200+ (Week 37) Sizzlin' Through Summer!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning my super pals!!! Today is another busy day with work and this heat. I am seriously thinking of moving to Alaska - if only someone would guarantee that it would be cool with no humidity. I wish I had more time to chat but work is calling. You are all on my mind as I make food choices for the day.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Oh Kristina - stary eyed dream look!!! Oh if only you could be ready to join me in Oct!!! Have you tried the free training plan on runnerworld.com??? It will give you estimated run distances to train for a race based on how many weeks are left. You now have 15 weeks to go. The week before the race is actually a light week. Try it. Good luck.
    haha. Well, I'm going to at least give it a go. I don't know if I'll be ready then, but it's worth a shot. Would be a pretty sweet year anniversary huh? Going from a couch to a half-marathon in a year? Whew. We'll see. I printed off a training guide from there (I had originally printed off Hal Higdon's novice, which is actually a 12-week training schedule, but I figure I'll need to double on a week or two anyways). I like the idea of the runner's world guide with the speedwork v. tempo runs and such, but that all seems so advance. I'm usually just trying to get the distance in. It's hard to time my speed that carefully.

    Kim- you weren't quite the busy bee at the gym yesterday! That certain doesn't seem like starting off too slow- hope you don't poop out. It'll take some time getting adjusted to expending that much energy first thing in the morning. Maybe a snack to boost you when you get tired later in the day?

    Kendal- glad you still got to Zumba last night. Way to power through! Don't feel like a failure with Lexi- it's a common problem with dogs. If it doesn't clear up, call the vet- you're doing the right thing! And way to motivate the brother!

    Yesterday was a much better eating day for me (even with the lunch out). Went to the rec center and got in a 3 mile run on the treadmill. Ran the whole time at 5.0mph, so I am getting faster. It just sucks having to keep that exact speed up, so I definitely enjoy running outside, so I can alter my pace as needed. I think I'm going to have to transition running outside in the mornings, which sort of sucks, cause I'm not a morning person, but I think it'll be worth it to do it outside rather than slug it out on the treadmill. I mean, even the gym was unbearably hot yesterday! Training schedule for today is crosstraining or 2 miles. I'll go with crosstraining today, so a trip to the rec center is planned for after work. I think this more set schedule will help me out getting back in the swing of things. I'm down a pound this morning... but still up 3 from last week. Damn TOM and crappy eating. I'm hoping to get down at least another by Friday's weigh-in, but we'll see.

    Hope everyone is having a nice Wednesday! Another scorcher here. Blech.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    yeah...down here in NC its supposed to hit 99 degrees today. :noway: We go to the park around 7:30 but its still hot

    a girl I know on facebook posted "If I hear one more person say 'its not the heat, its the humidity' I'm going to say 'its not my fist, its the impact...'" :laugh: She has funny status updates all the time
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - too funny!!! Great job motivating little bro...

    Kristina - do you have current passport or enhanced license? You need it for the run since it goes over the bridge to Canada and back through the tunnel. I figured out sweeper time as 18 min per mile (when they won't let you finish as your going too slow). You could always walk that fast. You can do it.

    Deb - you should join us for the Detroit 1/2 marathon!!!

    Kim - that's quite a workout. I hope you're more awake today. Did eating help?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning girls!

    Victoria - thats the interesting thing...I've been losing weight the past couple of weeks NOT logging cals. Not sure what thats about, but its like since i took the stress of dieting away I am losing weigh more? I doubt I will lose this week, I'm carrying around water weight from TOM and the heat but at the very least I am still maintaining. Maybe its just a temporary fluke? Hard to say. So until I see that I am stagnant or gaining, I think I will keep on this path. Now the only thing I need to do is get my *kitten* back to the gym. It will take all the will power I have to get there tonight but it has to be done!

    Well you girls all rock with your running for a half marathon!!! I don't know that I will ever be a runner but it sure is fun to hear you guys talk about it!

    Kendall - that is awesome you are taking your brother with you. I think all kids at that age are whiners, so you know, lol. They are in between being kids and teens and don't quite fit in anywhere, not too sure of themselves...I remember that age.

    Kristina - working out in the morning, once you get used to it and can keep it consistent, is actually really nice. I am no morning girl either by a long shot but when I could go to the gym first thing it was really nice. Now I have to take my daughter to school so that isn't possible, but I do miss it.

    Kim - Good. For. You! It gets easier, keep going girl!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Okay I've been a good girl and have logged everything I plan to eat but lunch so far.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Leftovers from lunch yesterday today, so not a spectacular caloric afternoon, but am heading to the rec-center for requisite crosstraining after work. Elliptical it is for maximum calorie burn.

    Victoria- funny you should mention passport, I just sent mine in this week for renewal, as it expires this month, so I should be good to go in October (excited about even the prospect!). It's nervewracking though having to send your passport in the mail somewhere. Eep! I'll need to investigate more about the race, as I sort of thought about it on a whim, but am committed to at least trying. I'd like to not walk, but that it is possibility- that time is completely doable, even with walking.

    Deb- Victoria's right- half with us in Detroit??

    Lacey- good job with the logging!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    good thing you sent your passport in for renewal...I just read on cnn that the price is going up for those things. Sucks cause I will have to get ANOTHER new passport when I change back to my maiden name. Hard to believe its been almost 7 months.

    tomorrow is joey's birthday.....
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello Fab Super heors...just a quick post...I have the sweat dripping off of me, these are the days when I have to admit an air conditioner would be nice in the ole farm house! Glad I have the pool to run to!

    Lacey, I'm trying those burritos on the grill finally tonight....I have been thinking about it since you mentioned it...I should of had them on my free week....but I never got around to it...tonight with a salad and magarita...pool side is on my agenda.

    It was a recovery day today with insanity...and boy did I need it, I also did a small run, only 1 1/2 miles, but it was at 11 AM...pretty hot so I was surprised that I could even run....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Kristina/Victoria...my uncle just sent an email last week about the Detroit 1/2...he will be coming from Hawaii to run it....
    I had planned on trying to run the one here in Columbia City in Novemeber (veteran's)....I was actually hoping to take off 20#'s after this re-set thing and then I was hoping in Mid August I could start training for the Novemeber one....I was worried that my weight would stall....trying to get a handle on that...I've been stuck for so long! ( I just relaized with my gain before I started the re-set and my gain during the re-set...I am back to where I started in January...:sad: :sad: ) I WILL take it off though, not giving up...just thinking wow...how long it took me to lose it and how quick it came back...drat!!!)
    I am so going to be paying attention to your training...I could use all the help I can get...when I get time, I'm going to look into that training website...I have to go now, I need something to drink...I made some iced-tea earlier, sounds good right about now and then when Hubby gets home....it's magarittaville...talk with yo soon!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- I knew I needed to renew, but then I read the fee is going up like 40 bucks effective the 13th and send that mofo in quickly! Hopefully it won't take TOO many weeks to get back, but I'm sure they're pretty packed with renewals this time of the year, as so many go on summer vacations (of which I'm jealous of!)

    Deb- way to jump back on the wagon. Sounds like the reset was something your body needed though, and the weight gain will probably be worth it in the long run. I know it's frustrating, but it's a long process for us all. Hang in there!

    Just walked home (yes, I'm really trying to make walking to and from work a habit, even though it's less than a half a mile each way), to pick up my car so I have no excuse to not go to the rec center right after work. Elliptical is it and then day 3 of week 1 of half-marathon training is done. Following the novice plan, tomorrow is a 3 mile run + strength training. That means an early morning for me tomorrow, cause I'm really not down with a treadmill run again. Will then probably do some arm weights and abs in the evening during some TV watching. This will certainly test my resolve on this, as mornings will have to become a habit for me. I need to train next time for a spring race! I think I could handle running in the winter better than the summer. Just am not a heat person!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    hey every1. i've been MIA for a while & just wanted 2 say hiya. i was sick as a dog last wk :sick: (strep-ish??? wasn't strep but had all the symptoms & the dr even checked the coulture... w/e...) & still just recoverin. hopefully i'll b fully recovered by next wk & back doin exercisin. WHOOHOO! lol. :tongue:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Have you guys tried the Target brand Archer Farms Simply Balanced Strawberry Crackers??

    OMG they are awesomeness in a box! They are great plain, but I can also see them crumbled up on top of some greek yogurt.

    Tracked all my cals for today. Over on sodium and carbs and sugar, under on protein...but still have a bit left for a snacky later tonight should I want one.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Today is the best day in the world!!! My BIRTHDAY!!! Going out for King Crab legs tonight. Not sure if I'll look cal content up. But I'm down 3/4 pound this week and ran 5 miles this morning. Life is good. The washing machine is still on the fritz - oh well. I'll have to do laundry at mom's this weekend. Gotta run and get ready for work - d@mn job:grumble: I really love my work but sometimes would rather stay home and play on the computer.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome back Sian!!! hopefully you feel great soon.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTORIA!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Celebrate good times, come on!

    I hope you have a fabulous birthday! Don't worry about what you eat- just enjoy yourself. You got in a great run and exercise this morning, which is super impressive. Way to go girlie!

    I did it. I actually got up this morning at 5:30 and ran my 3 miles. No surprise- Getting up was horrid. Once I was out, I was okay overall, though it was terribly sticky even that early in the morning. Ugh. Plus, my stomach wasn't really appreciating bopping up and down that early. I certainly don't see myself getting up and exercising every day in the morning, I suppose I could handle my three days a week of running in the morning if need be. Ran the 3.1 in 37 minutes, which is under a 12 min/mile pace, which is pretty fab. I am getting faster! Especially, considering I significantly slowed down for about 1/4 of a mile towards the end, so happy. I'm pretty awake now, but I'm worried I'll hit the wall later this afternoon. Might be in need of a latte.

    This morning I was just under 188 pounds, so this is going to be an ugly weigh-in week. My crappy eating from the weekend and last week caught up with me, and TOM issues, so it'll be an ugly gain tomorrow, and I just hope I can drop it off the week after. I'm just happy that I've gotten back into the exercise routine this week, so it's a start!

    Hope everyone has a good Thursday!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTORIA!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    TOM has hit full force today. omg I can hardly stay awake. Actually, I didn't stay awake. I took a nap on my break. (and took longer than 15 minutes but oh well) But then I went to Liza's desk and talked to her for a while and that woke me up.

    I'm still doing training modules this week. Sitting at my desk reading powerpoint-type presentations about Medicare and Medicaid. It would put anyone to sleep.

    I think I'm going to have to waste some cals and make some crack coffee. You put a packet of hot chocolate in a cup of coffee and its like you've taken crack. I did it another day this week and I was so tired it only brought me up to normal....it didn't take me to super hyper level like it should have.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy birthday Victoria!!!:flowerforyou:

    Happy Thursday too! Yeay! I love short weeks like this. Last summer we worked three to four day work weeks and got unemployment for the days we were off due to lack of work, and while I love that we are making enough money to get unexpected bonuses, etc. it sure would be nice to have a few more four dayers.

    Going to the gym tonight for yoga. I could use a good stretching and straightening out of the body today.

    Kristina - good for you for getting up and running!!

    Kendal I wish coffee did that to me. Its just a super yummy warm drink in the morning that is a necessity so I don't kill anyone but it has never given me that coffee buzz people talk about it. Still, it is delicious stuff!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    ty pinbotchick! HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTORIA!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok I'm gonna get yalls help on dinner....should I have

    a) veggie omlette
    b) homemade inside-out turkey cheeseburger (haven't made this before, would be a new thing for me)
    c) turkey and black bean quesadilla (I made this Monday night and have had it for lunch twice and every night for dinner since)

    I'm HUNGRY when I get home from work and I stand with the refrigerator door open for like, 10 minutes trying to figure out what to eat. Then I end up eating a banana or yogurt while I'm trying to figure it out lol. Just trying to plan ahead so I have it set in my head what I'm gonna do.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- it's really what you're in the mood for. I would go for the veggie omelette. In fact that might be what I do this evening- or at least some egg whites on a slimwich with a slice of lowfat cheese and some veggies scrambled into it. It's a bit of a lighter meal- might help with weigh-in tomorrow as well.

    Had a bagel sandwich and some baked doritos for lunch today. Great choice? No. Horrible choice? No.

    Plan on just relaxing this evening. I suppose that's one thing nice about working out in the morning. Some TV to catch up on and plan to get to bed early.