I feel so ashamed



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    I'm glad to hear you are going to start. You're going to rock that bikini in Spain next summer.

    When I started, I also had that all-or-nothing-perfectionist thought process. Luckily the sane people on these boards talked me down.

    It's just not possible (and not necessary) to do weight-loss perfectly. I had many skipped workouts, many sweet treats that put me over my goal, many times of feeling sorry for myself for the mess I got myself in.

    I'll tell you, good nutrition fixes a lot of stuff. I had no clue because I had been eating such a nutritionally void life for so long. To put on the 70 pounds I needed to lose, you can bet there were a lot of pie and ice cream suppers.

    @starrrjo you can do it. Log all your food today. Don't even worry about how much you are eating, just log it. That's how I started. Take a 20 minute walk if you can - maybe park further away, or get off the bus a couple stops early. Add some sliced cucumber or tomato to your meal. Little things add up and when I started getting the right types of foods, I not only lost 70 pounds, but I've kept it off for nine years, and I feel so much better.

    And don't beat yourself up. :)
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    starrrjo wrote: »
    I just feel awful.
    The motivation that I would usually get was always minimal but now it's non-existent.
    I really need help starting because in my head I keep saying 'I'll start tomorrow' and then I still eat like a greedy pig. Arghhhh I just want to scream. Losing weight is all I think about but I never do anything about it. I'm constantly looking at what kind of outfits I would wear if I wasn't so fat and I picture myself in a body I will never have but want so badly.

    I make myself feel sick when i look in the mirror to the point where I wont look in one anymore.
    I wish someone could help because I just can't seem to help myself.

    its hard because when most of us "diet" we are always hungry. I started low carb high fat in January, self imposed 1500 cals a day, have not been hungry or had cravings, had not done any exercise until this week and have lost 108 pounds. check out dietdoctor.com. you dont have to buy anything. there are other sites too and groups here. I lost over 5 pounds the first week.....thats motivating