I couldn't NOT share this with you guys.. Gross.



  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    If they're not harmful and I can't taste or see them, I'm not going to stress too much. I'll take the protein boost
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    They have to use bugs so that they can put all natural, no artificial additives on the label and so people don't go on a rant on MFP about chemicals.
  • KxCoyote
    KxCoyote Posts: 122 Member
    Meh, extra protein!

    I'd never outright eat a bug, but as long as I don't see it, I don't care. lol
  • CometMeebru
    CometMeebru Posts: 122
    there's also fecal particles in your drinking water
    are you going to stop drinking water?
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    Bugs are in just about everything you eat, ESPECIALLY if it's been mechanically processed.
    (and dirt, rats, and the occasional body part...)
    If you want mushrooms just get them fresh. You can have WAY more bulk for WAY less calories/sodium.
  • expoduck
    expoduck Posts: 59
    I think the important question is... How does the protein from maggots affect your macros? :drinker:
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I usually soak my green veggies (lettuce, herbs, brocolli, green onions) in warm water and salt or vinegar or a little soap for about 20 minutes. if there are bugs, they will rise to the top. Where i live, i tend to not buy any of those veggies in the summer because it is quite disgusting (i have found lady bugs, snails and assorted other creatures. No.Thank.You) and there tend to be less or no bugs in the winter

    I am trying to wrap my brain around the maggots in the canned mushrooms (I didn't read the link; reading the OP was disgusting enough) - i don't udnerstand what this means - are there bugs in fresh mushrooms, too? if not, then how do they get to the can?
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    So lately, I've been eating canned mushrooms as a "vegetable addition" to lunch.. not often, but I've been enjoying them. Now I know they're TERRIBLE for you, but whatever, they were easy. So as I'm packing my lunch tonight, I curiously Googled "canned mushrooms" and stumbled upon a few articles suggesting that there are over 30 MAGGOTS per 3.5 oz can of mushrooms. Well, if that's not enough to make you vomit, I then found this article that I had to share. I suggest you read it, because it may change the way you look at some fruits and vegetables.


    I'm so freaked out. Needless to say, those canned mushrooms were deleted from my food diary for tomorrow, and the can was chucked in the garbage.

    If you know of anything else gross like that, please, let me know!:noway:

    I think if there were over 30 maggots in my can of mushrooms I'd be able to see them. That is, if I bought canned mushrooms. I prefer fresh ones. At least they have taste and texture.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I have to be honest, it doesn't really bother me. I've been eating this food for years and it's done me no harm.

    Besides, if you knew how many bugs you eat while you sleep, food is insignificant in comparison.
  • nursenelson
    nursenelson Posts: 295
    I've had dead maggots in my fully closed in green peppers, I've bit into a radish only to have half of a worm body in my mouth and I have opened up a bag of banana's from Costco only to have a tarantula crawl out. (which my cat ate!)
    So gross.... BUT .... I now fully inspect my veggies and my bags of banana's.
    My husband laughs at me because I pick up the bag of banana's with as minimal fingers as possible and inspect. :)
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    Aside from the maggots, I'm not too bothered. No canned anything for me, although I'm sure I'm getting canned everything when eat out.

    Then you're eating out at the wrong places!
  • Kayden1986
    Kayden1986 Posts: 189 Member
    only one thing ever got me, and that was the little worms on celery... obviously wash it and its fine! but I saw it as a kid and I was very..er... well I don't like celery that much now XD
  • MF60
    MF60 Posts: 6
    Meh I won't stop eating anything. If it tastes good and hasn't hurt so far... I think you're overreacting, if you knew everything that goes on from production to your home you wouldn't eat anything..
  • Um... so what? I used to live on a farm. I don't think people realize that even FRESH veggies have insect peices and parts in or on them. Manure is also used as a fertilizer. To avoid it you would have to avoid any fruits or veggies fresh or not.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Just think of it as extra protein - insects are delicacies in some parts of the world, and a great cheap source of protein :wink:
    THIS. Lol, if you never found out, you'd have kept eating them. Insects are actually one of he main sources of protein for many countries and lack cholesterol and fat. It's just how Westerners think of them based on how we deal with pest control.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I've read that in regions of China, western love of cheese is considered nauseating ...and that there are places in Africa where eating fish is viewed the way we view eating insects.
  • _Moose51_
    _Moose51_ Posts: 86
    Do you have to count the extra protein?
  • RumpledSkillSet
    RumpledSkillSet Posts: 7 Member
    TG; DR

    (too gross; didn't read)
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    For the OCD among us that really want to be grossed out:

    US FDA acceptable levels of filth in food...
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    So lately, I've been eating canned mushrooms as a "vegetable addition" to lunch.. not often, but I've been enjoying them. Now I know they're TERRIBLE for you, but whatever, they were easy. So as I'm packing my lunch tonight, I curiously Googled "canned mushrooms" and stumbled upon a few articles suggesting that there are over 30 MAGGOTS per 3.5 oz can of mushrooms. Well, if that's not enough to make you vomit, I then found this article that I had to share. I suggest you read it, because it may change the way you look at some fruits and vegetables.


    I'm so freaked out. Needless to say, those canned mushrooms were deleted from my food diary for tomorrow, and the can was chucked in the garbage.

    If you know of anything else gross like that, please, let me know!:noway:

    I am as grossed out by insects as you are. But I also try to put it into perspective. The majority of them are dead, most probably don't have dangerous diseases, and are considered perfectly edible in many places as someone mentioned. So, how bad can it actually be? Lately, whenever I have to suck up a bug with the vacuum, I tell myself it's a shame that I'm wasting perfectly good bird food.

    Btw, I do know some other gross tidbits. We all have microscopic insects on our skin and in our eyelash follicles...even the prettiest, most clean-conscious girls have them.

    Also, we have more bacterial cells in and on our body than the total number of human cells! But they're so light in weight they apparently don't amount to that much in comparison as our cells. Not sure what fraction by weight they make up.

    btw, maggots are disgusting! Thanks a LOT!

  • tracymnx
    tracymnx Posts: 105
    In India, they eat fresh live maggots. Don't worry about trivial things. You've been eating the canned mushrooms and you're fine.

    This is like the arsenic in the apple juice BS.

    Im Indian and ive never seen nor heard of anyone anywhere in India eating a plate of live maggots, what part of India does this happen? Would love to know!