200+ (Week 37) Sizzlin' Through Summer!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning super pals!!! It was hard to do but I got my run in today - only 2 miles as per training log. I think Thurs is 5... This heat is killing me. It was 91 and humid yesterday and only cooled off to 70 last night. I just keep telling myself we only have 10 days a year where we need air conditioning so I can handle not having it but this just sucks... Bring back my 40 degree mornings. I managed to get the garage cleaned up enough to fit my bike in - a huge accomplishment for me.

    Well I've gotta go get ready for work:grumble: I should have taken the day off (*sighs*).

    Lacey - shopping:love: I'd have trouble keeping it under control.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yikes....I do believe that I lost you guys there for a few days...so terrible, they are switching owners with our internet provider and let's just say...service has been spotty...sometimes I get on. start to read and reply...then get kicked off....

    Just finished up the re-setting of the metabolism thing....I did gain some pounds, but the trainer assures me it is mostly water and it should come off pretty easy. I have been back to exercising this past weekend and even though the humidity is up...it feels good to be breaking a good sweat. I might of went a bit over the top yesterday as I ran/walked a 6.7 mile loop with my hubby and then later in the afternoon I did day 2 of insanity....I can sure feel it in my bum this morning . I will be doing the insanity series for the next 2 months and to try to keep up with Victoria....I also want to run a few times a week, 2 short runs and the longer run with hubby on Sundays.

    It is 90* here all week with high humidity....gets tough, all of my workout clothes are dirty...I need to get some laundry done....was I able to share with you guys that we bought a new washer and as hubby and I took it to the basement, a strap broke and the washer came down the stairs on me?? I was very sore for a few days and had a knot on my head....but we also broke 2 valves on the washer:sad: :sad: , one of them came in...but we are still waiting on a backorder for the other one...I have had to go to the laundry matt....so not cool!! With this insanity series...I need to do the double up of the sports bras...so I am going thru the tops pretty quick....hmmmm, sounds like a good excuse for new :laugh: :laugh:
    Hope to start paticipating a little better now that I am back to regular workouts and tracking again....I won't be so embarrassed to posts :wink:

    We have baseball camp this week...smack dab in the middle of the day, going to be a hot one!!

    Oh and everyone...my son's Little league team went all the way this year....14-0 during the season and they also won the championship...this was my son's last year...so it was a very exciting time for us last week!!

    I'm going to try to catch up on posts now...thought I'd reply first...and read later, so far so good!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Deb how much does your trainer have you eating with all that exercise you are doing? I'm excited to see how this turns out for you. And I bet he is right, the lbs you gained will come off within a week. That is horrible about the washer! I hope you are feeling better! And congrats on yours sons baseball team, that is awesome!!!!!!

    Victoria, we didn't restrain ourselves to much with the shopping, but like I said, Jeff never asks to go shop or spend money and we had it, so its ok. Won't be doing it again anytime soon, thats for sure!

    Well I'm about to head out and get started on the deck again. We should be able to get it done today. Yeay!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey ladies. sorry i keep drifting away but i have been keeping up with you all. i have been doing pretty good lately. i have been getting my workouts in and as soon as i charge my mp3 player again i will be going for another workout. first of the week. well gotta run chores and laundry to do!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Deb how much does your trainer have you eating with all that exercise you are doing? I'm excited to see how this turns out for you. And I bet he is right, the lbs you gained will come off within a week. That is horrible about the washer! I hope you are feeling better! And congrats on yours sons baseball team, that is awesome!!!!!!

    Lacey, between 1700-1900 calories and he really stressed the importance of protein.....I believe he said 1 gram for every pound of lean muscle mass...he has my goal set for 160 grams of protein per day....and I hope I can lose these extra pounds quickly ..but my period is coming up so I'm not going to stress to much this week...but by next week...I am hoping to see things go waaaaayyyyyyy down!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I'm alive! Will do a longer entry tomorrow and catch up. Cliff's Notes for the long weekend (yay for federal holidays!)
    -weekend still not long enough- not ready to get back to work tomorrow.
    -ate like whoa all weekend. seriously want to slap myself, because I've come too far to backslide, but I see old habits emerging, so need to get my booty into gear. All about routine for me, and mine's been all confuzzled since the move, which is not good for me.
    -didn't exercise really. *grumbles* *hangs head in shame*
    -TOM arrived on July 4th. Oh joy of joys. So with the eating (and sodium overload) and TOM i was up 4 pounds this morning.
    -High note: broke out my bike this evening. Needs a tuneup, and didn't time myself, but biked 6.8 miles. it's a start!

    Goal for this week:
    -Get my butt in gear
    -Start running more consistently and training for my goal 10K in October.
    -No eating when not hungry (seriously, wtf weekend?)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey ladies!!! I'm in a retro funk and singing to the beastie boys song:noway: At least I think it's them. Oh well!! So we watched CARS tonight and I'm really impressed with the movie.

    I hope you all caught my post on "9 months and 53 pounds down" under the success topic. I have a new picture of me - just what I chose to wear in this gad awful heat.

    Night ladies - I'm yawning and should get to bed. See you in the morning!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Deb how much does your trainer have you eating with all that exercise you are doing? I'm excited to see how this turns out for you. And I bet he is right, the lbs you gained will come off within a week. That is horrible about the washer! I hope you are feeling better! And congrats on yours sons baseball team, that is awesome!!!!!!

    Lacey, between 1700-1900 calories and he really stressed the importance of protein.....I believe he said 1 gram for every pound of lean muscle mass...he has my goal set for 160 grams of protein per day....and I hope I can lose these extra pounds quickly ..but my period is coming up so I'm not going to stress to much this week...but by next week...I am hoping to see things go waaaaayyyyyyy down!

    I can imagine that eating a ton of protein with all the exercising you are doing will be great for muscles. I know that when I eat more protein I seem to recover faster and lose weight faster. Maybe that should be my other goal next week...getting above 100 grams.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Weekend definitely not long enough. Went today and literally stuffed my 4runner full of flowers and bushes. Got the beds around the deck planted. Deck Is finished. Just drying now. Will come home tomorrow after work and pit out the patio stuff, new BBQ and enjoy. And after dinner weed my veggie garden. Pretty sure there are more weeds than veggie plants right now. It looks horrid. That's what happens when you don't till before planting I guess...

    Got a good work out this weekend with the yard and deck work. Tuesday hoping to hit the gym and get in some card and yoga.

    Wishing I had one more day off, that's for sure!!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey guys,

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately, like has been pretty hectic since I am really trying to make some major changes. I'm really not used to balancing all this. I am really working hard on it though.

    I finally did it, I took the plunge! I bought my gym membership today and will be getting up tomorrow at 5am to use it. I am terrified that I am going to be exhausted all day. Lets just say I am NOT a morning person, at ALL. But since we only have one car and my husband uses it to go to work from 7:30 am-5:30 pm and goes to his second job from 9:00pm-2:00am I don't have much of a choice, a sacrifice I was willing to make. So 5AM here I come! I will be taking my 13 year old daughter with me since I am allowed to bring one guest for free every time I go. We will see how long she sticks to it, hopefully for a while, I'm gonna need the motivation and she could learn to care about herself a little more. Like you sullengirl I am short 5'2 and have a long way to go to even get out of the obese range...I believe I will be out of it about 162ish. It's a work in progress and I think for the most part things are going pretty well, and now with finally adding in exercise to my routine things can only go even better.

    I did horrible on the weekend with food, but it's ok, I'll get back to it. I have been pretty bad at logging lately. I have no problem doing breakfast and lunch but tend to slack on dinner, I have to get better at that. I find it hard because if I eat something that isn't measured or something that we get out I never know what to put for calories. This week I did lose weight again, I am down 2.5 lbs and have just hit 230.5...I'm very excited to get into the 220's and even more excited to get close to 200.

    Couple questions, going to work out that early do I eat before I go or after? I can't imagine eating breakfast that early! lol
    Also how much cardio should I start out with? The most I've done in 10 years is walking but I do want to push myself, just not to the point of injury. I am sure I will have a ton of questions after I am done tomorrow I used to work out a lot but it has been so long that I truely don't remember everything that I once knew.

    Oh and also, there is a weight loss challenge in my community it lasts 6 weeks and starts next monday. I'm thinking with my new gym membership and how well I'm doing I should enter. It's 35 dollars to enter and if you win you win everyone elses entry fee. But most of all I just want the extra motivation. I'll let you all know how that goes and if I have the guts to enter. lol
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning super pals!!! I've got another busy day planned with work 7 patients and my I have to drive an hour away to see most of them. At least the workout is done - I finally got a good hour long ride on my bike. I love it - the seat has some bounce and is comfortable.

    It's nice to see you Amber and Kim!!! We will always be here for you.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Couple questions, going to work out that early do I eat before I go or after? I can't imagine eating breakfast that early! lol
    Also how much cardio should I start out with? The most I've done in 10 years is walking but I do want to push myself, just not to the point of injury. I am sure I will have a ton of questions after I am done tomorrow I used to work out a lot but it has been so long that I truely don't remember everything that I once knew.

    Oh and also, there is a weight loss challenge in my community it lasts 6 weeks and starts next monday. I'm thinking with my new gym membership and how well I'm doing I should enter. It's 35 dollars to enter and if you win you win everyone elses entry fee. But most of all I just want the extra motivation. I'll let you all know how that goes and if I have the guts to enter. lol

    Hi Kim. I think you do what you feel comfortable with at the gym and take it from there. Do a little extra each day and see how your body reacts to it. Soreness is part of it, but you can take some glucosamine and msm tablets to help with muscle repair and joint lubrication (get them at Target) and eat some bananas.

    You are supposed to eat before you work out but I too could never eat that early...so what I used to do is make sure I got about 1/2 - 3/4 cup milk in my coffee on the way to the gym. Its calories and protein all in one. I think the most important thing though is to fuel your body right after you work out with some protein to help your muscles. A lot of people also eat a banana (potassium helps muscles repair).

    I am sure the other girls will have more feed back, but there is my two cents at least!

    Congrats to you for doing it though! That in itself is a major accomplishment right?!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Haven't logged food in a while so I thought I'd log today to see where I'm sitting as far as cals go to just keep myself in check. BORING. Its been long enough that I don't want to take the time to do it. Uh oh. Not good. A sure sign I need to right? LOL

    No gym for me today, but going home and loading the deck up with all the patio furniture and weeding the dread veggie garden so the plants can grow!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- *cracks whip* get logging girl! It really can help you stay on track, and really doesn't take all that long. You just need to make it a habit again. It takes all of 5 minutes, even if you have to guesstimate a bit on what you ate- you at least have a general idea.

    Kim- congrats on taking a big step by joining a gym! My advice: don't overdo it, because you'll wipe yourself out and stop going. Commit to something you think you can actually stick to, and then work up if need be. Start off slow and slowly work up your time. As Lacey said, you'll probably be sore at first... take it easy, but keep increasing your time and/or intensity, and you'll get fitter and faster like a flash!! Let us know how it goes! I can't say much on the eating front, as I don't exercise first thing in the morning really. When I have in the past, I haven't eaten beforehand, but that's more an issue of my stomach just not being willing to handle anything when I first get up in the morning. Then, after I work out and shower, I'm ready for breakfast.

    Hope everyone's Tuesday is going well. Didn't start off well, considering I went out to lunch today, but it was mediterranean, so it could be worse, and I took half of it back with me, so I could eat tomorrow, so my calories weren't completely out of control.

    Want to start 10K training this week, even though it's more than 8 weeks ago, think I'll do the Hal Higdon novice one (http://www.halhigdon.com/10ktraining/10knovice.htm), and then continue to add to my distance/speed those weeks after (I like to overshoot the training distance, so I know I can do it when the race comes). I think I just need a more strict training schedule (like I had to c25k) in order to stick to things. The problem is the treadmill v. outside issue. For those longer runs, I really need to be outside. The problem is that it's hotter than hades out there. The real solution: get my butt out of bed and do it before work. The problem: kristina=crankypants and amotivated then, so we'll see if that can happen. Otherwise, it's suffer through the heat in the evening. So, I think on the schedule for today is a 2.5 mile run. No biggie!

    I just need to get my tushie into gear. I am not down with this slippage I've been doing. Not cool. Oh, and no surprise: my bum is killing me today after bike riding last night. I need to get a cushier seat(cover) so it doesn't complain the day after. Riding when it's hot out in the evening isn't as bad cause you have the breeze. Might do more of it for my cross training days. Still need to investigate the tuneup issue with it though.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    ETA: I was looking more at running training, and I think I might plow ahead with the half-marathon. The problem is that I think October might be a bit soon for that distance for me, but the racing really dries up in Michigan after then. I could maybe find a race out of state (maybe NC), but I figure, what the heck... if I'm not ready, that's ok, but I can at least give it a try and get one in before the running race season wanes. No promises, but I really need a stricter training schedule to get my act together. So who knows, Victoria-- maybe you can have a running partner come Detroit in October? Maybe? I don't even know if I really want to put that out there yet, but why the hell not. My parents will just be finishing their trip to see me- would be a bad week for a final week leading up to a big run, but it would be pretty amazing for them to be able to see my run though.
  • orlandosgoddess21
    orlandosgoddess21 Posts: 72 Member
    Sorry to bother, but what does bump mean? Newbie here but a 200+ looking to sizzle through this summer :-)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sorry to bother, but what does bump mean? Newbie here but a 200+ looking to sizzle through this summer :-)

    Bump is just a way to well, "bump" the thread. Sometimes if peeps haven't posted in a while, or there is a lot of posting, the thread can get lost, so it's an easy way to move it back to the front page.

    Welcome! Jump right on in. This is a place to check in, vent, support/motivate one another. If you like, you can read back on some of our previous threads to get a better idea of what we've been up to. :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh Kristina - stary eyed dream look!!! Oh if only you could be ready to join me in Oct!!! Have you tried the free training plan on runnerworld.com??? It will give you estimated run distances to train for a race based on how many weeks are left. You now have 15 weeks to go. The week before the race is actually a light week. Try it. Good luck.

    Kim - good luck at the gym. Start slow and work your way up to more. You can do cardio every day but do strength training for a specific muscle group every other day. If you go six days a week use 1/2 the machines MWF and the other half TThSat. I eat a light breakfast (banana, toast with peanut butter or milk with protein mix) before a heavy workout.

    Orlando - welcome to our group!!!

    Lacey, Lacey, Lacey - if you are maintaining weight it's okay not to log but if you're gaining ---- that's bad!!! You know what's best for you. I cont to log everyday - you have the ipad - it should be quick and easy.

    Kendal - how was your Monday???
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks for the responses guys, I appreciate it. And sullengirl, I hope one day I will be training to run. Id like to start with a 5k and work my way up as well. I think its a great motivator to keep you motivated. Ill try the breakfast thing tomorrow to see if it helps at all. I was completely wiped out today after working out. I had trouble staying awake until about noon. I did 60 mins of cardio and skipped the strength training today since it was my first day and I was looking around a little. I did 20 mins treadmill, 20 mins bike, 10 mins stair-master, 10 mins elliptical. I was pretty pooped at the end but it felt good to finish.....5am is wayy early I hope it gets easier, the working out itself wasnt that bad but the staying awake after was torture lol.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My "monday" was ok yesterday. I slept in WAAAY too late the day before (plus taylor made a surprise visit :blushing: ) so I didn't get any sleep that night. I was seriously going to skip zumba last night and take a nap instead but I made myself go. I'm glad I did. We had a sub instructor and she was a lot of fun. And I wasn't tired at all when I got home.

    Remember how I had to pull a tick off Lexi last week? The spot where I pulled it from is now red and inflamed. It just feels like a big bump and the skin is red. I started putting antibiotic stuff on it last night (off brand neosporin). If it doesn't get better in a day or two I'm going to call the vet. It makes me feel like such a failure when anything is wrong with her. :frown:

    I'm taking my brother with me to the park when I go walking tonight. Its great that he's finally getting some physical activity (boy is 11 years old and almost 200 pounds....he's probably about 5'6" though....but still)....but he slows me down. He's a bit of a whiner. But its ok. I'm just glad he's finally getting into something. I think he wants to play basketball and now realizes there's a lot of sprinting involved. Dad said he might come with us tonight. Mom has to go to church tonight. Even if it wasn't Wednesday night, she'd have an excuse. Maybe one day the light bulb will turn on for her.