Weight loss and alcohol



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited September 2016
    I mean you certain can drink alcohol and lose weight but it will make it harder. Alcohol has a lot of calories, no nutritional value and if you consume enough it lowers your inhibitions in a way that could trigger a binge.

    A glass of wine here and there not gonna kill you buy alcohol is one of the very few things I'd agree are better to avoid for weight loss.

    That said I had a 20oz Guiness last night so I'm not saying you have to be a puritan about it.
  • Mdistler92
    Mdistler92 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone for the responses. Drinking has not had any noticeable effects on my weight loss but I am shooting to abstain. For now, I'll just incorporate drinking in my diary.
  • Mdistler92
    Mdistler92 Posts: 13 Member
    Alarae21 wrote: »
    I was lucky in this respect in that I got all my drinking days out of me pre-18. Once it was legal, it wasn't fun anymore!

    I prefer to waste my calories on chocolate nowadays, lol.

    I thought I got drinking out of my system but I still have my weekends where I get wild lol
  • Mdistler92
    Mdistler92 Posts: 13 Member
    rosnz wrote: »
    I manage it within my logging and exercise. I've cut out a regular daily evening glass of wine and now just have a glass Friday and Sat nights and make sure I counterbalance it with extra exercise. I quite like 'earning' my treat and somehow enjoy it more now its a bit special.

    'Earning' it seems to be my best option for now honestly.
  • Mdistler92
    Mdistler92 Posts: 13 Member
    z4oslo wrote: »
    drunkorexia is real.

  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,990 Member
    Weight loss and alcohol do not go well together.

    I have a large wine collection but haven't opened a bottle or taken a drink while dining out in months and I don't miss it.
  • bexilashious
    bexilashious Posts: 116 Member
    I'm a cider drinker
    But all the sugar was causing me to maintain weight (not gain, not lose).

    So I'm now drinking vodka but found that carbonated drinks are making me feel sick now I'm only drinking water.
    Plus it's causing me to hold water. Which is effecting my weight loss.

    So I'm giving up completely for a little while to see how that goes X
  • skyhowl
    skyhowl Posts: 206 Member
    I don't drink alcohol but i think if you can fit it in your day then it's fine just don't drink too much that you don't have much calories for anything else :)
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    Mdistler92 wrote: »
    z4oslo wrote: »
    drunkorexia is real.


    I didn't know it was a real thing either, lol. I used to cut back on food so I could 1. Have more of an allowance for alcohol and 2. Get drunk alot faster. This is not healthy and I don't advocate this at all...and currently a recovering alcoholic so I guess that's all you really gotta know about that behavior. Lol.
  • King_Spicy
    King_Spicy Posts: 821 Member
    edited September 2016
    Havn't read the comments, but I'm sure someone has stated it. Just work the calories from the alcohol into your diet. I always have room for at least 1 beer or a couple of ounces of scotch at the end of the day.............or beginning, depending on how I'm feeling ;)
  • nefudaboss
    nefudaboss Posts: 69 Member
    I noticed that leptin levels were lower than usual so i drink the day before refeeds religiously i just get red wine fit it in my macros by walking 4 miles to earn it im still losing weight getting a buzz and keeping leptin happy
  • bexilashious
    bexilashious Posts: 116 Member

    garygse wrote: »
    So I'm giving up completely for a little while to see how that goes X
    Best of luck!

    I was a heavy drinker for years, and finally made an effort to cut back last December. I started by only allowing myself to drink if I didn't have work the next day, and then in January, I realised that I had also stopped drinking during the weekends too. Today, it's been almost eight months without alcohol, and to be truly honest, I don't actually miss it one bit.

    Well done you that's amazing!

    I only drink once a week (usually a Friday night) but it seems to be sabotaging my weight loss as I retain water like crazy afterwards.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I found that if I prelog my alcohol on days I know I'm going to drink it really helps me stay with in my goals.
  • King_Spicy
    King_Spicy Posts: 821 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    So I'm giving up completely for a little while to see how that goes X
    Best of luck!

    I was a heavy drinker for years, and finally made an effort to cut back last December. I started by only allowing myself to drink if I didn't have work the next day, and then in January, I realised that I had also stopped drinking during the weekends too. Today, it's been almost eight months without alcohol, and to be truly honest, I don't actually miss it one bit.

    Well done you that's amazing!

    I only drink once a week (usually a Friday night) but it seems to be sabotaging my weight loss as I retain water like crazy afterwards.

    So what you are saying is..............if you drank everyday and just continued to retain the same amount of water weight, then you wouldn't even notice that you are retaining it and wouldn't have any fluctuations except rapid weight loss when you don't drink? Sounds too good to be true. Drink more! :dizzy:
  • akf2000
    akf2000 Posts: 278 Member
    The week after I quit I lost 7lbs, I'm not saying that's normal but it was the biggest loss of my entire programme. I haven't touched it since. Also bye-bye acid reflux.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited September 2016
    garygse wrote: »
    So I'm giving up completely for a little while to see how that goes X
    Best of luck!

    I was a heavy drinker for years, and finally made an effort to cut back last December. I started by only allowing myself to drink if I didn't have work the next day, and then in January, I realised that I had also stopped drinking during the weekends too. Today, it's been almost eight months without alcohol, and to be truly honest, I don't actually miss it one bit.

    Well done you that's amazing!

    I only drink once a week (usually a Friday night) but it seems to be sabotaging my weight loss as I retain water like crazy afterwards.
    But see, that's not "sabotaging" your weight loss. It's a temporary increase in a number on a scale. It's water, right? It fluctuates up when you have your period, but you know it's not real weight then, right?
    I'm not suggesting you do or don't drink alcohol, just suggesting you keep a bigger picture view on weight loss.
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    This weekend we have our town's festival, kick-off is tonight. My cousin is coming over to babysit all weekend, we have food ready in the freezer for Saturday, and are stocked up on painkillers. Both me and my husband are planning for a hangover on Saturday (and a smaller one on Sunday, with a little lingering headache on Monday, it is a four day celebration). Anyway, I plan not to eat at lunch tomorrow, and only have 5 beers, accompanied with fried food in the evening. I guess I'll get just as drunk for less the money this year. Just hope I can execute my plan and keep losing the weight. ( will probably drink more though, I am volunteering a shift behind the bar... so I am no help to you, come to think of it)
  • PaulaAlter1
    PaulaAlter1 Posts: 7 Member
    For what it's worth, here's my 1.5 to 2 cents:

    I had gained and lost the same amount of weight a couple of times in the last several years. The one factor that I saw which derailed me was my enjoyment of wine. On January 4, when I started my recent weight loss journey, I completely gave up alcohol and haven't had any since. I can honestly say that I don't miss it and my 62 lb weight loss, through using this app and good, healthy sensible eating has me feeling and looking so much better that it's just not worth going back again. I can go out and socialize, even go to a local brewery, with my husband and friends and drink water. I drink mineral water/sparkling water at home and feel just as satisfied. I'm happy, healthy and look SO much better which is worth more to me than the ability to drink wine.
  • adamyovanovich
    adamyovanovich Posts: 163 Member
    edited September 2016
    chel325 wrote: »
    I lost the bulk of my weight (120lbs) after I completely quit alcohol. I think I had the drunk munchies a lot.

    That was me. I would wake up to an entire pizza and cookies gone. One day I added up I drank 6000 cal in alcohol per week. Not including soda.

    I quit entirely and have had a bottle of wine maybe once a month vs 5/6 times a week. I notice I eat more the day after I drink. Last time I tried weight loss alcohol got me back into my old habbits. Without drinking I eat so much better, and its hard to understand how I gained so much weight. For me alcohol is my problem.