Weighing and logging.....forever??



  • hrush1889
    hrush1889 Posts: 56 Member
    edited October 2016
    For those on here who are maintaining currently and also logging daily, do you go by what MFP sets for you to maintain your weight as far as calories? Do you find its a pretty good estimate of what to eat? Just curious as I am almost to my goal and going to start maintaining soon
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    hrush1889 wrote: »
    For those on here who are maintaining currently and also logging daily, do you go by what MFP sets for you to maintain your weight as far as calories? Do you find its a pretty good estimate of what to eat? Just curious as I am almost to my goal and going to start maintaining soon

    I have my fitbit synced to MFP and I've found that the calories are pretty dead on. MFP has my sedentary calories to maintain at 1440 (I'm short and old!) but my fitbit adds another350-500 a day. So yes, MFP tells me (with Fitbit adjustments) that I can eat between 1800-1900 to maintain and it works great.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I find logging food a stress for me. Being in the losing phase - I am not logging, weighing, or measuring food. I've done that for years on here and have gone up and down 15 pounds the entire time.

    I ultimately decided, I want to eat intuitively so when I reach my goal my eating habits are effortless. It is working for me and I could't be more happy.

    Obviously other people are not bothered by weighing, measuring food and prefer to log. You need to do what works for your personality and results. My suggestion is if you don't like logging start right now to trust yourself to eat the way you need for your goals. You do have the knowledge and you can do it if you simply make the decision to do so..
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,015 Member
    edited October 2016
    RAinWA wrote: »
    hrush1889 wrote: »
    For those on here who are maintaining currently and also logging daily, do you go by what MFP sets for you to maintain your weight as far as calories? Do you find its a pretty good estimate of what to eat? Just curious as I am almost to my goal and going to start maintaining soon

    I have my fitbit synced to MFP and I've found that the calories are pretty dead on. MFP has my sedentary calories to maintain at 1440 (I'm short and old!) but my fitbit adds another350-500 a day. So yes, MFP tells me (with Fitbit adjustments) that I can eat between 1800-1900 to maintain and it works great.

    This is true for me too. Mfp gives me 1550 and my fitbit adjustment is usually 300-500. I usually eat about 1900-2000 and have been maintaining since the end of July.

    I still log and I think I will continue for the foreseeable future. It really is a habit for me now and I don't find it tedious.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    I have the sneaking suspicion it isn't my inability to gauge portions at the heart of my weight struggles, but more likely my reveling in gluttony and debauchery in general. For that reason, weighing and logging is my penance, and probably going to need to be part of my life forever.
    ".....reveling in gluttony and debauchery in gerneral..."

    Oh boy. I laughed ....and at the same time nodded and whispered 'me too''

    OMG - this!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I do not find logging to be annoying or a pain, so yes, I plan to log forever. I do not want to gain any weight back. I made it to maintenance once I was very close to maintenance a second time, and gained everything back both times b/c I stopped logging.

    I'm back in maintenance mode, and I'm dedicated to continuing logging b/c I know that for me no logging means gaining.

    Logging is no more time consuming for me than brushing my teeth or checking facebook or sending a text.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I kept in the healthy weight range all my life until I got to be in my early 50's. Having lost weight once snce then and then gained it back, I have no problem accepting that I with tracking my calories I can stay at my healthy weight. I don't know what changed since my younger days, but I don't question it, I accept that something changed.
    I just accept I will log calories from here on out.
    I didn't meticulously weigh food while I lost weight this year, so I haven't been now in maintnenace, but I measure and read the packages and I'm getting really good at estimating serving size.
    I guess the proof for me I need to continue to track calories has been that logging the calories makes me more responsible for what I eat every day and I like that. So I figure that since it works I'm not going to monkey around with any thing else.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    If you have the disposition to do so or you don't see it as a chore, then sure why not? I don't think you would "have" to or "need" to per se, but if you don't see it as an inconvenience, then you could foresee yourself doing it forever. I plan to do it for a while; while I"m on my deficit, when I maintain, and when I bulk. Then again, I like to create recipes so I like knowing the serving sizes to my ingredients.
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    I don't want to log forever but I honestly don't know how to maintain otherwise. I will just eat indiscriminately. Heck I've been logging every day and have been slipping up lately. I think i will religiously log breakfast and lunch and slack a little during dinner which I don't prepare myself. At least for the time being. One day I want to stop but unless I can find a way to jot eat out on anxiety or boredom it's all that is keeping me in check right now. Maybe I'll buy pants that fit absolutely perfect and get rid of the rest
  • karl317
    karl317 Posts: 87 Member
    If you're spending more than two minutes total time per day logging your food, then you need to embrace the technology a little more I think. I log religiously and it takes me so little time, I don't know why anyone *wouldn't* do it. What exactly is hard about a simple accounting of what you eat with a smartphone you're already carrying?

  • dn0pes
    dn0pes Posts: 99 Member
    Once you reach maintenance, how many still weigh and log everything?
    I'm hopeful that my end result will be a much better ability to eyeball portion sizes and calories as well as having a strong desire and personal accountability to keep moving forward, not backwards.

    Besides.....the thought of weighing/measuring and logging my food forever, makes me a little sad.

    Absolutely nothing is forever..,.. Just today.
  • uwannasaysomething
    uwannasaysomething Posts: 10 Member
    Julie, what I do is take measuring cups and mark my Tupperware accordingly. So I know exactly where 1 cup, 1/2 cup, 1/4 cup is on any leftover or anything I make and store. You do it once and you have the it!