When did you decide to get serious about getting fit?



  • Suzyp0414
    Suzyp0414 Posts: 22 Member
    Many reasons.

    1- every time I have seen a recent picture I just figured it was a bad angle, then I realized, it's not a bad angle, my face is really that round.
    2- getting a size 12 suit for work, in my head I am a size 8 which I still think is too big for me
    3- watching my mom be insecure and unhappy about her weight and she's in her 50's, I am turning into her more and more everyday, not that theres anything wrong with her but she is clearly not happy about her weight and I don't want that for me.
    4- feeling bitter and jealous about girls who can wear shorts and dresses in this hot weather while I'm trying to figure out how to stay cool while covering up
    5- my kids snap candid photos of me from unflattering angles, which then I decided no more tank tops since my arms look so fat
    7- really, what am I waiting for?
    8- making a list of what I want out of my life, and realizing that there are things that I can control and change, weight being one of them
    9- stopped using wine to make myself feel better., this has been the real kick start because once I wake up with a clear head, its easier to get out of bed and workout, also its easier to eat healthy instead of wanting that grease to make you feel better.
    10- my best friend is naturally skinny 5'9 120 lbs and eats garbage while I'm now 5'5 155-160. I have always felt like the side kick while she gets compliments and guys hitting on her and I don't theres obviously a reason.
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    When we went to Disney and had a family photo done. I was the one hiding behind the stroller. Never again!!!
  • damionruns
    damionruns Posts: 38 Member
    Wow, you people are awesome..i can relate to sooo much of what you all are saying...i have been yo-yoing for years...i got tired of it...i got tired of being the reference point ("man that guy is big, he's bigger than you!)...got tired of putting off the races i wanted to do....got tired of not wearing the clothes in my closet that i bought from when i first lost a lot of weight...tired of not looking like i want to in my clothes....the tipping point was when when someone close to me let me know that the suit jacket i was wearing, really didn't fit....ugh...then...for whatever reason...james gandolfini dying had a profound effect on me..maybe because we were similar sizes...maybe being 35, i don't see 51 as something very far away...but... something clicked..i had had enough, and began to believe not only that i could change, but that i would change...i signed up for my race and did it..i'm signing up for another one in august..stopped thinking negatively. and speaking negatively about myself...believed God instead of my emotions...i love reading your stories, they just add fuel to my fire, thanks!
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    In March of this year. I kept kidding myself thinking I would start my diet the next day...then the next day. Etc.

    I finally decided to take control of what I ate and get moving...30 pounds later, I am so glad I made that decision. This has been surprisingly easy and that has helped me stay motivated.