Dude finally ate a banana



  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    The duchebaggery of this thread makes me weep for humanity almost as much as the trumpettes.

    Then I remember that most of you are on diets and hangry, so I'm not judging you.

    Don't you all feel great knowing that your coworkers are looking at your food, clothes and general behavior and talking crap about you online with hundreds of other people?


    Pretty sure you spelled douchebaggery wrong.... but thanks for your insight

    Thanks for the correction. I corrected my mistake...
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    The duchebaggery of this thread makes me weep for humanity almost as much as the trumpettes.

    Then I remember that most of you are on diets and hangry, so I'm not judging you.

    Don't you all feel great knowing that your coworkers are looking at your food, clothes and general behavior and talking crap about you online with hundreds of other people?


    honestly I think anyone who is taking this seriously needs to rethink it.

    I think anyone who can't see that this thread is about a fat guy being mocked for being fat and for eating the food he eats and drinking the beverages he drinks needs glasses.

    As OP, I can say, never once did I say he was fat. He's not fat actually, but has gained some weight since I've been here. Nor would I ever make fun of someone for being fat. Also, I am wearing glasses.

    The fact is, and LL5 is right about this being a silly thread with no real point, I have never in my life seen someone drink as much soda has he does and eat as much junk food. This has nothing to do with weight but what food like that does to a human body, even if that person stays around their maintenance goal. At first, I ignored it and went about my day. But it being in my face, every day, all day, and me being on a diet and trying to be more health minded, it crossed my mind, day after day after day. I actually thought about saying something at one point, but I felt it wasn't my place. Then when I saw him start to eat healthy, I was happy and relieved for him and made this post. I don't want anyone to have health problems in the future if they can prevent it now. Which is why I'm on MFP, to prevent health problems that I can see happening to myself.

    This post has never, nor will it ever be about fat shaming. As stated, he's not even fat. This post, if you want to look at any kind of seriousness of it, would be about making healthy choices so you don't get a heart attack at age 45. The way this guy was eating, that was a real possibility. I am still concerned about his caffeine intake, but that's his choice, he probably does it to get through the day, and hey, it's better than meth.

    When you were not on a diet and not health minded, I'm sure you enjoyed people telling you what you needed to eat and weigh.

    And I'm sure you also enjoyed people laughing behind your back about it.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    edited September 2016
    cee134 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    The duchebaggery of this thread makes me weep for humanity almost as much as the trumpettes.

    Then I remember that most of you are on diets and hangry, so I'm not judging you.

    Don't you all feel great knowing that your coworkers are looking at your food, clothes and general behavior and talking crap about you online with hundreds of other people?


    honestly I think anyone who is taking this seriously needs to rethink it.

    I think anyone who can't see that this thread is about a fat guy being mocked for being fat and for eating the food he eats and drinking the beverages he drinks needs glasses.

    As OP, I can say, never once did I say he was fat. He's not fat actually, but has gained some weight since I've been here. Nor would I ever make fun of someone for being fat. Also, I am wearing glasses.

    The fact is, and LL5 is right about this being a silly thread with no real point, I have never in my life seen someone drink as much soda has he does and eat as much junk food. This has nothing to do with weight but what food like that does to a human body, even if that person stays around their maintenance goal. At first, I ignored it and went about my day. But it being in my face, every day, all day, and me being on a diet and trying to be more health minded, it crossed my mind, day after day after day. I actually thought about saying something at one point, but I felt it wasn't my place. Then when I saw him start to eat healthy, I was happy and relieved for him and made this post. I don't want anyone to have health problems in the future if they can prevent it now. Which is why I'm on MFP, to prevent health problems that I can see happening to myself.

    This post has never, nor will it ever be about fat shaming. As stated, he's not even fat. This post, if you want to look at any kind of seriousness of it, would be about making healthy choices so you don't get a heart attack at age 45. The way this guy was eating, that was a real possibility. I am still concerned about his caffeine intake, but that's his choice, he probably does it to get through the day, and hey, it's better than meth.

    When you were not on a diet and not health minded, I'm sure you enjoyed people telling you what you needed to eat and weigh.

    And I'm sure you also enjoyed people laughing behind your back about it.

    You mean laughing at me eating a banana? I would love that. Also, no one, including myself has told him what he should eat.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    cee134 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    The duchebaggery of this thread makes me weep for humanity almost as much as the trumpettes.

    Then I remember that most of you are on diets and hangry, so I'm not judging you.

    Don't you all feel great knowing that your coworkers are looking at your food, clothes and general behavior and talking crap about you online with hundreds of other people?


    honestly I think anyone who is taking this seriously needs to rethink it.

    I think anyone who can't see that this thread is about a fat guy being mocked for being fat and for eating the food he eats and drinking the beverages he drinks needs glasses.

    As OP, I can say, never once did I say he was fat. He's not fat actually, but has gained some weight since I've been here. Nor would I ever make fun of someone for being fat. Also, I am wearing glasses.

    The fact is, and LL5 is right about this being a silly thread with no real point, I have never in my life seen someone drink as much soda has he does and eat as much junk food. This has nothing to do with weight but what food like that does to a human body, even if that person stays around their maintenance goal. At first, I ignored it and went about my day. But it being in my face, every day, all day, and me being on a diet and trying to be more health minded, it crossed my mind, day after day after day. I actually thought about saying something at one point, but I felt it wasn't my place. Then when I saw him start to eat healthy, I was happy and relieved for him and made this post. I don't want anyone to have health problems in the future if they can prevent it now. Which is why I'm on MFP, to prevent health problems that I can see happening to myself.

    This post has never, nor will it ever be about fat shaming. As stated, he's not even fat. This post, if you want to look at any kind of seriousness of it, would be about making healthy choices so you don't get a heart attack at age 45. The way this guy was eating, that was a real possibility. I am still concerned about his caffeine intake, but that's his choice, he probably does it to get through the day, and hey, it's better than meth.

    When you were not on a diet and not health minded, I'm sure you enjoyed people telling you what you needed to eat and weigh.

    And I'm sure you also enjoyed people laughing behind your back about it.

    You mean laughing at me eating a banana? I would love that. Also, no one, including myself has told him what he should eat.

    No, you just told the internet world what he should eat. And he might be logging on to MFP to track that banana and knows you are doing it.

    Maybe I'm over sensitive because I heard some dudes at the gym talking trash about me on the phone because I was benching 130lbs. I'm up to 150lbs now and I'm sure if they saw me they'd be updating their buddies too.

    Talking to those two bros at the gym, you know who you you are.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    OP I'm also concerned that all the soda and junk food may attract ants or roaches. Have you noticed any critters around the snack cabinet?
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    OP I'm also concerned that all the soda and junk food may attract ants or roaches. Have you noticed any critters around the snack cabinet?

    Not yet, but there are alot of crumbs.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    OP I'm also concerned that all the soda and junk food may attract ants or roaches. Have you noticed any critters around the snack cabinet?

    Not yet, but there are alot of crumbs.

    That's no bueno.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    cee134 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    The duchebaggery of this thread makes me weep for humanity almost as much as the trumpettes.

    Then I remember that most of you are on diets and hangry, so I'm not judging you.

    Don't you all feel great knowing that your coworkers are looking at your food, clothes and general behavior and talking crap about you online with hundreds of other people?


    honestly I think anyone who is taking this seriously needs to rethink it.

    I think anyone who can't see that this thread is about a fat guy being mocked for being fat and for eating the food he eats and drinking the beverages he drinks needs glasses.

    As OP, I can say, never once did I say he was fat. He's not fat actually, but has gained some weight since I've been here. Nor would I ever make fun of someone for being fat. Also, I am wearing glasses.

    The fact is, and LL5 is right about this being a silly thread with no real point, I have never in my life seen someone drink as much soda has he does and eat as much junk food. This has nothing to do with weight but what food like that does to a human body, even if that person stays around their maintenance goal. At first, I ignored it and went about my day. But it being in my face, every day, all day, and me being on a diet and trying to be more health minded, it crossed my mind, day after day after day. I actually thought about saying something at one point, but I felt it wasn't my place. Then when I saw him start to eat healthy, I was happy and relieved for him and made this post. I don't want anyone to have health problems in the future if they can prevent it now. Which is why I'm on MFP, to prevent health problems that I can see happening to myself.

    This post has never, nor will it ever be about fat shaming. As stated, he's not even fat. This post, if you want to look at any kind of seriousness of it, would be about making healthy choices so you don't get a heart attack at age 45. The way this guy was eating, that was a real possibility. I am still concerned about his caffeine intake, but that's his choice, he probably does it to get through the day, and hey, it's better than meth.

    When you were not on a diet and not health minded, I'm sure you enjoyed people telling you what you needed to eat and weigh.

    And I'm sure you also enjoyed people laughing behind your back about it.

    You mean laughing at me eating a banana? I would love that. Also, no one, including myself has told him what he should eat.

    No, you just told the internet world what he should eat. And he might be logging on to MFP to track that banana and knows you are doing it.

    Maybe I'm over sensitive because I heard some dudes at the gym talking trash about me on the phone because I was benching 130lbs. I'm up to 150lbs now and I'm sure if they saw me they'd be updating their buddies too.

    Talking to those two bros at the gym, you know who you you are.

    I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I think that is despicable of them to do that to you or anyone else.

    To be fair, there's probably not alot of people viewing this thread, just repeat lurkers driving up the views.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    I recently went to a seminar, a live speaker was presenting, someone came in late and proceeded to the chair beside me to sit. She invaded my space a bit getting in even though I already had politely moved over and made her space, and then after a bit pushed things into my and the person at the other side of hers desk space to make room for what she wanted to place on the table. Then she proceeded to eat noisily. A bit into the presentation she stopped the presenter for questions she should have really known the answer to already to be at this presentation twice, wasting everyone's time. Then later she proceeded to get up and get a bag of chips, opening them and crunching them loudly the rest of the presentation. Not once did I say word to her, trying hard to ignore and filter the irritations.

    I'll bet almost all would agree she's pretty rude at this point. But if I add that she's fat, I'd probably get attacked for fat shaming. If it was an average weight guy and I was a girl, those same people would probably start criticizing him for "manspreading". Being fat didn't matter, being a rude loud pushy space hog that interrupted the seminar did.

    But here, we have imaginary anonymous fat shaming...

    I'd notice if some co worker near me was eating 2L sodas and bananas since soda makes noise every time you open it and bananas smell strong. Even though I dont mind them, I dont like the smell of others eating them, so I'd be hard pressed not to notice either really. Not strange at all to notice either.

    So yeah OP's nosy but...maybe its unnecessary to attack...

    Best banana song/vid: youtu.be sa9KcZ_EWwY

    Yeah, you'd notice. Once I was on a diet and got farts so stinky you'd have thought maybe fat wasn't so bad.
  • JSaus13
    JSaus13 Posts: 124 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    Villae81 wrote: »
    What is white girl wasted?


    This picture makes me laugh out loud every single time!!!! :D
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    cee134 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    The duchebaggery of this thread makes me weep for humanity almost as much as the trumpettes.

    Then I remember that most of you are on diets and hangry, so I'm not judging you.

    Don't you all feel great knowing that your coworkers are looking at your food, clothes and general behavior and talking crap about you online with hundreds of other people?


    honestly I think anyone who is taking this seriously needs to rethink it.

    I think anyone who can't see that this thread is about a fat guy being mocked for being fat and for eating the food he eats and drinking the beverages he drinks needs glasses.

    As OP, I can say, never once did I say he was fat. He's not fat actually, but has gained some weight since I've been here. Nor would I ever make fun of someone for being fat. Also, I am wearing glasses.

    The fact is, and LL5 is right about this being a silly thread with no real point, I have never in my life seen someone drink as much soda has he does and eat as much junk food. This has nothing to do with weight but what food like that does to a human body, even if that person stays around their maintenance goal. At first, I ignored it and went about my day. But it being in my face, every day, all day, and me being on a diet and trying to be more health minded, it crossed my mind, day after day after day. I actually thought about saying something at one point, but I felt it wasn't my place. Then when I saw him start to eat healthy, I was happy and relieved for him and made this post. I don't want anyone to have health problems in the future if they can prevent it now. Which is why I'm on MFP, to prevent health problems that I can see happening to myself.

    This post has never, nor will it ever be about fat shaming. As stated, he's not even fat. This post, if you want to look at any kind of seriousness of it, would be about making healthy choices so you don't get a heart attack at age 45. The way this guy was eating, that was a real possibility. I am still concerned about his caffeine intake, but that's his choice, he probably does it to get through the day, and hey, it's better than meth.

    When you were not on a diet and not health minded, I'm sure you enjoyed people telling you what you needed to eat and weigh.

    And I'm sure you also enjoyed people laughing behind your back about it.

    You mean laughing at me eating a banana? I would love that. Also, no one, including myself has told him what he should eat.

    No, you just told the internet world what he should eat. And he might be logging on to MFP to track that banana and knows you are doing it.

    Maybe I'm over sensitive because I heard some dudes at the gym talking trash about me on the phone because I was benching 130lbs. I'm up to 150lbs now and I'm sure if they saw me they'd be updating their buddies too.

    Talking to those two bros at the gym, you know who you you are.

    Laughing at someone behind their back really sucks. But I'm starting to think maybe you are over sensitive: 130lb benches for a girl is remarkable because few girls do it, I cant imagine guys "making fun" of a female doing 130lbs. More like they were impressed, or trash talking his buddy because you were almost doing what his buddy was doing, maybe you mis-interpreted since I'm sure you couldn't overhear all of the phone conversation?

    You didn't hear the conversation. Lots of other words were said that I'm not gonna repeat.

    But thanks for the pep talk, I do appreciate it. Makes me feel like I need to get over it already.
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish Posts: 831 Member
    edited September 2016
    Yup I wasnt there and I dont know, I was going from what I know from my past experience with guys in the gym, and if a guy is commenting about a woman bench pressing its because its over a round (45s each side) its because they are impressed, I cant remember that being something ever to make fun of...? If he was, and saying rude things you say you heard, he's a jerk. I would give him the same amount of thought as some geese honking at you as you pass: be amused at the noise they make, keep an eye out and only do anything more if they try to pinch you ;)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Its nothing personal as this is a person who is not named, pictured, or may not even be REAL.

    sure . . . but my kid said something super-smart to me once when i was wondering why he showed such invincible contempt for a coach on one of his teams. pretty easy-going, sweet natured kind of kid, so it puzzled me. he said 'sure, he's nice to me. but have you heard how he talks about the other kids? i don't trust him.' sometimes i feel like my kid was smarter at 12 than he's ever been once he grew up.

    comes down to that. it's not about captain banana; but it does say something rather personal about people in here. when i realise someone's values are variable according to whether they're talking to my face or my back, whether i'm 'in' or 'out', it just goes in my mental data bank about them and adds a perspective to anything that they do say to my face.

    it's not that it matters to me personally. i'd rather have information that's accurate than information that merely feels good. just in the interests of disclosure i thought it was worth mentioning.
  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    Villae81 wrote: »
    What is white girl wasted?


    Best part of the picture is they all think they are HOT.... lol
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    People! Can we get back to the point of this thread? Whether or not we can use banana peels as fuel the power to tiny cities?