July 2010 - No more snacking after dinner



  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    9 me/4 them:explode:
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Me 8 / The Little Creeps 4

    Sorry bout my math - I just worked all night. I must be done :blushing:
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Me 8 / The Little Creeps 5
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I made it thru 2 nights! It's a start.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    You're on a roll for sure ZaZa. We all know once you get started - look out! :flowerforyou:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Thanks rosemary10. :laugh: I hope you're right, especially since my dear husband made brownies!! How tempting is that?:grumble:
    I'll have to go hide in my bedroom until morning.
    I wish you all a good night - full of willpower,
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Ok, I made it thru 3 nights. I did have 2 brownies, but before cut-off time (1 was actually before dinner).
    Last night was really a challenge because I got hungry watching TV and I hate to go to bed hungry. However, I just kept telling myself how disappointed I'd be to report here this morning that I blew it after only 2 nights so....thank you thank you for this challenge. The scale keeps creeping downwards in fractions of a pound, but I'll take it. I know this challenge works.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Way to go Zaza, and with brownies in the house to boot! I think you should count yourself for 2 days for that. :laugh: (I tend to play a little fast and loose with the snackin rules - probably the only thing in life). Well you know what, maybe if I was better controlled with food then other areas of my life would be better controlled also. Just thinking about where self control comes from and it's apparently pervasive presence in all areas of our lives. I'm glad for the growth I've seen this year so far in the area of self-control both with food and other daily disciplines but at the same time it would be nice to be farther along. There's always room for improvement ya know. Thoughts anyone?

    Hope everyone is doing well. If not, it's not too late because today is a NEW day and it all starts over again. :drinker:

    Me 9 vs Snacks 5
  • kvoelz1
    kvoelz1 Posts: 15 Member
    This is my biggest problem by far! I'm in. I'll report back tomorrow. I shall slay the late night snacking beast!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    11 me/4 them

    Still in the lead. Three more to have reached my goal of keeping it together this week. Setting the alarm on my watch last night really helped.

    "Little creeps". I love it Rosemary.
  • kvoelz1
    kvoelz1 Posts: 15 Member
    I had to work late last night and got home around 7 so ate dinner late. This helped. Tonight will be more challenging as I'm leaving early and more opportunity for mindless snacking. Plan will be to drink water and tea in the afternoon and a small snack to push off dinner until later.

    Woman 1/ Food 0!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    OK; I can't stay away from you for that long :wink:. So I am already back, planing to practice at this for August :wink:. Be prepared (I am, hehe) to see me failing every now and then, but to try again anew every day :bigsmile:. My cut-off is 10 this time. Better than the current 11 :blushing: .

    Glad to see that Lorna :flowerforyou: and Rosemary :flowerforyou: are still around :happy: and that Zaza is back :flowerforyou: . Good luck to everyone! Keep your fingers crossed for me :wink:.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Hi Dew, good to see you! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We missed you and are glad to have you back with us. That's one of the things I like about MFP, everyday you get to start over. Yeah we'll keep our fingers crossed and our toes. :wink:

    Kvoelz - like the "Dragon" imagery :flowerforyou:

    Lula - you're doing great! WTG :drinker:

    Me 9 vs Them 6 ........ came home late, ate and went straight to bed. Ate more than I needed.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I am up to 4 nights in a row!!:happy: It has been VERY hard and I just barely made my cut-off time of 9:30 pm for the past 3 nights, but I did it. Nothing but water after 9:30.
    Thank you guys - you are keeping me motivated!!:drinker:

    Dewdrop - so happy to see you again!!!:flowerforyou: I have every confidence you will do great. You started this challenge way back when - over a year ago. I know you can do this and, if you stumble, you will get right back up and keep going strong!!!

    kvoelz1, welcome to this great challange.

    I wish you all a wonderful week-end.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Way to go Zaza, and with brownies in the house to boot! I think you should count yourself for 2 days for that. :laugh: (I tend to play a little fast and loose with the snackin rules - probably the only thing in life). Well you know what, maybe if I was better controlled with food then other areas of my life would be better controlled also. Just thinking about where self control comes from and it's apparently pervasive presence in all areas of our lives. I'm glad for the growth I've seen this year so far in the area of self-control both with food and other daily disciplines but at the same time it would be nice to be farther along. There's always room for improvement ya know. Thoughts anyone?

    Hope everyone is doing well. If not, it's not too late because today is a NEW day and it all starts over again. :drinker:

    Me 9 vs Snacks 5
    I agree with you Rosemary both about self-control AND about starting over. We can strive to be better and do better, but we can't beat ourselves up too much about our shortcomings. I don't think it would be productive to dwell on the negative - we can only keep trying to do better. Easier said than done and that's why we help each other out here. Thanks to you rosemary and all you other wonderfully supportive ladies for your encouragement!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Ok How is everyone doing with no snacking after dinner? 0 snacks for me after dinner for the month of June and July!! I really don't even miss them. I'm just still trying to figure out how to eat all of my calories during the day. I have been trying raw almonds, but they have been giving me an upset stomach. Anyone else have this problem?
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    11 me/5 them :blushing:

    Daggoneit, they got me last night. But it was worth it, hanging out with hubby and BF. Ate light dinner, but it was late. But I did a lot of walking yesterday at an Art Scape festival, so calorie-wise I was good. Back to getting it straight.

    Hi Dew. Been missing ya lots! :flowerforyou:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, ladies!
    I did it! 1 day down :wink:.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    I beat the Little Thieving Snacks last night so it's:

    Me 10 vs LTSs 6

    Way to go Dew - you are In :flowerforyou:

    Nice work with the snacks Diet45. That must be some sort of a record; no snacks after dinner for June and July. Sounds like that is not a weak spot for you. Very admirable though, :flowerforyou: I haven't heard of anyone getting a stomach upset with almonds before. One possible reason may be that you are sensitive to high fat items if you get digestive issues with a high fat diet. Another reason may be that you're allergic to nuts in some way. Or the package may be bad. Do other nuts do this to you also or when you have a high fat item like say french-fries, does it happen again? If high fat items give you problems try to pick up extra calories with high carb items instread - like say whole grain crackers with low-fat cheese, or extra fruits. Blessings today for you :drinker: .
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Way to go Dew - you are In :flowerforyou:

    :love: cheers! I did it again - actually had no more food past 9 :drinker: . I also went to bed earlier as a consequence - hurray!
    Have a nice Sunday and a good start in the new week, everyone :flowerforyou:
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