Can't seem to make my goal



  • FitnessBeverlyHills
    I totally know I'm going to get flamed for this, but I think it's good advice, so please just stick with me.

    You're talking about 1825 and having problems hitting your cals when you eat vegg. I'm NOT going to advocate that you cut out the vegg because that stuff has all the micronutrients that your body requires to function properly.

    But the way MFP is set up is that you're supposed to eat back your exercise calories. You're probably finding problems because you've been doing all this weightlifting and other stuff. If you don't do the exercise MFP won't keep raising your calorie goal. No one ever got fat from eating too little am I right LOL?

    So just think about scaling back your exercise, keep eating everything you're currently eating, and then eat a few vegetables. That, plus not exercising, and I think you'll really start seeing results of some kind.

    Hmm. I guess this kind of makes sense. I workout, it raises the goal. If I don't work out, the goal stays the same.

    No. No. No.

    The point of exercise especially weight lifting, contrary to popular MFP belief, is NOT to lose weight or be able to eat more. There are so many health benefits of working out vs. simply just eating less.

    This suggestion is just... absurd.
    Well here's what I'm thinking. I started with New Rules for Women and that book gives you a meal plan and tells you to eat more on lift days, and then tells you how much more to eat, which is how i got 1825. So on lift days I add the extra calories the book suggested. But maybe I shouldn't eat those calories after all.

    Edit: Oh, but then I might not be able to make my 137g of protein for lifting days. :frown:

    On lift days Do you typically eat a more carb loaded meal pre- workout and then a protein/carb meal post workout? This is probably where I would try to sneak in some extra calories. If you don't have enough carbs in your system prior to lifting you might not have all the energy you need since weight lifting uses all carbs. Then after I train my carbs are completely depleted
    so right after I train I have another meal of carbs and protein like salmon and wild rice. I am also naturally just hungrier on those days. Do you feel like the days you lift you have more of an appetite?

    Also if you are trying to make 137g of protein, yum yum cheese again, full of calories and protein. I eat a ball of Burrata cheese over arugula and sliced peaches, nectarines, cantaloupe, or figs ect, drizzled with balsamic reduction. Its probably a good 500-600 calorie snack.

    Well I had a protein shake before my lift today and then I had chicken&Spinach curry with udon noodles after. Then I had 2 cups of broccoli, then pasta with ground turkey and a slice of Texas toast.

    This has me just under 1200, which I know is bad to be under. I see people saying it all the time here.

    How about instead of a protein shake, a nice breakfast like steel cut oats with banana's, walnuts and honey...or a veggies omelette with cheese and potatoes, or a bowl of kashi go lean crunch with milk?

    And how about an after dinner desert, are you eating enough fruit? Maybe a scoop of ice cream with fresh strawberries

    This seems pretty reasonable. Next lift day I'll have oatmeal or cream of wheat or something like that. I just don't usually eat in the morning if I'm gonna be working out; it upsets my stomach. But I can give it a try.

    And I'll try to eat something else tonight. I made some cupcakes for friends, maybe I'll actually have one.

    Try it 1-2 hours before you hit the gym, so maybe as soon as you wake before you start getting ready and see how you feel. You might even get in a better workout from it. I am rubbish at lifting if I don't eat. If I drink protein shakes its usually in addition to everything else I eat.
  • FitnessBeverlyHills
    But what about carrot cake? Does it count as veg or grain?

    Are you trying to tell me to eat cake? Because I imagine the carrot content in carrot cake is very low.

    Shame on you.

    I am thinking the carrot content in carrot cake is not much more than the coffee content in coffee cake :)

    On the note of Carrot Cake, I have made Carrot Ice cream before and it's awesome. Here's the recipe below:

    This Carrot Ice cream is so Delicous and healthy. It’s low in Sugar because the carrot juice is actually very sweet and we use fat free condensed milk. I made this ice cream after buying a juicer and realizing the amazing sweetness in carrot juice.


    2 Cups Carrot Juice

    3 Egg Yolks

    1 Cup Skim Milk

    1 Can Fat Free Condensed Milk

    1 packet Gelatin


    Heat Milk & Condensed Milk on low for 5 minutes, and then let cool down slightly. In a large bowl mix 3 eggs yolks with carrot juice. Once Milk has cooled down add to eggs and juice whisking everything together. Continue whisking and add 1 packet of Gelatin. Add to ice cream machine for 25 minutes. Pour into container and freeze for 2 hours and then serve.

    This ice cream is great because the natural sugars in the carrot juice are your sweetener so there is no need for corn syrups or melting additional sugar. Also by not heating the carrot juice your ice cream will remain full of vitamins!
  • dmarien
    dmarien Posts: 58
    I am struggling as well. When you add the walking in that I do every day, I am not reaching my 1200 goal everyday. Some days I am very hungry so I am trying to read back what I eat and try to increase Fiber the next morning. But when I do that I am fuller longer and dont eat all my calories. I am really trying to make this a lifestyle change so I do not want to consume unhealthly. I am allowing a cheat day but still try not to go over board on those day. Then somedays it is just to freaking hot to eat.
  • terridyment
    terridyment Posts: 52 Member
    You may have an allergy to some veggies, sounds funny but a person I know has an allergy to some veggies.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    it puts the butter on it's veggies...

    I don't eat butter.

    Have you tried bacon grease?


    sed sausage grease to cook my veggies yesterday. Almost as good as bacon.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    it puts the butter on it's veggies...

    I don't eat butter.


    It raises my sodium and when I have too much sodium I don't lose weight for weeks! I don't think you know what you're talking about.


    Obviously. I mean you only joined this place a couple of months ago, and can't know much about this yet... It's not like you have lost a lot of weight, and made some impressive gains or anything.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    The solution is obvious. Cut out all vegetables and exercise. Ideally stay in bed 24/7 and eat lots of ice cream. You might have to quit your job to be able to do that, but what's more important? Your health, of course! :happy: