Is 5 years a big difference?

Okay, there's a guy I like in my EMR class, he looks like he could be my age or a little older and he's very fit and very, very attractive but he's 5 years older than I am. Is that too big of a gap? To add more details, he's quiet and very polite. I think he's either a fire fighter or a rescue worker.
While I'm not ready to go into the dating scene because I have too tons of crap to do. I'd like to give this guy a try but I'm wondering is he to old for me.
EMR tests
School (College)
Weight loss
Getting ready for the Army.


  • MrsSenecal
    MrsSenecal Posts: 312 Member
    It depends. If you are both adults than it is not a issue. My ex husband was 10 years older than me.
  • labeachgirl
    labeachgirl Posts: 158 Member
    When you're really young (under 25), it can be. I would think it's more dependent on where you are in your lives... wanting commitment vs no commitment, staying at home vs going out, etc
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    The rule (not a real rule) is have his age + 7

    So if he's 30, he shouldn't date a girl who is younger than (30/2) + 7 = 22 years old.

    If he's 26 than he shouldn't date a girl younger than (26/2) + 7 = 20 years old.

    And so on...

    I usually date guys older than me, the biggest gap was when I was 24 my bf was 32. I was probably the more mature person in that relationship... lol
  • So I guess it shouldn't be too big of a deal? We're both adults but I can be a very big goof ball. So does that count me out in the adult qualifications?
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    It really depends. I feel if you have a strong connection to someone you can overcome a lot of differences.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    My husband and I are 5 years apart. We'll be celebrating our 10 anniversary this year. The difference in our ages has never been an issue. We met in college.I was 24 and he was 29 when we got married three years later.
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    my partner of 5 yrs is 13 yrs older than me we have no problems with this, i do how ever have always acted more mature than my age i guess we sorta connected on that level wen we first meet but overall we still had heaps of other things in common. only problem i found is he has more experience on life than what i do so it can get annoying when he always has something to say.
  • CheekyBrahette
    CheekyBrahette Posts: 441 Member
    IMO age is only a number! It's all about the mental/emotional state of the person. ^_^
  • You know what I'm going to drop my weight to 150, get ready for the Army, and after that I think I will ask this guy out.
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    My first husband was 2 years older than me...we married way too young (I was barely 19) and we were divorced 3.5 years later.
    Then I met the "right" one and he is 2 years younger than me and that seemed a little odd to me at first, since we were still young and I had a baby already....but we've been together 9 years, married 8+ and are a great match!
    So, I say age is irrelevant really!
    Give him a try. What's the harm in getting to know him?
  • misssophieleigh
    misssophieleigh Posts: 55 Member
    Have you watched Parks and Recreation? Andy and April are 8 years apart and one of the best couples on television. (I would relate this to fictional characters. No shame.)
  • emtb319
    emtb319 Posts: 87
    Age is a number. My husband is 13.5 years my senior and we're doing well. I say go for it and if the chemistry is there, keep it.
  • merryberry99
    merryberry99 Posts: 350 Member
    As someone already said, it sort of depends on your age. There comes a point in time when age seems to matter very little. My boyfriend is 6 years older than me. We make a pretty awesome couple, regardless of age, if I do say so myself :)
  • If I may ask, are older men more likely to be committed?
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    It all depends.
    When I was younger I always went for guys that were at least 6-8yrs older than me. Now I'm with someone who is only 13 months older than me.
    I work with a couple she is 27 years old & he's nearly 41. I think that is TOO much of an age difference.
  • It depends on the people, maturity levels, goals, common interests, where you are in life ...

    My boyfriend is 9 years younger. I'm 47 and he's 38. In some ways he's a bit immature, but in other ways he's way more mature than I am (more financially stable, achieved exactly what he wanted out of life by the time he was in his early 30s and is happy with this). We have lots of fun together and enjoy each other's company.

    Age really doesn't matter. Compatibility does.
  • My biggest fear is being taken advantage of because I'm so much younger and while I maybe mature for my age I might not be so mature in the judgement area for such a relationship. Despite the fact he may be older, he might so immature to take advantage of my nauivete. While obviously, you ladies have a great relationship with your SO . Mine fear stems from observation of a family "friend" who will not be named but I if inboxed me. I would tell you at some point, not tonight cause it's a long story, ladies.
  • 5 years isn't a big age difference at all. I would go for it if I were you! :)
  • emlott88
    emlott88 Posts: 75 Member
    It depends how old you are.

    When I was 19 and in college, I ended up in a relationship with someone 12 years my senior. It was a disaster and the worst 4 years of my life. I'm just thankful I managed to get through college and away from it!

    When I was 23 I met my now amazing husband. We have a 4 year gap, and it's perfect! It's the same age gap my parents had, and it's the same gap that is between my brother and I. 5 years is nothing! There's really nothing major that a guy 5 years older would know that a girl 5 years younger doesn't - girls mature earlier anyway.
  • JBnyc99
    JBnyc99 Posts: 100 Member
    The rule (not a real rule) is have his age + 7

    So if he's 30, he shouldn't date a girl who is younger than (30/2) + 7 = 22 years old.

    If he's 26 than he shouldn't date a girl younger than (26/2) + 7 = 20 years old.

    And so on...

    I usually date guys older than me, the biggest gap was when I was 24 my bf was 32. I was probably the more mature person in that relationship... lol

    Honestly, this is a bit silly. Not sure where this "rule" came from, but certainly glad that I never heard of it before.

    Marie,...age *should* not matter when dating, but it appears that it does matter a great deal to you. If so, then wait for someone closer to your age. But having said that,...5 years seems like nothing to me, assuming you are both consenting adults. If the question was "Should I MARRY someone x amount of years younger or older than me",...then my answer may be very different, since there are so many other factors to consider.

    But as far as dating, I don't think it matters at all. Personally, age means nothing to me as I have dated gals 20 years older, as well as 20 years younger, and everything in between. In fact, it matters so little to me that several times I've dated people for weeks or months before I even knew how old they were. Usually it's the last thing I think about. For me,...if I enjoy their company, and believe them to be a good person,...well,...what more do I really need to know?