Support from significant other...



  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    edited September 2016
    My boyfriend is AMAZINGLY supportive! He knows the struggle, he's been overweight or obese most of his life, and he's been trying to work on it too. He's managed to lose 60 pounds since moving in with me 9 months ago, and he looks so good! :) As for me, i've managed to lose 25 pounds. He willingly goes for walks and runs with me, even when he's exhausted from his physically demanding job. He went with me to my first dietitian appointment, and asked lots of questions to help understand how he could help support me better. He cooks dinner on occasion and helps brainstorm reasonably healthy options. He is REALLY good about the temptation thing; he never goes out of his way to offer me foods that are less than optimal, but he also doesn't raise an eyebrow or criticize on the occasions that I end up eating a big greasy cheeseburger or diving head first into a half gallon of ice cream lol. He understands the concept of "everything in moderation" and that one day in the grand scheme of things won't make a big difference.
    I really appreciate all he does. I've had some exes that were very unsupportive of me, who would purposely buy and offer me things like candy, calorie laden fast food, etc. that they knew full well I was struggling to not eat. Also, if they caught me eating something they didn't think was "healthy", would say stuff like "Aren't you on a diet??" or "Should you be eating that?" which would infuriate and shame me, and make me feel like I had to sneak around to eat less optimal choices, thereby exacerbating the unhealthy relationship with food I was struggling with. I honestly credit a great deal of my success this time around to the support I have at home. :)
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,341 Member
    Beware of spousal and significant other sabotage once you start really losing and looking different. It is a real thing.. my loving husband does it each and every time. AT first, he is supportive as we both try to lose weight.. as I lose and stick with exercise and nutrition better than he does.. He all of a sudden starts with taking me to restaurants more often.. putting champagne in the fridge for us to drink together (without asking it I want to)...and starts wanting to order yummy food to be delivered.
    I have to admit, I fall for most of it each time.

    I find this time, I'm not talking about how much I'm losing or if I work out.. seems the temptations come after I get excited and share my progress.

    I know his behavior is wrong...but other than this..he is amazing. I think it is a subconscious on his part.

    I also realize I need to fix it on my end.
  • rebaisett
    rebaisett Posts: 62 Member
    Love the stories. Keep them coming
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