When will weight really come off?



  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    Weight loss can fluctuate....but you mentioned measuring cups. If you are really having difficulty losing then try weighing everything as the measuring cups can be wildly inaccurate.

    Do you eat out a lot? Are you drinking a lot of water?

    How often do you weigh yourself? You could try weighing daily and using the Libra or HappyScale (?) app to see how you're trending, if you are on a downward trend you're good - maybe going slower than you'd like, but still good.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    napilibay wrote: »
    I know that it can be frustrating when you're not losing as much weight as you want to but try not to get disheartened. Weight loss is gradual and it's not linear. Remember that it's a lifestyle & not a race of any sorts. Those who run too fast often fall.

    Anyway, try to look into your diet and exercise regime to see whats stalling you're weight loss. To be perfectly honest, on 1300 calories & at you're current weight, the fat should be flying off. You should at least be losing 2lbs a week, so what I recommend is reviewing your intake. Are you really eating 1300 calories? Do you track your calories religiously? Do you weigh out all your food? Is there too much sodium in your diet? Are you drinking at least 2L's of water a day? & are you exercising?

    Thoroughly think through your answers to these questions, because there's no reason you shouldn't be losing at the very least 1.5lbs a week on this caloric intake. It's science. If you are doing everything mentioned above, I recommend seeking professional guidance.

    Best of luck ❤️.

    Yes doing all those things. I am having issues with constipation, wondering if that could be it? I eat all the right foods to combat it though.

    Usually constipation is a lack of dietary fat. Eat more fat.

    Really? I thought more fiber helped constipation- veggies, fruit, etc- and water. Haven't heard that fat does?

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    can you open your diary?
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    napilibay wrote: »
    napilibay wrote: »
    I know that it can be frustrating when you're not losing as much weight as you want to but try not to get disheartened. Weight loss is gradual and it's not linear. Remember that it's a lifestyle & not a race of any sorts. Those who run too fast often fall.

    Anyway, try to look into your diet and exercise regime to see whats stalling you're weight loss. To be perfectly honest, on 1300 calories & at you're current weight, the fat should be flying off. You should at least be losing 2lbs a week, so what I recommend is reviewing your intake. Are you really eating 1300 calories? Do you track your calories religiously? Do you weigh out all your food? Is there too much sodium in your diet? Are you drinking at least 2L's of water a day? & are you exercising?

    Thoroughly think through your answers to these questions, because there's no reason you shouldn't be losing at the very least 1.5lbs a week on this caloric intake. It's science. If you are doing everything mentioned above, I recommend seeking professional guidance.

    Best of luck ❤️.

    Yes doing all those things. I am having issues with constipation, wondering if that could be it? I eat all the right foods to combat it though.

    Usually constipation is a lack of dietary fat. Eat more fat.

    MFP gives me 50g daily fat. I typically eat 35-50

    That is kind of a big difference though: if one day you eat 35g of fat and another you eat 50g. I mean it isn't the end of the world, but from my experience it's estimates and approximations that tend to cause the most issues.

    For example, if you eat approximately 1,300 calories/day . . . but you're eye balling your food or you have a package that has so much per XX serving size, but that weight might not be exact and when you're already at 1,200 - 1,300/day to lose you do not have much room for error and being off, even by 50 calories/meal, could add up to a lot over the course of a day depending on how often you eat. Just some food for thought . . . best to be absolutely certain how much you're eating as much as possible.
  • napilibay
    napilibay Posts: 121 Member
    can you open your diary?

    It's open, thanks
  • napilibay
    napilibay Posts: 121 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Can you open your diary?

    Done, thanks
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    napilibay wrote: »
    can you open your diary?

    It's open, thanks

    scales not cups for measuring... cups aren't accurate.

    your sodium is high, make sure you're drinking enough water.

    What did you eat friday when you didnt log?
  • wwkwag
    wwkwag Posts: 60 Member
    napilibay wrote: »
    can you open your diary?

    It's open, thanks

    scales not cups for measuring... cups aren't accurate.

    your sodium is high, make sure you're drinking enough water.

    What did you eat friday when you didnt log?

    Yes to this....

    I used to not weigh things such as liquids and fruits and vegetables. I would just log as "medium" or measure in cups. After I changed that and started weighing everything in grams (or ml), it helped a great deal. It was amazing how much I was missing by not literally weighing everything.
  • napilibay
    napilibay Posts: 121 Member
    napilibay wrote: »
    can you open your diary?

    It's open, thanks

    scales not cups for measuring... cups aren't accurate.

    your sodium is high, make sure you're drinking enough water.

    What did you eat friday when you didnt log?

    OK, Friday I had a chicken salad at restaurant with hardly any dressing.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2016
    Okay.. I scanned your diary..

    1) You are not weighing all solids, like apples, oats, berries, bananas, etc.

    2) Oils, Dressings, sunflower seeds etc are using tablespoons and other entries using cups.

    3) I see various quick adds

    4) I saw one day Oct 15 not logged at all.

    5) I saw one day eating low calories at 1137..

    While I might think that 1280 is low, you are most likely eating a good bit more than you think, hense my comment mentioned about possibly eating too low, but this negates that as you are probably eating more, cutting into your deficit each day..

    Besides cleaning up your diary, I would choose to eat back your exercise calories while following your method at 1280 .. I personally do not like to recommend eat below their BMR, you should be fueling your body properly especially when exercising.

    If you have a decent amount of body fat you can sustain larger deficits. However it is inadvisable to cut food beyond a certain level hence MFP's 1200 minimum. Some people could safely go below that but they are exceptions. If you have a decent amount of weight to lose then honestly eating 100 below BMR is probably not a big deal, but as you lose more weight it will be.

  • napilibay
    napilibay Posts: 121 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Okay.. I scanned your diary..

    1) You are not weighing all solids, like apples, oats, berries, bananas, etc.

    2) Oils, Dressings, sunflower seeds etc are using tablespoons and other entries using cups.

    3) I see various quick adds

    4) I saw one day Oct 15 not logged at all.

    5) I saw one day eating low calories at 1137..

    While I might think that 1280 is low, you are most likely eating a good bit more than you think, hense my comment mentioned about possibly eating too low, but this negates that as you are probably eating more, cutting into your deficit each day..

    Besides cleaning up your diary, I would choose to eat back your exercise calories while following your method at 1280 .. I personally do not like to recommend eat below their BMR, you should be fueling your body properly especially when exercising.

    If you have a decent amount of body fat you can sustain larger deficits. However it is inadvisable to cut food beyond a certain level hence MFP's 1200 minimum. Some people could safely go below that but they are exceptions. If you have a decent amount of weight to lose then honestly eating 100 below BMR is probably not a big deal, but as you lose more weight it will be.

    OK thank you
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited October 2016
    Your original post says you were down to 163 from 170. That's a 7 pound loss over 9 weeks - almost 1 pound/week. That's pretty good.

    You then say you're now 167. The advice to count calories more accurately (by weighing) is good advice, but bouncing back up to 167 from 163 right after starting to exercise more sounds like water retention to me. Muscles retain water when they're repairing post-workout. Once your body is used to a particular workout, the water weight flushes out. Also, TOM can be a factor.

    So, keep at it. Try weighing your food for a more accurate record of your intake. And wait for the water weigh to flush. It can take a couple of weeks (and retaining 5 pounds of water is incredibly easy). To help the process along, drink lots of water and try not to go too overboard with sodium.
  • Sara1791
    Sara1791 Posts: 760 Member
    Your original post says you were down to 163 from 170. That's a 7 pound loss over 9 weeks - almost 1 pound/week. That's pretty good.

    I was wondering when someone was going to notice that. That's almost spot on OP's goal of a pound a week.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Listen to @SusanMFindlay - yes, tighten up logging, but seeing a few lb jump right after starting a new workout routine is pretty common. For an example - I couldn't make it to the gym last week at all :(. Went yesterday for the first time in a week and lo and behold I'm up 3 lbs as of this morning (since yesterday morning). I know I didn't eat 10500 calories over maintenance yesterday (3500x3 = the amount of calories needed to gain 3 lbs of fat), so I know it is simply water weight from the work out. It will drop off once I get back into my routine. Drink some water, keep at your workouts, and you will see the number on the scale drop back down in due course!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2016

    I was wondering when someone was going to notice that. That's almost spot on OP's goal of a pound a week. [/quote]

    Yep.. all of the fluctuation stuff was covered previously on the first page.

    Take the facts, she is constipated, she is fluctuating up in weight, she is actually underestimating her calorie intake hense eating more than she thinks meaning her calorie deficit is now dwindling downwards.. and perhaps there are some lower calorie days that are indeed correct. She is exercising and not eating them back per the MFP method.. She is also unnecessarily eating below her BMR at her current weight (she can get away with this part for only a short while longer).

    So there are many things that OP needs to work on in order to get back on track and perhaps stop compounding the scale weight.

  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    edited October 2016

    So you lost 6.9 lbs in the first seven weeks, but sometime in the last two weeks you regained appx 3 lbs and in that time frame you also started strength training (in addition to walking). When did you begin strength training? You mentioned two weeks ago you were about 164, now you are 167 - did you weigh yourself at all in the interim? Could you elaborate on "ongoing constipation" (I know it's tmi, but that's what we're here for, lol) - how long has that been going on? Is it simply frequency issues or are you having trouble going, or just doing little rabbit pellets when you are able to go? Did the first seven lbs come off steadily, or was most of it in the first two weeks?
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    napilibay wrote: »
    napilibay wrote: »
    I know that it can be frustrating when you're not losing as much weight as you want to but try not to get disheartened. Weight loss is gradual and it's not linear. Remember that it's a lifestyle & not a race of any sorts. Those who run too fast often fall.

    Anyway, try to look into your diet and exercise regime to see whats stalling you're weight loss. To be perfectly honest, on 1300 calories & at you're current weight, the fat should be flying off. You should at least be losing 2lbs a week, so what I recommend is reviewing your intake. Are you really eating 1300 calories? Do you track your calories religiously? Do you weigh out all your food? Is there too much sodium in your diet? Are you drinking at least 2L's of water a day? & are you exercising?

    Thoroughly think through your answers to these questions, because there's no reason you shouldn't be losing at the very least 1.5lbs a week on this caloric intake. It's science. If you are doing everything mentioned above, I recommend seeking professional guidance.

    Best of luck ❤️.

    Yes doing all those things. I am having issues with constipation, wondering if that could be it? I eat all the right foods to combat it though.

    Usually constipation is a lack of dietary fat. Eat more fat.

    MFP gives me 50g daily fat. I typically eat 35-50

    Fat didn't help me with constipation. I started bulking my meals with more vegetables and it made a world of difference.
  • napilibay
    napilibay Posts: 121 Member
    Sara1791 wrote: »
    Your original post says you were down to 163 from 170. That's a 7 pound loss over 9 weeks - almost 1 pound/week. That's pretty good.

    I was wondering when someone was going to notice that. That's almost spot on OP's goal of a pound a week.

    My setting isn't updating properly.. I was almost 167 today.
  • napilibay
    napilibay Posts: 121 Member
    Your original post says you were down to 163 from 170. That's a 7 pound loss over 9 weeks - almost 1 pound/week. That's pretty good.

    You then say you're now 167. The advice to count calories more accurately (by weighing) is good advice, but bouncing back up to 167 from 163 right after starting to exercise more sounds like water retention to me. Muscles retain water when they're repairing post-workout. Once your body is used to a particular workout, the water weight flushes out. Also, TOM can be a factor.

    So, keep at it. Try weighing your food for a more accurate record of your intake. And wait for the water weigh to flush. It can take a couple of weeks (and retaining 5 pounds of water is incredibly easy). To help the process along, drink lots of water and try not to go too overboard with sodium.

    Thank you. It sounds like between extra sodium, constipation, and strength training I will wait and see where things shake out in a couple weeks
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    napilibay wrote: »
    napilibay wrote: »
    I know that it can be frustrating when you're not losing as much weight as you want to but try not to get disheartened. Weight loss is gradual and it's not linear. Remember that it's a lifestyle & not a race of any sorts. Those who run too fast often fall.

    Anyway, try to look into your diet and exercise regime to see whats stalling you're weight loss. To be perfectly honest, on 1300 calories & at you're current weight, the fat should be flying off. You should at least be losing 2lbs a week, so what I recommend is reviewing your intake. Are you really eating 1300 calories? Do you track your calories religiously? Do you weigh out all your food? Is there too much sodium in your diet? Are you drinking at least 2L's of water a day? & are you exercising?

    Thoroughly think through your answers to these questions, because there's no reason you shouldn't be losing at the very least 1.5lbs a week on this caloric intake. It's science. If you are doing everything mentioned above, I recommend seeking professional guidance.

    Best of luck ❤️.

    Yes doing all those things. I am having issues with constipation, wondering if that could be it? I eat all the right foods to combat it though.

    Usually constipation is a lack of dietary fat. Eat more fat.

    MFP gives me 50g daily fat. I typically eat 35-50

    Fat didn't help me with constipation. I started bulking my meals with more vegetables and it made a world of difference.

    It was already addressed in the thread... Fat and fiber. Usually the cause around these parts is the unnecessary reduction of fat.