October (2016) Running Challenge



  • mmteixeira
    mmteixeira Posts: 118 Member
    3 miles on the schedule for this evening. It's getting harder to be an evening runner these days with noticeably less daylight. One more week of base building, then I start weaving in some speedwork and tempo runs for the first time since spring.

    Nothing a headlamp, reflective vest and some good compression gear can't fix :)
  • mmteixeira
    mmteixeira Posts: 118 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I need an excuse to buy more shoes!

    @Elise4270 I know I need an intervention when it comes to buying new shoes - just the mere mention of "Running Warehouse" makes my credit card tremble...
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    10/1: 13.1 Miles: 1st Half Marathon Race!! / Yoga
    10/2: 4.5 Miles (Very Slow…) / Yoga
    10/3: 3 Miles…Feeling much better 
    10/4: Body Pump and 3 more slow miles
    10/5: 3.1 mile run / 1.7 mile Social run/walk through my gym with my kiddo
    10/6: Body Pump
    10/7: Yoga and Tried out my new Foam Roller
    10/8: 14 Miles (6 with Hubby running and Kiddo bicycling)
    10/9: 5 Miles
    10/10: 3 mile trail run with the family
    10/11: 7 minutes of Core, Body Pump, 30 minutes of Stationary Bike
    10/12: 4 Mile run turned into 1.87 after a huge wipeout
    10/13: 3 Mile Walk
    10/14: 3.1 Mile Run
    10/15: 10 Mile Run. Planned to go 12, but my hamstring started acting up around Mile 5. It didn’t hurt bad, but it wasn’t normal, so decided to cut my run short. 
    10/16: 45 Minutes of Stationary Bike
    10/17: 45 Minutes (12 Miles) of Stationary Bike
    10/18: Body Pump and 30 minutes (7.5 miles) on Stationary Bike
    10/19: 60 minutes (15.6 miles) on Stationary Bike
    10/20: 3 Mile Run / It was a chilly 75 degrees with a strong north wind. I didn’t break a sweat at all!! Still had discomfort with the hamstring though. Ugh!!
    10/21: Rest Day
    10/22: 3 mile slow run with the kiddo: still discomfort / 15 minutes row machine, 45 minutes (12 miles) Stationary Bike
    10/23: 5 mile run on Zero Runner – Wish I tried this sooner, but I thought I’d still have pain when bending my knee.
    10/24: 3.1 mile run on Zero Runner / 10 minutes of Row Machine
    10/25: Body Pump and 20 minutes (5.3 miles) on Stationary Bike
    10/26: 5 mile run on Zero Runner

    82.8 miles of running / 64.4 miles on Stationary Bike – Eliminated goal due to leg pain

    2016 Races Completed:
    Buffalo Boogie (5K) May 7 – 23:42
    Marine Creek Trailhead Trot (5K) May 14 – 22:00
    Joe’s Run (10K) June 4 – 48:04
    Firecracker 5000 (5K) July 4 – 22:51
    XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run (15K at Night) July 16 – 1:32:05
    Clark Gardens I’m Only Half Crazy Half Marathon/5K (HM) Oct 1 – 1:48:21

    Upcoming Races:
    Turkey Trot – Appleton, WI (5 Miles) Nov 24
    BMW Dallas Marathon (HM) Dec 11
    Cowtown Marathon (Full) Feb 26

    Last night, I did my longest run so far on the Zero Runner. The 5 miles went great with no pain and even got a bit of runner’s high around mile 4. Since a barefoot test run around the house went well 2 nights in a row, I decided I would try to do an easy run around the neighborhood. I headed outside when I got back from the gym, but I unfortunately had immediate pain in the back of my right leg where the Baker’s Cysts are that radiated around to the exterior side of my knee. I stopped right away and just turned back around. No need to push it. My doctor appointment is this afternoon. I did try running barefoot around the house before bed, and again no pain. It made me think that they may be onto something in the Born to Run book.

    @RunRachelleRun @Elise4270 @skippygirlmom @ddmom0811 @9voice9 Thank you so much!! I do need to get that pick framed. They do grow up way too fast. I have step kids that were 2, 4, and 7 when I met Hubby. They are now 22, 23, and 26. Eek!! How did that happen?!?

    @skippygirlmom – Good tip on bringing extra clothing. I’ve started doing that anyway just because it feels good to get into clean dry clothes and out of the sweaty wet ones. ;)

    @RunRachelleRun I bet no one even realized. All those people were probably in the same situation or have been in there/done that at least once in their life. Apparently, you aren’t a real runner unless you’ve wet yourself or almost pooped your pants while running. Ha ha!!

    @_nikkiwolf_ Good luck with the rest of your taper! So tough! LOL

    @7lenny7 Hope your quads and hamstrings are feeling better soon!

    @RunRachelleRun Good info on the shoe rotation. I was planning to go shoe shopping this weekend, but maybe I need to get at least 2 pairs instead of just one. ;) I was thinking about trying to gradually get closer to a more of a minimalist shoe or a zero drop, but wasn’t sure if I should start now or wait until after my marathon in February. I’d definitely go gradually whatever I decide to do. BTW, I love the toe box in my Sauconys too. I also have a pair of Brooks Trail Runners, but they start getting too tight when on long trail runs.
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    3 miles on the schedule for this evening. It's getting harder to be an evening runner these days with noticeably less daylight. One more week of base building, then I start weaving in some speedwork and tempo runs for the first time since spring.

    I know the feeling! I always have an inner battle about whether I'd rather break out the headlamp/reflective gear or run on the dreadmill at the gym. It'll be the gym for me tonight if it's still raining when I get off work.

  • mmteixeira
    mmteixeira Posts: 118 Member
    I was listening to a podcast some time ago (think it was Runner's Connect) and a PT recommended every runner rotate three pairs of shoes. The most important thing was that they all had different drops to ensure the foot/calf is always working the different muscles. Before I heard this, I thought rotation was necessary due to the foam compression.

    Now I rotate three pairs: high drop (Asics - super cushioning), medium drop (Saucony - light/med cushioning), and zero drop (Altras - med cushioning), and this is the longest I've gone without injury (2 years).

    @RunRachelleRun thanks - makes me feel a little better about rotating between 4 pairs of shoes right now - Hoka Cliftons for long runs, New Balance m880v6 for speed work, and Brooks Ghost 9 or Saucony Ride 9 for base runs. I did get the Altra Lone Peak Neoshell for winter running - I may start adding those in sooner just to add in a zero drop shoe...
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    @osubuckeye906 I opted for the TM over dark + cold + wet on Tuesday. I'll only have two of those to deal with tonight, so odds are I'll be putting some fresh batteries in the headlamp and hitting the trail.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    I need an excuse to buy more shoes!


    I get uneven heel wear (outside edges wear down first) and, years ago, a podiatrist advised replacing my trainers as soon as they start showing that pattern. I was pumped to have an excuse to spend more $$$ on my favorite hobby! This three-shoe-skidoo is even better. Lol.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    I would love to buy more shoes but I really need to show restraint here. I've yet to max out the 2 shoes I started the year in.....barely put any miles on my trail shoes yet.....and barely worn my Launch 2s yet.....and I still have 2 brand new in the box shoes waiting. So that's 6 right there that I can put a lot of miles on :-o

    Oct 1 - Rest day
    Oct 2 - 2 mile run, .75 walk, 15 min bodyweight exercises
    Oct 3 - 2.75 mile walk
    Oct 4 - 2 mile run, 1.5 mile walk
    Oct 5 - Rest day
    Oct 6 - 1.5 mile walk
    Oct 7 - 4 mile run, 1.5 walk
    Oct 8 - 3 mile run, 1.5 mile walk (trail)
    Oct 9 - Rest day
    Oct 10 - A.M. 1 mi nasty run, .65 mi walk, 30 min indoor workout
    Oct 10 - P.M. 15 min lower body strength,3 mi awesome interval run, 1 mi walk
    Oct 11 - 5k run, 1 mi walk
    Oct 12 - 40 min indoor cardio/strength workout
    Oct 13 - 5k run
    Oct 14 - 3.5 mile interval run, .65 walk, 45 min strength training
    Oct 15 - 4 mile slow run, 1 mile walk
    Oct 16 - somewhat active rest day, almost 10,000 steps
    Oct 17 - 3 mi run, .75 walk, 25 min total body strength (Fitness Blender "Push Yourself Harder")
    Oct 18 - 5 mi run, .75 walk
    Oct 19 - rest day with 10 min short walk
    Oct 20 - 2 mi run, .6 walk (didn't go well)
    Oct 21 - 5 mi run, .7 walk, 21 min strength training
    Oct 22 - busy rest day
    Oct 23 - 35 min lower body strength and pilates
    Oct 24 - 1 mi walk, 3 mi run
    Oct 25 - 1 hr cardio/strength combo workout
    Oct 26 - active rest day - 3 short walks

    Goal: 46.8/60 miles run - it's looking like I'll make it!

    I'm sooooo ready to run. My whole week has been off schedule. Sleeping in until 7:15 and staying up crazy late because my hubby is 2 hours west of here and would call late. We finally got our Mayo appt which is 8 weeks away, so I will carry-on with my running and hopefully life won't be too crazy. I'm thinking about trail running tomorrow!

    Our high temps are back around 80 and they're saying this is the 2nd warmest October on record here :-/ I'm ready for some COLD running.

    @_nikkiwolf_ Be strong! Best wishes on your race!
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    I just registered my wife for the 5k the night before my marathon.......

    Where you racing? (Bear with me, I'm new here).
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    I just registered my wife for the 5k the night before my marathon.......

    Where you racing? (Bear with me, I'm new here).

    I'm running Grandma's Marathon in Duluth Minnesota on 6/17. W'll be running the William A. Irvin 5k the night before.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    If you're ever running in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area and need to find a bathroom FAST, I offer you, the Minneapolis Porta Project!


    I'm actually one of people keeping this updated.

    @BeeerRunner thanks! I can't believe how much those few lunges tore me up. I'm trying to decide that means I should avoid them or do them more often. I'm glad you found the Zero Runner to be helpful. 5 miles is awesome! It's interesting that barefoot running doesn't hurt at all.

    @Calvin2008Brian running in the dark is the only way I'm going to get miles in during the week in the fall and winter. I love it though, and often run after dark even in the summer. Soon I'll be trail running in the dark. A good headlamp, reflective gear, and flashing lights are a must. When I run with my dog, he gets a flashing light too.

    @lporter229 you have more running and marathon experience than I do, and thus far my experience has been with just a single marathon, so keep that in mind as I offer my 2¢. My short answer is no, I don't think eliminating speed work is the best route to your goal. Reduce or tone down perhaps, as you suggested, but don't eliminate.

    I think that for someone with a good base of running such as your self, a variety of speeds is helpful for staying injury free (by slightly varying the muscles used and how they're used), teaching the body to recruit different muscles in different ways, keeping good form (faster speeds require better form for better running economy), building and maintaining strength by inducing different stresses to the body, and for training your body to adapt to different energy transfer methods (I'm sure there's a better phrase for that).

    If all you run are easy miles, you're body will be great at running easy miles. Push yourself with some speed work and some hill work, and your GMP will come easier for you. Even if your goal is not a time goal but a satisfaction goal, the better your body is prepared for it, the better your satisfaction will be. Reading between the lines, it seems as the problem before wasn't necessarily speed work, but too much or too intense speed work.

    As I continually review and revise my ultra training schedule I'm thinking about these same issues. Training for my full I had an injury midway through which I blamed on a tempo run. Maybe it was to blame, maybe not. The result was that I swore off any speed work for the remainder of my training to avoid injury. I did get a significant Achilles injury later, but that I attribute to playing an intense game of basketball the day after a 20 mile run (stupid, stupid, stupid). My marathon went really well...for 21 miles. Then my quads and calves lit up and my pace plummeted. It wasn't a lack of energy or a lack of fitness that did me in, but the lack of variety in my training runs. At least that's my current theory. Had I done a reasonable amount of speed work, and a reasonable amount of hill work, I think the outcome would have been much better.

    Previously you did one tempo run per week and one interval/hill repeat workout per week. What about alternating? One week do a tempo run, the next week do hills.

    Strength training is definitely a good idea and something I really need to work on.

  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm running Grandma's Marathon in Duluth Minnesota on 6/17. W'll be running the William A. Irvin 5k the night before.

    Awesome. Great race(s)!

    Have you run Grandma's before? I ran it in 2010 an 2012, and did the Garry Bjorklund Half in 2014. I was training for Grandma's this spring but pulled the plug because of injury. Love that race! Good luck!!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm running Grandma's Marathon in Duluth Minnesota on 6/17. W'll be running the William A. Irvin 5k the night before.

    Awesome. Great race(s)!

    Have you run Grandma's before? I ran it in 2010 an 2012, and did the Garry Bjorklund Half in 2014. I was training for Grandma's this spring but pulled the plug because of injury. Love that race! Good luck!!

    @Calvin2008Brian do you live in that area? I'm in the Twin Cities.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    @7lenny7 Minnetonka.

    Is this thread lousy with Minnesotans? ;-)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2016
    mmteixeira wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I need an excuse to buy more shoes!

    @Elise4270 I know I need an intervention when it comes to buying new shoes - just the mere mention of "Running Warehouse" makes my credit card tremble...

    Problem is, I have no idea which shoes to even look at. Newton's didn't work, saucony didn't work, Brooks eh- I'm getting a raw spot on my little toe- might be a sock issues though, Merrell- I liked the minimal shoes- not the support ones- they bind when I walk. I like my inov8's- but need a change.... I'm not keen on Nike, Asics feel like cardboard... Wait I did like new balance!

    What else is left? I like trail shoes.

    I think I'll hit DH up for shoes when we go to Jenks OK. Tulsa area is suppose to be big running community. My running account is 0$, kids have been using it for gas.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member

    1---3.17 walk/run ish
    2---2.7 walk
    3---travel day, Dallas PT
    4---4.7 walk
    6---4.04 walk
    7---0.6 walk
    9---state fair walk, 1+ miles
    11---pt appointment
    13---35 minutes bike trainer/2.45 TM walk/few weights
    14---4.4 walk
    15---4.8 walk
    16---2 poké walk
    17---2.1 Robbers Cave hike.
    18---4.2 Rough Canyon hike (corrected)
    19--- Travel home, PT.
    20---1.5 poké walk
    21---1k poké walk
    22---3. 2 mile walk
    24---4.7 walk
    25---pt/travel 1k walk
    26---5.1 walk
    27---4.58 walk

    59.70/50+ walking miles goal. Distance guessed by phone apps.

    Not Advisable races:
    11/05/16 Jenks Half 5k Jenks OK (registered)
    12/11/16 BMW Dallas Marathon, Half (registered)
    Run the year 2016  898.42/ 2016 (DNF)

    Advisable races:
    March 19th 2017 RNR Half Dallas, TX
    March 26th 2017 A2A 5k Ardmore, OK
    April 30th 2017 OKC Memorial Marathon, Half
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm running Grandma's Marathon in Duluth Minnesota on 6/17. W'll be running the William A. Irvin 5k the night before.

    Awesome. Great race(s)!

    Have you run Grandma's before? I ran it in 2010 an 2012, and did the Garry Bjorklund Half in 2014. I was training for Grandma's this spring but pulled the plug because of injury. Love that race! Good luck!!

    It will be my first full marathon! It's also thr closest marathon to me. I live about 50 miles north of Duluth.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Looks like I'm going to fall short of my running goal this month due to knee pain. Not sure what's going on but I know better than to keep trying to run through the pain. Got a walk in this morning, will do elliptical tomorrow, another walk on Saturday and then some strength training on Sunday. Mon and Tues we'll be gone so other than a few short walks that will be then end of this month's line for me.

    I'm not going to miss that Turkey Trot I signed up for next month even if I can only walk the 5K. I'd be surprised at this point if I have a 10K run in my near future but you never know I guess.

    10/01 – Rest Day
    10/02 – 3.6 mile horse trail run with dog – AVG HR 143, High 159 on hills
    10/03 – Rest Day
    10/04 – 2.1 mile horse trail run with dog – testing out the new Garmin
    10/05 – 3.31 miles horse trail run with dog – looks like Garmin is about 7-8 bbm higher than my Polar
    10/06 – 95 min strength training
    10/07 – 3.6 miles horse trail run with the dog – AVG HR 146
    10/08 – Rest Day
    10/09 – 4.52 miles at the park – longest run yet – AVG HR 147
    10/10 – Another Rest Day……ugggghhhh
    10/11 – 3.1 miles horse trail run – Fastest 5K yet – AVG HR 147
    10/12 – 3.1 miles horse trail run plus a 3 mile walk this morning
    10/13 – 4 mile walk along the river trail
    10/14 – 95 min strength training
    10/15 – Spent the day at the Aquarium of the Pacific………..lots of walking
    10/16 – 4.6 mile horse trail run – AVG HR 143 but I did run one very steep hill and it got up to 160
    10/17 – 100 min strength training
    10/18 – 3.1 mile horse trail run – One big hill – AVG HR 136 a nice recovery zone for me I guess
    10/19 – Rest Day
    10/20 – Another Rest Day……….uggghhhh
    10/21 – 3.1 mile park run after an 80 minute strength training session, trying to make up for the extra rest day
    10/22 – Worst week ever for rest days and changes in plans………..uggghh
    10/23 – 5 mile trail run – Even though I didn’t add up the miles this week I still managed my longest run and fastest 5K within that 5 miles. I’m ecstatic and surprised.
    10/24 – 90 min strength training
    10/25 – 2.5 mile recovery road run – AVG HR 120
    10/26 – Rest day – nursing sore knee
    10/27 – 3.1 mile horse trail walk including the big hill at the park. Not counted in my ticker.


    So close and yet so far away!