Can i lose 40 lbs in 4months?



  • MiniMansell1964
    MiniMansell1964 Posts: 188 Member
    llbrixon wrote: »
    Let's get real....I am not trying to start an argument, have only lost 11 pounds in 7 months. Why haven't you lost the weight already?

    I've been debating for a while on whether or not to respond to what you wrote. I decided that for the sake of OP, I needed to. What you wrote is extremely rude and incredibly insensitive. She has lost weight, and that is the important part regardless of the road she has ahead of her. Didn't your mother ever tell you if you didn't have anything nice to say not to say anything at all? Shame on you. Losing weight is one of the most difficult things a person can do. They certainly don't need snarky remarks from somebody they don't even know. I was asking for advice, not insults.

    OP- just keep plugging along. Losing it slowly is the way to go, trust me.

    there are two viewpoints on this to be honest.

    one is yes, it was rude.
    the other is, 11lbs in 7 months is not really trying hard at all.

    sometimes people just need to hear the truth
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    oneteddy wrote: »
    I want to say thank you to everyone giving me positive feedback. I want to let everybody know that although my goal is 150 that is my ultimate goal I'm going on vacation with my husband the first time ever in 12 years never had a honeymoon I've always struggled with my weight and for once I want to feel good in my skin so yes I am putting myself under a lot of pressure to be at my goal by the time we go on vacation. Butt I would be happy just being closer to my goal I would like to lose a pound a week I seem to be struggling. I'm going to go back to weighing and measuring all my food and gotten away from it and I'm going to try and increasing my exercise.
    Thanks a lot to everyone

    Great! Even if you don't get there, you can be considerably closer. The time will pass either way, so be a little kinder to yourself. No point in being miserable for the next four months just to be frustrated with yourself once you get there. Congratulations on the honeymoon! After all these years, sounds like a great time to get away and spend time together.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    2048Bit wrote: »
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    You were morbidly obese and lost 10lbs a month over 10 months

    So you have been eating at an 1100 calorie per day defecit

    Don't know your stats but let's pretend you're a moderately active 200lb, 35 year old male at around 5'8 ...your TDEE would be around 3000 calories a day

    You were not ingesting 800- 1000 cals and working out twice a day that would have put you in net negative and over 10 months you would have lost a damn sight more weight

    I was 318, I'm 33 and I'm 5'10". You also have zero way of knowing my metabolism. My doctor suggested we do 800 - 1000 after 1500-1800 maintained. With my physiology I started gaining at about 2000 calories per day.

    The silly part of all of your math is that it doesn't take into consideration anything personal about whomever it's being applied to.

    It's really common for doctors to just suggest that people eat less (even really low amounts like 1000 or 1200) if they aren't having success at a higher number. That's because doctors tend to assume people don't count well and are really eating lots more than they think.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    2048Bit wrote: »
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    You were morbidly obese and lost 10lbs a month over 10 months

    So you have been eating at an 1100 calorie per day defecit

    Don't know your stats but let's pretend you're a moderately active 200lb, 35 year old male at around 5'8 ...your TDEE would be around 3000 calories a day

    You were not ingesting 800- 1000 cals and working out twice a day that would have put you in net negative and over 10 months you would have lost a damn sight more weight

    I was 318, I'm 33 and I'm 5'10". You also have zero way of knowing my metabolism. My doctor suggested we do 800 - 1000 after 1500-1800 maintained. With my physiology I started gaining at about 2000 calories per day.

    The silly part of all of your math is that it doesn't take into consideration anything personal about whomever it's being applied to.

    It's really common for doctors to just suggest that people eat less (even really low amounts like 1000 or 1200) if they aren't having success at a higher number. That's because doctors tend to assume people don't count well and are really eating lots more than they think.


    If I read a thread and see signs that the OP is not logging properly, I will say yes go ahead and cut calories even if the calorie level the OP thinks/says he is eating is lower than I would normally suggest. (And keep in mind that I am an "eat as much as possible while losing weight" kind of person.) It doesn't matter how much you think you are eating because your body operates based on actual biology/physics, not fantasy/wishing/hoping/thinking, and your fat loss will follow accordingly.
  • MiniMansell1964
    MiniMansell1964 Posts: 188 Member
    I didnt intend on being rude but cico is the only way.

    the maths is simple. if someone is on a daily deficit of 50c or 100c their weight loss will be very very slow.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    Is 11 pounds in 7 months slow? That would be 0.4 pounds lost per week. That is slow-ish but its not glacial. If OP is 188 pounds and wants to get to 150 that isn't THAT much to lose. Could she reasonable lose another 15 pounds in 4 months...yeah, definately. 40 in 4 Is the added stress of pushing herself past her natural limit worth "speeding up" the weight loss when right now she is losing weight? Well, not sure it is really. She isn't in a weight category where her health is in immediate jepordy so there is no need to lose the weight NOW. What is more important is the weight eventually comes off and if its more likely to come of doing what she has been doing rather than risk burning out from stress trying to push herself harder than she naturally will do is that really the best advice?

    Agreed. 11 pounds in 7 months seems like a nice sustainable rate to me.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    shredcamps wrote: »
    I didnt intend on being rude but cico is the only way.

    the maths is simple. if someone is on a daily deficit of 50c or 100c their weight loss will be very very slow.

    Not arguing with you about the math, just that laziness isn't the only reason someone may experience slower than desired/expected losses. :smile:
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    scrocke wrote: »
    Wow, this is why I don't post for this kind of advice. There is so much snark, bad attitude, and poor information to weed through it is hard to find a useful nugget of recommendation(s).

    I disagree. There has been a tremendous amount of helpful information here... with just a couple of pieces of bad advice and some negativity.

    OP I think it is great you have lost some weight so far and want to continue losing because you are excited about a trip with your spouse. I'm generally not a fan of deadline based weight loss goals because they tend to put undue pressure on a person, and often lead to taking drastic, unsustainable measures. That said, I think with increased attention on your logging, setting a goal of losing 1 lb/week, and some focus on strength training - you would likely see great results that would make you (and hubby) very happy without making the next four months miserable. Because let's be honest, you want to spend the next four months looking forward to your big trip, not stressing about what you are going to weigh, cutting back calories too aggressively so that you are crabby, tired and miserable in the mean time.

    Good luck!
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited October 2016
    scrocke wrote: »
    Wow, this is why I don't post for this kind of advice. There is so much snark, bad attitude, and poor information to weed through it is hard to find a useful nugget of recommendation(s).

    There is some of that but most of the posts are pretty informative if you read them. The discussions can be rather tangled at times but most are pretty much in agreement that it's not worth pushing it that hard. If you are looking for diverse opinions it's not bad but if you want bias confirmation/permission and are just cherry picking for those that tell you what you want to hear than their isn't any point in posting here anyway. The OP got a lot of useful advise and understands that, but unfortunately she did get some rude/snarky answers and that's just the way it always is on a large public forum.

    I wish you the best in your weight loss.

  • MiniMansell1964
    MiniMansell1964 Posts: 188 Member
    oneteddy wrote: »
    shredcamps wrote: »
    llbrixon wrote: »
    Let's get real....I am not trying to start an argument, have only lost 11 pounds in 7 months. Why haven't you lost the weight already?

    I've been debating for a while on whether or not to respond to what you wrote. I decided that for the sake of OP, I needed to. What you wrote is extremely rude and incredibly insensitive. She has lost weight, and that is the important part regardless of the road she has ahead of her. Didn't your mother ever tell you if you didn't have anything nice to say not to say anything at all? Shame on you. Losing weight is one of the most difficult things a person can do. They certainly don't need snarky remarks from somebody they don't even know. I was asking for advice, not insults.

    OP- just keep plugging along. Losing it slowly is the way to go, trust me.

    there are two viewpoints on this to be honest.

    one is yes, it was rude.
    the other is, 11lbs in 7 months is not really trying hard at all.

    sometimes people just need to hear the truth

    Yeah that was rude you don't know me you don't know my story you don't have the right to say something like that!!!!

    When people post online why do they only want to see happy replies?

    if you dont like the answers, dont ask the questions.
  • red99ryder
    red99ryder Posts: 399 Member
    I rally think half the battle is caring about what you weigh .. at least for me when I gained I did not care and just ate how ever much I felt like .. unfortunately

    TO OP ... keep caring and you will get where your going ..

    Good luck
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    When I was reading your post I thought to myself "this guy sounds like an infomercial"...then I got to the end of your post and realized I was reading an infomercial.

    When you boot this guy's post MFP feel free to boot my response as well.

    No kidding
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited October 2016