Ashamed about my judgment

I am so annoyed with myself and the reason I'm struggling. I have a neighbor I've known for 15 years. She's morbidly obese and has always had serious weight and self esteem issues. She had a lap band procedure and lost 100, but gained it back and then some (I'm not sure why she gained again but she did tell me that diets don't work on her body.) Last fall she had a loop ds procedure.... And the weight is falling off. She's lost almost 200 pounds and is now down to 250. She said she hasn't even had to make an effort. All she had to do was write a check.

I am sincerely happy for her because we all deserve health.

I am so mad at myself I can't lose the 40 pounds I need to lose. I am ashamed I have resentment about her success. It's all so dysfunctional and I know I need to accept the fact I have to do this the right and heathly way and can't just write a check to solve this like she is doing.

Thanks for your thoughts.


  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Your mind is far more powerful than her check-book. Use it.

    I love this. I am going to post it mirror, my computer, in my purse. You are right. Thank you

    And you're off! :smile: Way to go, OP. Now, just keep it up. Concentrate on your own goals. Even getting there slowly is more progress than not getting there at all. You can do this. JB's entire post is gold. Re-read as necessary :star:
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    Look at it this way: you are putting the hard work and effort into losing yours. I think when you go this route, it makes it that much more sweeter. I see those sorts of things as a shortcut, in a way. (And I am in no way putting down people who get those procedures done. I simply mean less work is put into it, IMHO.)
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited September 2016
    aliem wrote: »
    You can do it! Losing weight takes a lot of dedication. That's why a lot of people are serial yo-yo'ers. Just think of how proud you will be once you hit your goal the old fashioned way.

    This, right here, is what makes me feel good when I think about what I've done. How you should look at it, too. It may be taking a lot of effort, but hey, how come a lot of people think nothing about putting in effort at their jobs, yet neglect themselves? In the end, you didn't cheat, just remind yourself of that. When it's all done, you'll have accomplished it, not a surgeon.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    edited September 2016
    I know someone well who had this same surgery. She can only eat very small amounts. If she eats too much or the wrong things she gets really sick. She has to plan her day out very carefully sKio that she can eat the right thing often enough. After seeing what she is going through I wouldn't do it.
    I've lost over 100 pounds over 2.5 years the old fashioned way. And I don't have to focus all this energy on food like she does.