Opinions on coffee?



  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    I drink 2 cups of 1/2 caff a day with the sugar free coffeemate
    They have sugar-free coffeemate? Well that changes a lot, thank you!!

    ETA: I guess I never even thought of that!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I've seriously cut down my coffee due to the milk & sugar that I was adding. A few cups a day adds up to calories that I could spend on food.

    I've cut down to 1-3 coffee's. I used to have 2 sugars I now have 1. I've tried sweetners (Equal, Splenda etc) & I hate that after taste. I just can't handle it in my coffee, I can have it in other things but just not my coffee.

    If your concern is the sweetner, do a search on the forums for that & you should get a few hits.
  • jpalocy77
    jpalocy77 Posts: 114 Member
    I drink 3-5 cups everyday (yes that is alot) I love my coffee..and yes I use my creamer... I only use a tsp to a tbsp ..depending on how dark I make my coffee thta dya. I dont usually include that in my diary...but I know its there.. Its worth it to me..that is just one of those things I wouldn't give up..I gave up my candy bar a day..or donut every other day.. I think I should be able to use my coffee since its not that detrimental to my weight loss... obviously 28lbs later! :)
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    The short answer is yes.

    The long answer is yes.

    You obviously want to drink it, you had a positive emotional and physical reaction to it, and it did not harm you in any way. That means, yes.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Coffee is a key part of my fatloss success - 3 cups a day - 115 lbs lost :-)

    And here is some of the magic - the key is drink good coffee - and dump all the additives

  • StrivingSagittarius

    Coffee ummmmmmm YES!!!!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    My only suggestion would be better quality coffee. Quality is paramount when you're talking about coffee.
  • DorisInTheDena
    DorisInTheDena Posts: 152 Member
    3-5 cups a day with Splenda and Coffee-mate. I record it in my diary. It keeps me awake so that helps burn calories. lol!
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    I don't see why you couldn't have the coffee with the creamer. A little sugared creamer isn't going to kill you. Just make sure it fits your macros. After a while, if you want to quit the creamer, just wean off slowly. That'll give your palate time to adjust to the taste.

    ETA: I drink 2-4 cups per day black. I put a little milk or creamer in it on the weekends as my treat. :)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    You are totally allowed to spend your calories however you wish.

    On Saturday, I had (in addition to the rest of my "regular" food) three beers, a bowl of ice cream, and five oreos. I also rode my bike for an hour and finished the day with 30 calories left to spare.

    I woke up on Sunday morning weighing 0.4 lbs less than the day before.

    I promise, I super duper double pinky swear, you are totally allowed to spend your calorie allottment however you want.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I drink a travel mug size cup of keurig medium roast coffee with 2 scoops of pure cane sugar and 2 TBSP. of International Delight Hershey Chocolate and Caramel Creamer every morning when I leave the house..... been doing it for 4 years, have lost a few pounds, and at last check with my Endo Dr. he said my bloodwork was perfect (His words not mine) so I say if you can fit it in then by all means drink up.... Best of Luck
  • umieto
    umieto Posts: 46
    I get maybe 5 hours sleep in 24. If I didn't have coffee I would die.

    As for healthy, SciShow did a great ep on coffee. Coffee is golden :D
  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    My only suggestion would be better quality coffee. Quality is paramount when you're talking about coffee.
    It's not my choice of brand. The other people in the house drink Maxwell (and have for years and years) so I'd rather not jump in and change that, haha.
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    I've seriously cut down my coffee due to the milk & sugar that I was adding. A few cups a day adds up to calories that I could spend on food.

    I've cut down to 1-3 coffee's. I used to have 2 sugars I now have 1. I've tried sweetners (Equal, Splenda etc) & I hate that after taste. I just can't handle it in my coffee, I can have it in other things but just not my coffee.

    If your concern is the sweetner, do a search on the forums for that & you should get a few hits.

    Have you tried vanilla stevia?

    I personally drink my coffee black. But on the weekends I will make myself a flavored latte with sugar free Torani syrup, unsweetened vanilla soy milk, and espresso. It's brilliant. And only 90 calories for the same size as a grande skinny latte from Starbucks (which has 120 calories).
  • ShengHuo
    ShengHuo Posts: 42
    There's not problem with drinking coffee. Just make sure you eat other things too. Coffee won't give you protein or any vitamins. Don't just fill up on coffee.

    (I have that problem with coffee and tea)
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    My only suggestion would be better quality coffee. Quality is paramount when you're talking about coffee.
    It's not my choice of brand. The other people in the house drink Maxwell (and have for years and years) so I'd rather not jump in and change that, haha.

    I drink Folgers Monday-Friday. With the volume of coffee we go through, we keep the good stuff for weekends and company. Doesn't hurt anything with my goals. The good stuff just tastes better black. :smile:
  • shinerai
    shinerai Posts: 9 Member
    Unfortunately for me, the coffee I really like the best is the Racetrac pumpkin spice cappucinos, which I'm sure are packed full of calories and fats. I've cut it out for now since it's the summer and I can't have hot drinks when it's hot outside, but perhaps this winter I will indulge every couple of days on a small cup.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    i think the first answer you got is the best one. that happens a lot around here.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    Honestly I used to looooove coffee...Drank six cups a day.
    Found out this weekend by BP was 174-128 and tried to drop the stuff...

    Oh my goodness, this is worse than Xanax withdraw. :(
  • tracyschreier
    tracyschreier Posts: 81 Member
    I have a huge cup of coffee in the morning--with Splenda and sugarfree hazelnut Coffeemate. If I have a serious craving throughout the day (and usually, this is a sugar craving), I drink another cup of coffee. And since it never interferes with my sleep, I usually drink it throughout the evening, to stave off after-dinner sugar cravings. I think the 60 calories of creamer is way better than the calories I'd get from ice-cream or chocolate or donuts. Damn, I'm hungry.