200+ (Week 37) Sizzlin' Through Summer!

Hey everyone. It's that time of the week again. Please post your weigh-ins/exercise/goal check-ins by the end of the weekend.

Hope you all had a good week and am looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing.

Here's my check in for today:
2381 needed to maintain
1444 eaten/ 345 burned/ -1282 day/-6228 week

Will post my weigh-in in the morning. I'm hoping to be under 186 (where I was 2 weeks ago, before the gain last week- damn you restaurant week! *shakes fist in air*), but we'll see. My cardio wasn't up to snuff this week. Only 3 times. Meh.

Ate much better today. Also, even though I had an evening therapy session, which I thought would last 45 min, lasted an hour and a half (he's a talker- and we made progress), I still got in some exercise. Did my 2.4 mile loop again, but cut off a minute on my time, average a 11:16 min mile. YES! Clearly, it wouldn't be that low if I was doing a longer run, but felt good. I need to get a longer run in soon though, as it's been a few weeks since I've ran at least three miles.

Btw, Lacey, you're right, the sandwich might not help weigh-in this week, but it sounded AMAZING and totally worth the calories. It's not like you eat it frequently, and the weight loss has been going well this week. No worries!

Good luck everyone!


  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I was very happy with myself at the park tonight. Instead of stopping at 2 or 2.33 miles like normal, I decided to keep walking. I kept going till the park closed (basically about an extra 35 minutes).

    I went 4 miles. :bigsmile: (in an hour an 5 minutes)

    Its a very fine gravel track so a lot of dust gets kicked up a lot so I have layers of salty dried sweat and gravel dust all over me. EW
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Bump... Just a quick check-in before I hit the hay. We are smelling a dead critter in the house and can't find it.. "plugs nose".. See you in the morning...
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    sorry double post
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It's official, I'm down another .75 pound to 184.0!!! YEAH!!!! Two weeks in a row of scale movement - I'm in shock but I really have been trying harder and I've been home not on the road... One more pound and I will officially be overweight vs obese - I can't wait!!!

    Just got back from my morning bike ride - love exercise before work. Hope to do some strength training tonight with mom and plan to walk to the bar for dinner. The bike shop is on my agenda for this afternoon. I made an impulse purchase of New Moon on Blu Ray last night. I can't wait to watch it this afternoon. Plans for the weekend include trying to run my own 10K from my house to moms and spending the night at her house Sat. She lives on a lake and lots of people (one neighbor said he spent $2000 on fireworks - OMG what I could do with that much extra money) set off fireworks over it. It's a nice show with no crowds and easy bathroom access and free since we don't spend money - well okay maybe $10 for the bottle of wine I'll drink:wink:

    Hey Amber - hope all is well. I miss your posts.

    Kristina - hope your sore muscles are gone.

    Kendal and Lexi - great job on the walk.

    Lacey - hope your allergies are under control for the weekend.

    Debra - Good luck with getting back "on track" Hope all goes well with the weigh in.

    Have a Sizzling weekend!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Victoria- wtg on the weight loss! I have my ticker set to 188.7 because thats when I will no longer be obese :smile: it still seems so far away but I know I can do it. I am jealous that you get to see fireworks over the lake! I've been thinking lately thats what I would really love to photograph this year but I have no clue where they'll be doing that. So yeah...I'm just sticking to shooting my regular fireworks shots.

    I was well within calories yesterday but I blew my sodium out of the water. I will pound some water today and see if it falls off by tomorrow.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- nice job girl! Good pace, and I'm glad you pushed yourself farther. You should be proud of yourself!

    Victoria- way to go for another loss! I know you were getting discouraged with being around the same poundage for several weeks. We all hit those plateaus... maybe you've finally kicked this one. You've been doing great with the exercise, and not traveling so much I'm sure helps. SO happy that you're so close to the obese/overweight distinction. That's a biggie! Since I'm such a shorty, I still need to get down to 168 (UGH!)- seems like such a fair way away, and I can't even remember the last time I was there (sometime early in high school). So that's my major next goal- hoping to hit it by the year mark, but we'll see. BMI is super depressing. So glad you're almost there though! *twirls for YOU* Let us know how the 10K goes this weekend- I've not gotten my long runs in, so I'm jealous you're already at that point!

    Well, my checkin for today: 184.8 (-3.0 from last week). YES!

    Keep in mind, I was up 1.8lb last week, so this is a net loss of 1.2, which I'll take! I'm slowly moving down the scale. Like I said to Victoria, my next big weight goal is getting under the obese mark on my BMI. As I'm on 5'3", it'll still be a while, but I'm slowly knocking the pounds away. Only 17 more. haha- my goal is to hit that 168lb. mark by our year anniversary. I think I can do it (we've got, what? 16ish weeks to go? That average is about right for me, barring a bad plateau), but we'll see.

    Goal for this week: get my freakin' exercise in. I'm out of my routine, and seriously need to get back in it. I only did 3 days this week, which is completely unacceptable in my book. Brought my gym clothes to work with me today and plan to hit up the rec center after I finish, to get a good start to the week. A friend is spending the day/night with me tomorrow on her way upstate, so I imagine there will be some unhealthy eating going on, so need to crank up the cardio and watch the eating the rest of the days. ALSO, next week will probably be TOM (if my carb cravings like whoa are anything to go by), so I expect a gain for next week's weigh-in, but I'm hoping with some serious exercise and good eating, I'll have a nice loss the week after. We'll see.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Down to 205 this morning woohoo! YEsterday I was at 204.5, but like I said...the grilled cheeeeessseeeee. LOL.

    Half day of work today, then we are all bbq and drinking and then moving to a bar for more drinking. All the while getting paid for it! Yeay! My company is cool like that I have to say.

    Anyways, wedding tomorrow to go to three hours away. Don't really want to go but its my cousin and I feel bad not going.

    Victoria, Kendal and Kristina - way to go with weight loss! Woo hoo!

    Kendal I am sure that I need to be around 185ish to not be obese anymore either. That is 20 lbs, almost 35 lbs from where I started. It is so unbelievably hard to picture getting to that weight. But I also realized that I am slowly but surely making my way. If I keep at the same pace I am going now, slow that it is compared to most of you girlies, I would weigh about 185 in December. I will take it!

    Next March I have a trade show in Vegas and it is massive for our business. Its major amounts of walking inside and out, lunches all over the place with customers and then parties and expensive dinners at night. High heels, cocktail dresses, pant suits, the whole nines. When I went a year ago I weighed about 199. I'd LOVE to go back to see my customers and people at the show weighing well under that. The truth is in this business it is extremely hard to be a female. I've had men look me up and down, smirk and walk away because I was a girl and probably because I was over weight. Hotness helps, lol, and I'd like to be well on my way to hot by the time the show comes around. Plus the pool time is much more fun when you don't feel like a beached whale.

    So that is my overall goal - be well on my way to hotness by next March. Not gonna put a number on it, but I'd like to be at 185 by then and if I keep it steady like I have been, it should be super possible.

    Goal for this coming week: work out as much as possible. Its been about 10 days since I've been to the gym, I'm feeling better with allergies and now its time to hit it again. Still not going to track cals. I've been making fairly good choices in the portions arena (grilled cheese withstanding) and I will keep going until I find I am overeating. May that day never come!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Nice work Lacey! I'm glad several of us can now at least envision being under the obese mark. It'll be a big goal for a lot of us! I have several more pounds to go as well. Sucks being so short! ARGH!! Keep up the great work hun!

    I think my 3:30 appt might not show up, so will be leaving soon. Heading to the rec center for some cardio- maybe some weights as well. We'll see. I need to work off some energy. I'm a bit crankypants- a client stressed me out a bit earlier- worried about him, and stress=crankypants Kristina. Hoping some sweat will help it roll off my back a bit. Plan on a Trader Joe's run for some cheap wine, and yummies for the weekend ahead.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey gang - I got 20 min of arm weights in with mom tonight. I'm way over on cal - all due to crowds!!! Damn Downstaters (sorry Kristina)... We had to wait 25 min for a table and then the service was soooo slow for dinner. That's probably normal for big cities but rare for us. Oh well - catch you all tomorrow...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Friday wow! Barely did any work, then the BBQ with a bonus and a black Wii to take home, YEAY!!! So now we are playing with the wii and chilling out. Its nice. Bowling is fun. After we put G to bed we are going to play a Super Mario brothers game like we used to play don the nintendo. I'm excited about that.

    Tomorrow we decided not to go to the wedding, rather hitting up some factory stores an hour away and a Whole Foods too before we come home. Then the rest of the weekend we are going to refinish the deck and probably plant some flowers and shrubs In the backyard.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    arg...I drank lots of water yesterday but didn't realize I went over on sodium again pretty bad till I logged the food so I'm going to stick with yesterday's weight of 224.0 which is still down a pound from last week. Cals were acceptable yesterday though. I was over by less than 100...I think....it might have been less than 50.

    I'm going swimming with a friend today though so I should be burning quite a few cals today. I feel kinda bad cause Lexi is going to be in her crate for a LONG time today. The plan is to go swimming and then hang out until we can go see fireworks at 9:30 in a little town thats a good 45 minutes from home (the friend livers about 30 minutes away anyway).

    I made some tuna salad and egg salad yesterday so I need to calculate the cals in those so I can add it later.

    oh well...I need to go get ready
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies. Just a quick check-in. Friend is coming in to town for today/tonight, which will result in a eating/drinking fiasco (calories like whoa), but I've had a productive morning so far. Did some gardening and power cleaning today, so got at least a bit of calorie burning in, but plan to do some working out tomorrow and monday (yay for federal holidays!). I'd like to plant some flowers/herbs this weekend as well, which should help.

    Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend! I'm not sure how often I'll be able to check in. Love y'all!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh ladies - I've had such a GREAT day.

    I wanted to run an official 10K but just couldn't find time to get to one near me. The closest one I could find is 75 min away. So, I decided to make my own. My mom lives 6 miles away. I walked the opposite direction for my warm-up and then ran 6.2 miles (10K) to her house this morning in 1 hour 22 min!!! I was so happy. I really have the best mom in the world - she met me 1/2 way to cheer me on and bought me a pink t-shirt that says "Rainy Lake Run July 2010" (that's the lake she lives on. Wasn't that sweet?

    This afternoon, I bought myself a nice bike for my birthday. I can't wait to ride it. My tush will be so much more comfortable and the gears will change without whacking them. My birthday isn't until Thurs but I couldn't wait.

    Have fun today and enjoy the fireworks!!! I'm off to cut the grass.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- what a great start to your birthday week! I'm so proud of you reaching the 10K distance (your mom is AMAZING)- you've been the running superstar of the group, and have totally stuck with it and have reached your goals. I'm so very happy for you! *twirls big time* You totally deserve the bike too! Wowsas- I think YOU'VE just made my day. Way to go sweetie. What an amazing inspiration you are to me!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Victoria- what a fantastic job!! And you have such a fantastic mom too! That was super sweet of her! maybe next year we can plan a Rainy Lake Run for the whole group! :smile:

    I got some FABULOUS fireworks pictures tonight and we'll go see more tomorrow. Plus we're going to try to play with sparklers and my camera where you get the shutter to stay open and you can draw shapes with the sparkler.....hopefully it'll come out. You guys will definitely see them if it works out like I want it to.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy July 4th!!!

    Kendal - I bet your photos are great. I'd love to have everyone up here for a Rainy Lake Run....

    Kristina - hope you're having fun with your friend.

    Lacey - I love the wii esp doubles tennis. Have you made your mii yet? I made extras for family members and it's so cool to see them sitting in the stands waving.

    Debra - Congrats on your son's playing. Hopefully your life is calmer now that baseball season is winding down. I could use your pool today - its supposed to be 90 here.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well dang, I posted yesterday and I am not sure where the heck it went! Fist post thats just disappeared on me.

    We drove an hour north to the factory stores and were very irresponsible with my bonus. I feel kind of dumb for blowing money like that, but my husband NEVER asks to shop so I couldn't say no. I bought s ton of clothes in Anne Taylor. Wow their clothes are fantastic and really well made. I bought things that would fit now and still look good in ten or fifteen lbs lost. I also got a coach purse for under $100 that was normally over $400. But the real splurge were two pairs of Cole Haan shoes for under $70 each that are going to be great for walking around at trade shoes and customer warehouses. They have that nike air soles and I keep hearing how great they are for walking so I'm excited.
    Well that will be my spending for months to come. Sheesh. Lol. And Jeff found quite s bit too and he was happy so that is cool.

    Today we are going to finsh the deck and build our new BBQ we bought. Ours was a hand me - hand me down and only works on the outside. This one has three burners and two big table things on the side so yeay!

    Victoria I haven't done much with my wii yet. Jeff tried boxing and loved it. I bought Cooking Mama for Gracie and that one is kind of fun. I also bought a Mario bros that we can both play but haven't had the time yet. I'm thinking with all the lower body work I do at the gym, th sports pack will be good to come home and do. Do you have ghe wii fit? I want to know if it's worth it.
    Congrat s on the 10k and the new bike!

    Kendall I cant wait to see the pics!

    Kristina have fun with your friend!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    OMG - I'm ROTFL!!! DH just introduced me to the 70 pound rule. That means we should weigh 70 pounds difference - if I'm 140, he should be 210... Ideal weights for both of us... If he's not there, then he has to be "funnier" like the comedians. Last week when we were walking home in the rain he commented, that the fat guy/skinny chick syndrome was finally paying off for him. IE I'm getting skinny while he's fat. Damn him for calling this rule. I'm 184 so that means he can be 254 - yeah he's under that and around 230:grumble:

    I rode my bike 20 min today but it sucked since it was 89 degrees outside. I just want to lay on the couch and pant to cool off. I got DH watch the New Moon DVD - I'm still panting over Jacob's body!!!! Send me ice!!! I need to cool down. It's down to 85 outside..

    Still drooling over the guys in New Moon. I best not go the the theater for Eclipse!!! I could get arrested for indecent panting over hot guys!!!