Pet Peeves!



  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Barely there handshake. Wtf are you doing shaking the tip of my fingers?

  • eva_letsdance
    eva_letsdance Posts: 2,731 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    Barely there handshake. Wtf are you doing shaking the tip of my fingers?


    More like thispm5877hppjil.jpg

  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    People who are clearly uneducated but argue tooth and nail like they are right and its even worse if they talk over and refuse to listen to any real logical fact xD -possibly happened to me and still mad xD-

    There's a saying that you will never win an argument with a stupid person ...
  • thehexenbiest
    thehexenbiest Posts: 114 Member
    lol. Just that. People use that as if it was an actual word and uuuuggghh it makes me wanna punch someone. The only thing worse than lol is lmao and the only thing worse than lmao is lmaooooo. What are you trying to tell me with that? That you were laughing your *beep* oooooooff? UGH!
  • thehexenbiest
    thehexenbiest Posts: 114 Member
    lol. Just that. People use that as if it was an actual word and uuuuggghh it makes me wanna punch someone. The only thing worse than lol is lmao and the only thing worse than lmao is lmaooooo. What are you trying to tell me with that? That you were laughing your *beep* oooooooff? UGH!

    LOL has been added to the dictionary as a real word.

    That's...depressing! :tired_face:
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    lol. Just that. People use that as if it was an actual word and uuuuggghh it makes me wanna punch someone. The only thing worse than lol is lmao and the only thing worse than lmao is lmaooooo. What are you trying to tell me with that? That you were laughing your *beep* oooooooff? UGH!

    I'm typing this post as I roll on the floor laughing.
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    jvcjim wrote: »
    I just carry around a little gavel. And when I'm done stating my opinion/argument etc. I just pound the gavel. Plus, if somebody wants to continue to argue with me I can always pound them in the head with it... ;)
    I'm a magistrate so i often get to use a gavel, power corrupts! when men/ boys come into the courtroom with hats on and or low slung pants... $100 fine for contempt and if they whine a night in county as well, (we have warning signs) i would prefer sending them to the chair though but that is out of my purview. not a sexist policy we fine for exposed underwear as well.

    You do make exceptions concerning hats, for people with cancer & sagging pants for the poor, whom might be wearing a donation/hand me down that're too large for them and/or they lost weight, don't have a belt & are unable to afford, new clothes?
  • liltink95
    liltink95 Posts: 17 Member
    Hmmm pet peeves... Probably when I am working on a vehicle and my nails scrape against the metal making my fingertips feel all tingly..
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    When a store advertises something on special ..and when you get there they say it didn't come in ..
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    My current pet peeve is the jackhole two doors down with the brand new LOUD Camaro who idles in his driveway for ten minutes every time he goes anywhere. Even super early in the morning. It wakes all of us up and the dogs go crazy. First off, it's Texas and you don't need to warm up your car. Next, it's a brand new car and also doesn't need to be warmed up. Wish there was something I could do besides think, 'Wow, he's home late for a Sunday.'
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    when someone is ALWAYS late all the damn time

    I have annoyed a guy or two when I said I was late too.....

    Annoyed ?

    Depending on the girl.... the word: Terrified comes to mind.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    When I can't find the *kitten* droids I'm looking for!
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    When your fresh food spoils before the expiration date
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    when someone is ALWAYS late all the damn time

    I have annoyed a guy or two when I said I was late too.....

    Annoyed ?

    Depending on the girl.... the word: Terrified comes to mind.

    You've been with the wrong women.....

    Tell me about it.....

    Thing is, they're thinking the same thing about me; so I reckon it evens out.
  • jvcjim
    jvcjim Posts: 812 Member
    jvcjim wrote: »
    I just carry around a little gavel. And when I'm done stating my opinion/argument etc. I just pound the gavel. Plus, if somebody wants to continue to argue with me I can always pound them in the head with it... ;)
    I'm a magistrate so i often get to use a gavel, power corrupts! when men/ boys come into the courtroom with hats on and or low slung pants... $100 fine for contempt and if they whine a night in county as well, (we have warning signs) i would prefer sending them to the chair though but that is out of my purview. not a sexist policy we fine for exposed underwear as well.

    You do make exceptions concerning hats, for people with cancer & sagging pants for the poor, whom might be wearing a donation/hand me down that're too large for them and/or they lost weight, don't have a belt & are unable to afford, new clothes?

    no. there is no excuse for a male not to remove his hat indoorsand no matter how loose your pants are you can pull/hold them up them up... loose and baggy is ok, you the state of your underwear or lack thereof is the point. just a little simple decorum. also it is a local court any 'real' crimes we arraign and then send to a county, state or federal court. the court is open 2 days a week, the last crime in the township of any note was a bank robbery 5 years ago, the robber 'escaped' on foot and was never caught he got around $3k... the joys of rural living.
  • jvcjim
    jvcjim Posts: 812 Member
    jvcjim wrote: »
    I just carry around a little gavel. And when I'm done stating my opinion/argument etc. I just pound the gavel. Plus, if somebody wants to continue to argue with me I can always pound them in the head with it... ;)
    I'm a magistrate so i often get to use a gavel, power corrupts! when men/ boys come into the courtroom with hats on and or low slung pants... $100 fine for contempt and if they whine a night in county as well, (we have warning signs) i would prefer sending them to the chair though but that is out of my purview. not a sexist policy we fine for exposed underwear as well.

    it bothers me that you get a gavel and I don't. I bet you just have underwear under those robes. And if you try to argue with me I will just pound my gavel harder. (if I had one)

    if i had the lags for it i would wear shorts, so i wear khakis and a shirt, on a bad day a suit but i despise them. i recently discovered i fit a lot of my old suits now.
  • People that confuse 'weary' with 'wary' and 'leery' with 'lairy'.
    Also people who get a kick out of rhyming their pet peeves..
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    tuckerrj wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    People who are clearly uneducated but argue tooth and nail like they are right and its even worse if they talk over and refuse to listen to any real logical fact xD -possibly happened to me and still mad xD-

    So if you have more education than someone else, you're automatically right in all matters?

    No, but my brother does this ALL THE TIME. I went to school for TV broadcast and he will say something that is wrong, I'll say the right thing, and he won't ever let it go. If you are not an expert on something, expect to occasionally be corrected.
  • TeachingT
    TeachingT Posts: 814 Member
    Chewing with your mouth open or talking with food in your mouth...grrrrr