What is your favorite breakfast?



  • rachelakai2
    rachelakai2 Posts: 51 Member
    Truly Latte Protein shake. I get my coffee fix and my protein shake all in one shot!
    I drink it about 6:30am right after the gym.
  • waylandcool
    waylandcool Posts: 175 Member
    During the week it's either 2 scrambled eggs and bacon or a egg sandwich in the cafeteria at work along with some orange juice. If I'm running late, I stop at McDonalds for an Egg White delight McMuffin and a small OJ.

    On weekends, it's Kashi cereal and a glass of OJ.
  • sakuragreenlily
    sakuragreenlily Posts: 334 Member
    I always have a banana or some whole grain crackers and NUTrition energy mix peanut butter (cinnamon and raisin) before my morning workout, then I eat 1 whole egg + 1 egg white before work.

    NUTrition Energy Mix should be illegal or at least sold behind the counter with an ID required and only so much you can buy within a 12 month period. That stuff is too good. You could seriously develop an addiction, lol.
  • SansyPansy
    SansyPansy Posts: 17
    Breakfast is my favorite meal! At least... it is when I can have pancakes and waffles and eggs and bacon and... oh boy.

    I've been trying to cut down. On work days I have scrambled eggs, bacon and a biscuit. Still not healthy... I'm thinking of switching to oatmeal and fruit. I just hope it keeps me full.

    On weekends.. well im lazy so im never up in time for breakfast :wink:
  • tfpdunn
    tfpdunn Posts: 68 Member
    Egg white omelette with spinach and feta....HEAVEN
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    I take a tub of plain greek yogurt (16 oz.) and mix in a packet of cheesecake-flavored jello pudding mix. I usually have about 4-5 oz. for breakfast each day. It's like eating cheesecake-flavored frosting for breakfast.

    I tried this and it is wonderful! I put a little on a whole wheat english muffin with blackberries and strawberries. It was like a mini fruit pizza - yum!
  • Senneth12
    Senneth12 Posts: 72
    Most mornings, it's one of these three things
    1) oatmeal. Not the instant stuff. With lots of cinnamon, fresh apples or blueberries if I have them, and if not frozen cherries (defrost first) or raisins.
    2) Greek yogurt and a banana
    3) If I feel like I can't eat anything, 8oz of skim milk and 4oz of orange juice. It's certainly not ideal, but it's better than nothing.
  • frankyk89
    frankyk89 Posts: 173 Member
    Overnight Oats - fast, easy, made the night before = grab and go. If I have time in the mornings I will fry up 4 eggs. and a cup of coffee, gotta have my coffee.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    I take a tub of plain greek yogurt (16 oz.) and mix in a packet of cheesecake-flavored jello pudding mix. I usually have about 4-5 oz. for breakfast each day. It's like eating cheesecake-flavored frosting for breakfast.

    I can't explain how genius this is. You may have changed my world. lol

    such a good idea. I am so going to try this? Is it less sugar then fruit on teh bottom greek yogurt?

    Yes! One container of Oikos Fruit on the bottom has about 130 calories with 20 grams of sugar. Two ounces of "frosting" with an ounce of blackberries on a Trader Joe's Whole Wheat English Muffin is only 6 grams of sugar and 186 calories (66 calories and 4 grams of sugar without the muffin).