July 2010 - No more snacking after dinner



  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    I am back in the game! :drinker:

    Me 1 and Snacks 5
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    zaza - I always considered eating at 9PM - late night snacking. I'm thinking nothing after 6PM......
  • nikilincoln
    nikilincoln Posts: 7 Member
    So far so good! I've replaced my after dinner snack with hot tea or water.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Thanks Lulabelle :flowerforyou:

    Way to go Joy :flowerforyou:

    Good idea Niki :flowerforyou:

    Work is not going real bad. I've mostly held off on the snacks till I ate my own food. Am being reasonable tonight. :drinker: So it's Me 2 and the Snacks 5.
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I just had to start somewhere, so I started with snacks @ night. I then realized just how many snacks I was eating throughout the day....grazing!!! I'm surprised I am not much more heavier than I am. I will confess that I was going to bed hungry and just told myself too bad. I have been trying to eat more of my calories during the day and I'm not hungry at night when I go to bed.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    3 ME /4 snacks

    I ate too late last night, so I'm giving it to snacks. But I am on top of it today.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    4 me/ 4 snacks

    Last night was a late dinner, but a heavy workout, so I'm okay with it. My husband made me realize last night that I've set myself up for failure because I had fallen off the horse and expected perfection. When I first started this challenge, my cutoff time was 9:30 and then I gradually moved it down 15 minutes week by week until I got to 7:30. Now I have been having problems, so I am going back to 9:30 and working my way back slowly. Success in small increments.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    5 me/4 snacks

    Took my last bite at 9:15, but did two hours at the gym, and laid sod in our backyard until 9 p.m., so I even had calories left over. Wow, what a day. Overslept for work this morning...OOPS
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Lula, you are faithful with this. It's inspiring. I have hit a plateau it seems with the weight loss. Actually I'm less motivated I think. It's getting easier to just eat what I want and tell myself I'll work on it tomorrow. :noway: . And I can't really say where I am with the snacking. At work every night I work I end up having a bit of snacks, maybe a bite here or a bite there. It adds up after awhile. When the diet thing was "new" and working so well like never before, it was motivating. Now that I'm happy with the size clothes I wear it's becoming drudgery and I'm getting tired of limiting myself in order to gain the final victory. :frown: Not even sure what the score is with the snacks.

    Me 4 , Snacks 6
  • Jbrownell
    Jbrownell Posts: 1
    This will be day one for me. Snacking has always seemed to be a problem. I am also hoping that if I stop snacking at night maybe my husband will too
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Ok...still no snacks for me after dinner. I even gave up Diet Dr. Pepper for two nights and just drank water. My husband and twins snack a lot at night. I noticed my husband snacking less at night when I told him I'm not snacking anymore...so competitive he is!!! I have been working with my 13 year old son and have asked him not to eat after dinner either. He asked about his dessert and I told him he could have a little something right after dinner and that is it.

    Lets keep going!!!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    6 me/4 snacks

    Rosemary - 31 lb is awesome. It's always those last few pounds (trust me I have been working on them for 10 months now) that take the longest. It always seems guys have such an easier time of losing weight too. Aarrgghh. But you can do it. Maybe since you are working night, make your challenge to only snack on natural things and not anything processed. When being awake, it's hard for me not to want to much on SOMETHING. I keeps cases of water beside me and I have to drink a whole bottle first before I get up to eat anything. Sometimes, the water can just do it. But after three bottles in three hours, my stomach really just wants food :)

    diet45 - Great job. Setting an example for your family is awesome. Not Diet Dr. Pepper huh? I'm thinking of trying to cut out caffeine for six weeks and seeing if it makes a difference. I have done it for a week or two but then always give in. I want to see if it really makes a difference, so I'm guessing six weeks will make or break me. Keep up the great work!

    Jbrownell - welcome

    dewdrop - always thinkin' of ya!
  • cat71
    cat71 Posts: 5
    Ok im new and only just found this post, hope its not too late to join!? but i find night snacking is my biggest fight. I can eat reasonably good all day and then undo it in one tv show at night. Plus due to reflux waking me through the night, i now physically have to not eat past 8pm. that will be my cutoff, which means tonight i have 10 minutes to have desert.

    count me in, and i look forward to the challenge and support
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    7 me/snacks 4

    So my new cutoff for this week is 9 p.m. Backing it up slowly. Next week I'll back up by 15 minutes unless I know I'm going to be out late. But no more excuses. I will be 14 me by next Monday!!!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I am back to Day 1. My mom had another little setback so I dropped everything and went to stay with her. No computer or scale. Then I just lost track of the challenge and time. So, I am sure I either ate or drank somehting past my cut-off so I am starting over today. I really need this challenge and have to get back into the habit of thinking about it at night!
    Have a good day everyone and good luck tonight!
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Good to see u again Zaza :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Cat :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the ideas and encouragement Lula. I think I'll try to hit the water harder since I'm always short there. I also read today that a shortage of dopamine (a neurotransmitter) will make you crave high fat food even though you've had enough. I think I need to be more consistant with the exercise. If I'm remembering it right, does not dopamine increase with exercise? Anybody know? And how long does the effect last? Maybe I'll ask the boards.

    Did ok with the snacks at work, however after I had eaten all my good food had a snack size McFlurry from Mcdonalds. Should have had the lowfat cone instead (440 vs 260 about). So I'm over for today again :frown: I'm just going to have to get out and walk again so I can have a bit of supper later and not be screaming over.

    Me 6 Snacks 5
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Good to see u again Zaza :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Cat :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the ideas and encouragement Lula. I think I'll try to hit the water harder since I'm always short there. I also read today that a shortage of dopamine (a neurotransmitter) will make you crave high fat food even though you've had enough. I think I need to be more consistant with the exercise. If I'm remembering it right, does not dopamine increase with exercise? Anybody know? And how long does the effect last? Maybe I'll ask the boards.

    Did ok with the snacks at work, however after I had eaten all my good food had a snack size McFlurry from Mcdonalds. Should have had the lowfat cone instead (440 vs 260 about). So I'm over for today again :frown: I'm just going to have to get out and walk again so I can have a bit of supper later and not be screaming over.

    Me 6 Snacks 5

    Why are there two? Any tech swavy people know? Grammie here is still a bit tech challenged.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    8 me/4 snacks

    Woohoo. Still ahead of the came. Double my failures. Hopefully I can keep this going.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning-
    I made it thru Day 1. I almost blew it - glanced at the clock and saw I was just past cut-off time. So, nothing but water.
    Thanks for being here and having this challenge.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Just checking in.....

    Me 7 vs the Snacks 5
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