Why is 40 called the, "New Twenty"?



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't understand why people think 30's and 40's is old, though. Because it's not old. It's young, healthy, fit, hot, energetic, classy. With the added confidence and maturity. I think people have misperception about age. So, maybe when they get to 40 and realize how young and alive they are, they think 40 is the new 20. Instead of realizing that's what 40 is. People place funny expectations on people based on age and certain types of status. Actually mostly on women. I think it's great to break those expectations any chance you can (in a good way, of course). While also not fighting against the natural process of getting older. But, that just means to do whatever you want.

    Though it made me smile when I told my grandmother that she looked great at 80, and she said 80 is the new 60 right?
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    I don't understand why people think 30's and 40's is old, though. Because it's not old. It's young, healthy, fit, hot, energetic, classy. With the added confidence and maturity. I think people have misperception about age. So, maybe when they get to 40 and realize how young and alive they are, they think 40 is the new 20. Instead of realizing that's what 40 is. People place funny expectations on people based on age and certain types of status. Actually mostly on women. I think it's great to break those expectations any chance you can (in a good way, of course). While also not fighting against the natural process of getting older. But, that just means to do whatever you want.

    Though it made me smile when I told my grandmother that she looked great at 80, and she said 80 is the new 60 right?

  • StacywithaY
    StacywithaY Posts: 117 Member
    Ppl who are sad about being 40 made it up to make themselves feel better
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    total_e wrote: »
    cuz 40 yr old men are fkkin hawt!
    cuz 40 yr old men are fkkin hawt!

    This is true

    Where were y'all when I was 40?? lol

    considering that youre 99, i wasnt born yet.

    99 is the new 98...
  • FitGirl_Running
    FitGirl_Running Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 58. My parents and their generation, and even a lot of people from my generation had the preconceived notion that once you were a certain age, your body just wore out. It was your destiny to barely be able to get out of bed in the morning and hobble around all day because you had so many aches and pains. You were ready for the rocking chair. That philosophy is now being turned on its head. Not so long ago it was incomprehensible that people over 40 would be running marathons. People in their nineties are running marathons! Speaking for myself, I had grown up unathletic. Because I believed that was just the way it was, I never dreamed I could run a mile, much less a half marathon, and I didn't even start running until I was 53! I was in better shape at 55 than I had been at 40...even when I was 20! So that might be a reason people say 40 is the new 20. I've beaten more than one 20 year old in a race, and I've spun circles around several youngsters in spin class. Not to mention there have been folks much older than I who have whupped my sorry butt in a race or on a spin bike. The old saying really is true! USE IT OR LOSE IT!
  • FitGirl_Running
    FitGirl_Running Posts: 12 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Current average life expectancy for American women is 81.1 years.

    Current average life expectancy for American men is 76.4 years.

    The collective midpoint for women is 40 years and six months old.

    The collective midpoint for men is 38 years and 5 months old.

    Men and women older than the collective midpoint, are, on average, past their middle age and have lived more than half their lives already.

    And that's pretty much it. The rest of the perky declarations concerning age - including 40 is the new 30, 50 is the new 40 and 70 is still young - are exercises in whistling in the dark.

    Q- Do you know why husbands die before their wives?

    A - We want to.

  • FitGirl_Running
    FitGirl_Running Posts: 12 Member
    And sometimes we wish you would! B)
  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    ilfaith wrote: »
    I am pretty sure that nobody who is 20 is saying 40 is the new 20. They just think people in their 40s are old.

    But at 47, I don't feel much older than I did in my 20s. And when i take off my glasses and everything is fuzzy, I don't think I look much older either.

    But eyebrows, though.

    I'm 47, too, and mine are growing rampant I can't see them to do owt about it!
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    Because 40 candles are just too many to put on a birthday cake, easier to scale it down 50% :D
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    And sometimes we wish you would! B)

  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited October 2016
    The phrase was coined by Babyboomers, like me, who are generally more fit and active than their parents and who want to put a positive spin on aging.

    Call it "denial" if you like but, despite the slogan, all of us in this boat realize that things change (generally not for the better) as we age.

    FWIW, I'm 66 but most people think I'm in my 40's due to good genes, eating well, taking care of my heath and working out which give me a fit and muscular appearance that most "young" people do not associate w/senior citizens like me.

    Even so, I agree that 66 is still 66 and no one can avoid the ravages of old age. I watched my father rapidly decline and die of emphysema at 89 and then watched my mother slowly (painfully so) decline until she passed at 101.

    So, I am under no delusions. My time will come, as it will for every one. I just hope to remain as fit and healthy as I can for as long as I can.
  • Tr4pQueen
    Tr4pQueen Posts: 127 Member
    I don't know 'bout you, but I'm feeling 22
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    Because 70 is the new:


    Cher @70 yrs old
  • InfoomaousTete
    InfoomaousTete Posts: 1,383 Member
    edited October 2016
    The only thing I want back from my 20s is my metabolism! I'll be 43 in Feb and I love my age, IDGF about any *kitten* that doesn't bring joy or happiness to my life and only give AF about the people closest to me. Just remember...

  • InfoomaousTete
    InfoomaousTete Posts: 1,383 Member
    Villae81 wrote: »
    jajomo0118 wrote: »
    The only thing I want back from my 20s is my metabolism! I'll be 43 in Feb and I love my age, IDGF about any *kitten* that doesn't bring joy or happiness to my life and only give AF about the people closest to me. Just remember...


    You still have your metabolism

    Thanks Capt. Obvious, I wasn't aware this was a serious convo about age related metabolic decline and weight gain.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Because 70 is the new:


    Cher @70 yrs old

    But in all fairness to the common folk, Cher has been completely reconstructed over the years with plastic $urgery, from head to toe. Including getting ribs removed to give her waist the appearance of being more cinched.


    How old do you think I am?
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Because 70 is the new:


    Cher @70 yrs old

    But in all fairness to the common folk, Cher has been completely reconstructed over the years with plastic $urgery, from head to toe. Including getting ribs removed to give her waist the appearance of being more cinched.


    How old do you think I am?

    Can't tell by the pic. Profile says 35 though.

    Profile is not correct.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    Villae81 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Because 70 is the new:


    Cher @70 yrs old

    But in all fairness to the common folk, Cher has been completely reconstructed over the years with plastic $urgery, from head to toe. Including getting ribs removed to give her waist the appearance of being more cinched.


    How old do you think I am?

    Can't tell by the pic. Profile says 35 though.

    Guess me!

    12 ?
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    people say at 101 i still look cute. i tell them to get their eyes checked. :)
  • solquest1976
    solquest1976 Posts: 125 Member
    I don't understand why people think 30's and 40's is old, though. Because it's not old. It's young, healthy, fit, hot, energetic, classy. With the added confidence and maturity. I think people have misperception about age. So, maybe when they get to 40 and realize how young and alive they are, they think 40 is the new 20. Instead of realizing that's what 40 is. People place funny expectations on people based on age and certain types of status. Actually mostly on women. I think it's great to break those expectations any chance you can (in a good way, of course). While also not fighting against the natural process of getting older. But, that just means to do whatever you want.

    Though it made me smile when I told my grandmother that she looked great at 80, and she said 80 is the new 60 right?

    You're right! 30's & 40's aren't old at all...heck, I don't even look at 50's as "old".