

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member

    We joke that you know you're Canadian if your kid's Halloween costume fits over a snow suit.


    So what about when the minister's and the bishop's vestments fit over their snowmobile suits
    as here and
    here at the Easter service?

    /Penny again, procrastinating at the North Pole

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Carey ~ Your eye problem sounds so painful. I Ouch for you!

    Penny ~ Congrats on getting double pay. I'm sure that will be an incentive for you in taking on this job.

    Margaret ~ So many trick or treaters? We never get any because we don't decorate and our house is on the side of a busy street with no sidewalks.

    Ladies, we went to early voting today. Stood in line for 2 hours and my knees were really feeling it. When we left the crowds were still coming. How many calories are burnt over 2 hrs of standing?

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Tere, beautiful wedding picture. I love, love, love the way y'all did a surprise wedding. Great idea!

    Peach, do you know when is the last day for early voting?

    More later. Have a good one!
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Carey - so sorry about your eye problems.
    Lisa - big step for your hubby.

    Had a great Halloween dinner with sister and her family last night. Sis and I did a spooky cake and decorated the bowl of guacamole to look like a scarecrow face. Her 9 year old grandson decorated the deviled eggs. Don't know how to post pics or I'd show you. Tonight everyone will come over to visit again (including a new step great grandson)and hand out candy to trick or treaters. Have had such a good time. I hope we're able to be together for another holiday. So far her chemo is keeping tumors at bay.

    Toni in windy and warm KS
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    Not feeling well today. I have what I term the "Berlin crud". A cold in other words. My 3 dogs have been sick with coughing and vomiting. Could I have caught it from them?? Searching for my copy of ET. It is a Halloween tradition to watch that and War of the Worlds on Halloween, but can't seem to find it. Not enthused about looking b/c of the way I feel. Will have to settle for 3 versions of WoW instead. Well, going back to sitting and knitting. Finished a snow/ski cap and in the middle of a second one. I like to knit Christmas presents. Made a bunch of kitchen towels with toppers on them to give out too. These are crochet and are made to hang on your oven door. They were a big hit last year so made more for other people this year.

    Not much exercise for me today. Maybe a nap after lunch/dinner. We eat a big meal around 2 each afternoon and just snack for dinner later. Works pretty good so far.

    Talk later,

    Rita from CT
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Kay ~ I think the last day for early voting is Nov. 4th.

    Rita ~ Sorry you are feeling ill.

    Tere ~ What a wonderful way to have your wedding.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I don't worry about who, when or how many is coming for the holidays. I just worry over the "if" they can get leave and come. Boohoo... My last visit from my sons was October 2015. The way the Navy works is you see them when you see them. So I might be just packing all these gifts I have found for them, and for my DIL. Boohoo me. So those of you that have all these arrangements of hectic planning, be grateful you have them. That's all I am saying. Choose what you can or wish to do> Say no when you can't and be the driver in your own lives. Don't be just a passenger in this thing we call "holiday madness". That's all I'm saying. ((((((hugs))))))

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good afternoon on this bright, sunny Monday.
    Glad to hear about the new Grandkids & love all the pictures.
    Heather you surely have a full plate with much to think about.Best of luck in finding what you want.
    Our box it up & toss or give away comes mostly from when I get to thinking we have too many "things"-too much of this or that.
    From thinking to purging is a short step......for me. DH has to be led along,but usually ends up doing pretty good.He spent a lot if yrs keeping EVERYTHING.....but when we moved 4 yrs ago,he realized there was no one to give things to & I have never been attached to things.DD in Fl downsized in a big way.Other DD has a house full. Neither wants pics,books ....no furniture or knick knacks.So....leaves us with 2 choices,the vet org that gives all donations to get them settled in housing or the dump.Won't tell you how many of my jackets went in my last box(love jackets & coats)....nor how many I still have!
    DH's small truck went to truck heaven & he decided ....on his own,that we don't need a 2 nd car. Less $$$ all around with less gas,insur & repairs.
    Loved your story of the plate you sent on a journey!
    Oddly enough,kitchen stuff is something he hates to see boxed up.Kitchen is small & just have too many one job wonders.....paring down makes me feel lighter.
    Sorry,didn't mean to ignore anyone.
    The posts have been interesting.A pat on the back to those who need them & a hug ditto.
    My word....the holidays start tomorrow with Thanksgiving & Christmas on the way.
    We had a great time in Tn & will be in NC for Thgiving. As someone said,time to hand the reins over to the next generation.I won't miss it at all.
    Look at the hedge apple keeping spiders at bay.....Patftawmmpf0s1u.jpg
  • MountainMomma58
    MountainMomma58 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello ladies. Day after day I find myself not drinking water. Just now, almost 3 in the afternoon, I had my first drink. I need tricks to make sure I drink early and often. Thanks.

    Mountain Momma
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2016
    Tere: Your wedding sounds delightful and you are a ravishing bride. Congratultions! :heart:

    Rita: Happy Halloween back-atcha! :bigsmile:

    Carey in N Alberta: Good luck with the doctor. Your situation sounds exremely uncomfortable. (((HUGS)))

    I am still a guest and getting more tired every day. I get to go home November 2. It is almost here! I love DD and my new grandson. DD's mother in law has been beyond kind to me. It has been a good visit and tonight I will go trick or treating with DGD and DGS. Let the good times roll!

    Katla temporarily in Illinois

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn[/]
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Freestyle, 45 minutes


    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    WTG! Mary
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Overheard between two 4th graders this morning. " What a weekend, I lost two teeth!"

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Happy Halloween! We will have no trick or treaters because we live out in the country. We wondered last year and had not a one so not expecting any this year. Makes it easier when I don't have to buy candy. Pouring rain today the horses have hardly poked their noses out of the shelter. We are having chicken and broccoli with rice for dinner tonight. I am doing better with getting more fiber into my diet.

    Mary - Good going on the swimming.

    Joyce - Look up the 10 most relaxing songs on YouTube. I have only listened to two of them but it is interesting. The one song has a bass line that is supposed to slow down your heart rate to the same beat.

    Tere - Welcome back. I think that was a marvelous way to have a wedding!

    Pip - Have a safe trip to CA. Are you taking Twinkie?

    Katla - Store up those baby hugs and plan a day of rest when you get home.

    "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better." - Emile Coue
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I half to sit down with a pen and paper when I read the posts. I have things i want to say but my brain is awful these days at remembering things. I always do my fitness pal using my phone. I do the best I can.

    Today has been a good one. Each day feeling better! I was able to go to the Y and walk the track I just went around 3 times. To make it a mile I heard 12 times around so drop in the bucket but at least it is a start. Tomorrow I will go.back and try for more.

    A busy week remember when we were getting our house ready for inspection to become a Cfh for our daughter. The inspection is this Friday. So going through that check list over and over to be ready. I will be happy to put this behind us.

    Have a good night!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Hi all!
    Had the most fabulous day!
    To start with I was proud of myself for dealing with my sleepless anxiety. I got up and read some of an improving book, so felt much better and managed to get back to sleep. :D
    Saw six houses. Liked two well enough, but went back for a second viewing of one we had liked before. Oh dear! We loved it! Perfect location, lots of things to like about it, including original features, but expensive and requires major remodelling. But what a location. :sad: The sea at the end of the road and a butcher, baker, fishmonger etc round the corner. Double parking. Hence the price. We may make an offer, though the owner sounds a bit useless. Not really got a grip on reality. I think we are prepared to bite the bullet. Huge upheaval. But we LOVE it.

    Then we went back to my son's house. Halloween was the best fun ever! Will post pics tomorrow. But it made me laugh because it was sooooooooooooo polite. Lots of privileged kids all being so nice and grateful. Our gang had a blast! Edie was so determined and funny, wandering around in her costume looking for the lit pumpkins that signified a receptive household. It was very mild weather, fortunately. Bea looked great in her pumpkin outfit. :D Max was very organised and grown up in his Grim Reaper garb. Afterwards I was on sweet duty while DH and DS got them all to bed. I did DGD's nappy.
    Then I ran out for the fish and chips. DELICIOUS!

    We came home the fast way along the motorway. It will take DH around 70 minutes on a good day to get to the cricket. :D
    Home now. PHEW. My calorie burn is around 850.

    I can't get that house out of my head.

    Tere - Fantastic wedding! <3 Lovely! :flowerforyou:
    Ours cost us only £700 all in. People said it was the best they had ever been to. 12 people and a pub lunch. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx