isn't leaky gut, unbalanced gut, too few carbs, too many simple carbs, too little fat, the wrong type of fat, I need a detox or cleanse!?!? You mean I gained weight and the simple answer is eat less?!? NAH!!!! It has to be *sarcasm* something odd/bizarre/woo/etc. Has to BEE!